
  • 网络The Handmaid's Tale
  1. HBO出品的中世纪奇幻剧《权力的游戏》共收获9项艾美奖,包括特效和特技的技术类奖项,并且第3次摘得剧情类最佳剧集奖,击败了去年的获奖作品《使女的故事》。

    HBO 's medieval fantasy " Game of Thrones " won a total of nine Emmys , including technical awards for special effects and stunts , and was named best drama series for a third time , beating last year 's champion " The Handmaid 's Tale . "

  2. 《使女的故事》第二季的大结局给观众留下了一个令人沮丧的悬念,尽管所有的Marthas都齐心协力为她和孩子提供安全之路,琼决定不逃离基列。

    The Handmaid 's Tale 's second season finale left off on a frustrating cliffhanger , once June decided not to flee Gilead , despite all the Marthas teaming up to provide her and the baby safe passage out .

  3. 2018年,克莱尔又获得了金球奖最佳女主角提名,但是最终败北伊丽莎白·莫斯(ElisabethMoss)(《使女的故事》)。

    In 2018 , she was nominated for the Best Actress Golden Globe again , but lost out to Elisabeth Moss ( 'The Handmaid 's Tale " ) on the night . 、

  4. Hulu视频网发布了备受期待的《使女的故事》第二季的预告片,而这部剧最近在金球奖和评论家选择奖颁奖典礼上赢得了众多奖项。

    Hulu has dropped the trailer for the highly anticipated return of The Handmaid 's Tale , which has recently won multiple awards at the Golden Globes and Critics Choice Awards .

  5. 玛格丽特阿特伍德完成了《使女的故事》续集。

    Margaret Atwood has written a sequel to The Handmaid 's Tale .

  6. 伊丽莎白·莫斯《使女的故事》

    Elisabeth Moss , The Handmaid 's Tale

  7. 伊冯娜·斯特拉霍夫斯基《使女的故事》

    Yvonne Strahovski , The Handmaid 's Tale

  8. 《使女的故事》和《猫眼》通常从女权主义和权力关系的视角进行分析。

    The Handmaid 's Tale and Cat 's Eye are usually analyzed from the perspective of feminism and power relationship .

  9. 这位《使女的故事》主演荣获2018年金球奖,因为电视剧中出色的演技拿下最佳表演奖。

    The Handmaid 's Tale star has won the 2018 Golden Globe award for best performance in a television series , drama .

  10. 玛格丽特·阿特伍德正在写《使女的故事》的续集,续集小说的灵感来源于现代世界的现状。

    Margaret Atwood is writing a sequel to her novel The Handmaid 's Tale , inspired by the state of the modern world .

  11. 《使女的故事》通常在4月播出,但这一季将会在6月5日周三首播。

    The Handmaid 's Tale has usually dropped in April , but this season the show will premiere on Wednesday , June 5 .

  12. 第四章是结论,指出《使女的故事》既呈现鲜明的后现代主义色彩,又表现出阿特伍德强烈的社会责任感。

    Chapter Four is the conclusion , pointing out that in this postmodern novel , Atwood still leaves a mark of strong social responsibility .

  13. 莫斯在《使女的故事》中演技出色,尤其是情节和现实氛围相关时,演得非常贴切,获得了广泛好评。

    Moss has been earning widespread acclaim for her performance in the Margaret Atwood adaptation , especially in a time where the plot feels more relevant due to the political climate .

  14. 阿特伍德分享了新版《使女的故事》小说背后的写作意图,说灵感来源于当代“我们生活着的世界”。

    Atwood shared her intentions behind a new Handmaid 's Tale novel in a statement , saying it has been inspired by " the world we 've been living in " in recent years .

  15. 《使女的故事》主演伊丽莎白·莫斯,被曝每集片酬为100万美元。在接替安德鲁·林肯成为《行尸走肉》主演后,诺曼·瑞杜斯每集片酬也将提高到100万。

    Elisabeth Moss is revealed to net $ 1m per episode for her lead role in The Handmaid 's Tale as well as Norman Reedus who 'll earn that same amount after succeeding Andrew Lincoln as the lead star of The Walking Dead .