
  1. 论文把由于定价不准确而导致的并购结果的不确定性,从而使主并企业蒙受损失的可能性定义为并购定价风险,用风险价值VaR来度量。

    The paper put the enterprise incur losing which is caused by the not exact price to buy the uncertainty of the results to merger and acquisition pricing risk .

  2. 把检测出来的谐波通过RBF神经网络预测模型产生谐波电流参考值,使主电路发出补偿电流,实现谐波抑制作用。

    By RBF neural network prediction model , we can get harmonic current reference value . It makes the main circuit send the compensation current , so as to suppress harmonic .

  3. CBanner在Eclipse中被用来使主工具区恰好位于主菜单下。

    CBanners are used in Eclipse to make the main tool area just below the main menu .

  4. 通过改造60万t跳汰系统,实现对A、B、C系统中煤再洗,使主系统洗九级精煤时,回收率提高了2%~4%。

    By improving the 0 . 6 Mt jig preparation system , to realize re-separation for middling of A , B , C system , the recovery have raiaed 2 % ~ 4 % when the main system separat 9 level clean coal .

  5. 依据位移、速度、加速度的协调条件,使主、辅子系统发生联系,利用ADAMS求解器嵌含的迭代过程,实施整个系统的迭代求解。

    According to some conditions of displacement , velocity and acceleration , forces are used to link host and secondary subsystems . Whole iteration solving of system is realized with involved iteration process in ADAMS solver .

  6. 为了更加有效的防止重物下滑,在桥式起重机起升机构各加上一套由旋转编码器、PG数模转换和PLC相结合的闭环系统,使主副吊钩拖动更加稳定、可靠。

    Prevent the heavy object from gliding for being more effective , rise organization of crane add one rotate encoder , PG count mould change combine PLC with close ring system , make clivers more steady , more reliable .

  7. 控制电路采用了高速光耦合器,使主电路和控制电路隔离,而且还采用了PWM控制技术,在跟踪补偿电网无功功率时,产生的谐波很少。

    The control circuit has adopted high optical coupler that makes the main circuit and the control circuit isolate , and has adopted PWM controlling technology . The technology can product less harmonic while tracing compensation reactive power of electric network .

  8. IGCT或者GTO的过电流保护一般在主电路中实现,使主电路复杂、成本高、体积大。

    For IGCT or GTO , the overcurrent protection is generally implemented in the main circuit , which brings complex main circuit , high cost and great volume .

  9. 在做环绕运行时,WASP-18b的引力使主恒星的赤道周围隆起高达几十公里,并使主恒星的自转加速。

    As it orbits , WASP-18b drags bulges tens of kilometers high around the star 's equator , making it spin faster .

  10. 多数特征提取方法都是基于线性技术比如主成分分析(PCA)和独立分量分析(ICA),分别达到使主元不相关及独立的目的。

    Feature extraction for data recently attracted considerable attention , most of feature extraction techniques are based on linear technique such as principal components analysis ( PCA ) and independent component analysis ( ICA ), and they respectively make the principal components uncorrelated and independent .

  11. 同步PPRC使主卷的每次写操作同时在辅助卷上执行,只有当主卷和辅助卷上的更新都完成时,I/O才被视为完成。

    Synchronous PPRC causes each write to the primary volume to be performed to the secondary as well , and the I / O is only considered complete when the update to both primary and secondary have completed .

  12. ASLC系统中通道间频率特性失配使主、辅通道信号产生去相关作用,导致对消性能大大下降。

    In the adaptive side-lobe cancellation ( ASLC ) system , the frequency mismatch between channels results in de-correlation between the main channel and auxiliary one , which makes the cancellation performance degrade greatly .

  13. 是那伟大永远的爱,使主愿降下。

    Only His great , eternal love Made my Saviour go .

  14. 下列考生没能使主考官满意。

    The candidates listed below have failed to satisfy the examiners .

  15. 他的考试成绩使主考官感到满意。

    He satisfied the examiner in his examination .

  16. 腕部的运动使得摆锤摇摆,自动使主发条上紧。

    The movements of the wrist make the rotor swing and this winds the mainspring automatically .

  17. 林前六14并且神已经使主复活,也必藉著他的能力,使我们复活起来。

    Cor.6:14 And God has both raised up the Lord and will raise us up through His power .

  18. 提出了主应力的偏角误差概念及其计算方法,使主应力方向的精度评定更加真实客观。

    Precision estimation of principal direction is more objective by using principal stress deflection error proposed in this paper .

  19. 因为转炉不能产生足够的使主交流热换器过压的压力,所以说,系统本身是固有地安全的。

    The system itself is inherently safe , because the converter cannot produce sufficient pressure to overpressure the main fractionator .

  20. 利用应力的坐标变换关系,推导出主应力与应力分量之间的微分关系,使主应力的精度计算更加简便。

    By coordinate transformation of stress we have the differential relationship between the principal stresses and stress components to facilitate deviation calculation .

  21. 因为我们知道那使主耶稣复活的,也要使我们与耶稣一起复活,并使我们与你们一同站在他前。

    Knowing that he who raised up Jesus , will raise us up also with Jesus , and place us with you .

  22. 根据基波平衡导出了使主系统近似完全消振所需的间隙调节规律。

    The control law of the clearance for alleviating the vibration of the primary system is derived by means of harmonic balancing technique .

  23. 同时采用CAN总线通讯取代通常的串口通讯,使主控器能更好的实现实时响应功能。

    The communication of CAN bus replaces the string communication , making the main controller of the elevator control system better realtime response ability .

  24. 宠物甚至有助于人际关系:它们使主人们看起来更友善,并且也带给人们一个交谈的好话题。

    Pets even encourage social relationships : They give their owners an appearance of friendliness , and they provide a good topic of conversation .

  25. 其次,由于轮齿在齿厚方向的磨损,使主、被动齿轮的啮合间隙增大。

    Secondly , as a result of tooth thickness in the direction of tooth wear , so that active and passive gear mesh gap increased .

  26. 10他们竟悖逆,使主的圣灵担忧。他就转作他们的仇敌,亲自攻击他们。

    But they rebelled , and vexed his holy Spirit : therefore he was turned to be their enemy , and he fought against them .

  27. 文章以邯郸师范专科学校在化学教育专业实行的主辅修制为例,对这一教学模式进行了初步探讨,以期使主辅修教学模式更加完善、科学。

    Taking the practice in chemistry majors of Handan Teachers'College as example , the writer explored the new teaching mode to improve the teaching efficiency .

  28. 补偿电流在辅助铁芯中产生磁通,使主铁芯达到零磁通,从而减小误差。

    The compensation current results in flux in the auxiliary core , making the flux of the main core zero , and thus reduces the error .

  29. 喷水检测电路提供信号后,使主控单元命令执行机构完成喷水的指令要求。

    After the water spraying testing circuit provides signal , the actuator is ordered to complete the dictate of spraying water by the main control cell .

  30. 由于较好地安排了D+7AI/0数模转换板的输出口,使主探测器&正比计数器的两维移动更加方便、合理。

    Arranging the output ports of the D + 7AI / O module properly the 2 dimension movements of the main detector is more expedient and rational .