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  1. 实验材料:K562细胞株来自第三军医大学分子遗传教研室。

    Experiment material : K562 was from the department of molecular genetics .

  2. 材料:20只健康雌性BALB/c裸小鼠,SPF级,体质量(10±2)g,鼠龄3~4周,购自第三军医大学实验动物中心。

    MATERIALS : Twenty specific pathogen free ( SPF ) normal female BALB / c nude mice weighing ( 10 ± 2 ) g , aged 3 to 4 weeks , were purchased from the Experimental Animal Center of the Third Military Medical University .

  3. 昆明种小鼠100只,体质量18~22g,雌雄兼用,均由第三军医大学实验动物中心提供。

    One hundred Kunming mice of either sex , weighted varied from 18 to 22 g were employed , provided by Experimental Animal Center of Third Military Medical University of Chinese PLA .

  4. 目的总结第三军医大学西南医院肝移植时血管及胆管重建的经验。

    Objective To summarize the vascular and bile duct reconstruction experience in 40 cases of orthotopic liver transplantation in the southwest hepatobiliary surgery hospital .

  5. 重庆第三军医大学店是富驿酒店集团旗下的第十家富驿时尚酒店,地处重庆市沙坪坝区中心,交通十分便利。

    FX Hotel Chongqing is FX Hotel Group's10th FX Hotel , located in the heart of Shapingba District , which has a convenient transportation .

  6. 结合第三军医大学西南医院的实践,介绍重症监护信息系统的临床应用。

    Combining with the practices of Southwest Hospital , Third Military Medical University , the paper introduces the clinical application of intensive care information system .

  7. 在第三军医大学中使用的医院信息管理系统(HIS)是在总后卫生部的组织之下与一些医院合作开发出的系统。

    The Hospital Information System ( HIS ), which is used in the Third Military Medical University , has been developed by the Military Committee and some military hospitals .

  8. 第三军医大学军事预防医学院营养与食品卫生学教研室;

    Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene , College of Preventive Medicine , Third Military University , Chongqing Key Laboratory of Nutrition and Food Safety , Chongqing , 400038 , P.

  9. 我国第三军医大学的研究人员日前表示,已研制出一种鉴定病人血型的低成本简易测试,准确率接近百分之百,耗时数秒。

    Researchers from the Third Military Medical University in China said they have developed a cheap , easy test to determine a patient 's blood type in a matter of seconds with nearly perfect accuracy .

  10. 方法回顾性分析1996年至2004年第三军医大学新桥医院及我院共计急性肠系膜血管栓塞11例的临床资料。

    Methods 11 clinical cases of the acute mesentery embolism in Xinqiao hospital of the third military medical university and the people 's hospital in Hanzhong city , Shaanxi province during 1996 to 2004 were retrospectively analyzed .

  11. 第三军医大学新桥医院中医药专家赵朝廷接受采访时表示,这些外企从我国进口相关的中药材,之后进行深加工,再加上一个外国名字就变成了“汉方制剂”。

    Zhao Chaoting , a TCM expert at Xinqiao Hospital affiliated to the Third Military Medical University , told the paper that foreign companies import TCM materials from China , process them , give the medicines a foreign name and they become Kampo formulations .

  12. 近年来,第三军医大学西南医院通过分析并从诊疗环境、文化氛围、医患沟通、温馨服务、合理医疗等方面采取了许多干预措施,为满足患者在院精神需求做了有益的探索。

    In recent years , southwest hospital makes analysis and takes some interference measures in these aspects such as diagnosis and treatment environment , cultural atmosphere , communications between doctors and patients , sweet service and reasonable medical treatment to satisfy the patients mental need .