
  1. 再接下来便是一个探讨身份、失去和记忆的三幕剧。伍迪·艾伦和大卫·林奇都曾受到这出三幕剧的影响。

    What follows is a three-act drama about identity , loss and memory , one that influenced directors from Woody Allen to David Lynch .

  2. 吴宇森的招牌风格,诸如兄弟情意和以弱胜强的对抗仍在影片中占有主导地位,但为实用而编写的剧本对原故事大部分戏剧性的错综复杂的情节和人物角色多变难控的关系有所改动,重新改编成易于遵循的三幕剧结构。

    Such signature themes as male bonding and David-and-Goliath face-offs still drive the action , but the functional script has dismantled much of the original story 's dramatic intricacies and character complexities , then reassembled it into a easy-to-follow three-act structure .

  3. 这个三幕剧提醒着我们:人与自然的关系是共享,而不是对立。第三,麦尔维尔通过《白鲸》这个寓言式故事,带给我们诸多启示和思考。

    The three-act play is reminding us : the right relationship between man and nature is sharing , rather than confronting . Thirdly , through the novel & Moby Dick , which is kind of a fable , Melville gives us a lot of inspirations and reflections .

  4. 这些人物的不同命运表达了麦尔维尔对人与自然关系的一种看法&尊敬自然者得救,蔑视自然者灭亡。其次,从情节上看,我们可以将小说看作是一出三幕剧。

    The entirely different fates of these people expressed this idea : the people who respect the nature will be saved , while the people who disdain the natural will be perished . Secondly , we can see the novel as a three-act play from the part of the plot .