
  • 网络circulating path of blood and qi;nostril and philtrum groove
  1. 结论:脏腑联系全部以经络作为使道,分为直接使道、间接使道及气街四海三类。

    Conclusion Zhang and Fu organs all connect through channels and collaterals as message pathways , which are divided into direct message pathway , indirect message pathway , and pathway of Qi and four seas .

  2. 老子是人类轴心期的重要思想家,他在中国哲学史上最突出的贡献是使道获得了本原、本体的内涵。

    Lao Zi was an important thinker during the human Axis Period . The most outstanding contribution made by him to Chinese history of philosophy is that he made the Tao acquire the intention of arche and noumena .

  3. 方法:以《素问》、《灵枢》等经典文献为主要依据,将使道分为三类,系统论证脏腑使道联络规律。

    Methods The Plain Questions , The Miraculous Pivot and other classic literature are used as main basis and the message pathways are divided into 3 categories and are discussed concretely in combination with connection of Zang and Fu organs .

  4. 结果表明,YJ-302不凿毛时的界面粘结力高于水泥净浆和107胶水泥浆,能保证道面获得较好的粘结力,使道面完全结合。

    The result indicates that YJ 302 bond has the interface felt more strongly than the cement slurry and the 107 glue cement slurry when the old pavement is not chiseled . The YJ 302 provides the pavement to be bond well and makes the pavement be combine entirety .

  5. 为了使沟道效应最小,GaAs靶应稍偏离离子束的轴向。

    To minimize channeling effects , the GaAs target should be misaligned from the axis of the beam .

  6. 缺血还可使胃肠道粘膜产生TNF、IL-6等细胞因子,导致胃、小肠和结肠动力障碍,并激活中性粒细胞导致局部和远隔脏器损伤。

    Ischemia also resulted in release of TNF , IL-6 into the systemic circulation , dysfunction of gastrointestinal tract motility , and activation of neutrophile which was integral in local and distant organ damage .

  7. 因而,可以在共接收点(CRP)叠加剖面上,使模型道与CRP叠加道的相关值达到最大来实现叠加能量最大,进而拾取最大相关值所对应的CRP点的静校正量。

    Therefore , it is possible to use the maximum correlation value between model trace and Common-Receiver-Point ( CRP ) gathers for realizing maximum stack power and further to pick the statics of CRP relative to maximum values .

  8. 应根据常规偏移剖面拾取的时间层位进行层速度修改,力求在纵、横两方向上保持层速度平滑,使CRP道集拉平。

    It should make modification of interval velocities according to picked time horizons in ordinary migrated sections , making efforts to keep smooth variation of interval velocities both in vertical and in lateral directions and align the CRP gathers .

  9. 应变硅技术是通过在传统的体Si器件中引入应力,使沟道材料晶格发生形变,以提高沟道中载流子的迁移率,从而提高半导体器件的性能。

    Strained silicon technology is to add mechanical stress in the conventional bulk silicon devices , so that the channel material lattice deformation occurs , in order to improve the mobility of carriers in the channel . Thereby Strained silicon technology can improve the performance of semiconductor devices .

  10. 晒干的番茄使这道菜味道特别浓郁。

    The sun-dried tomatoes give the dish a wonderfully rich flavor .

  11. 加入一点酒,确实使这道菜味道更美。

    A little wine really does something to the dish .

  12. 奶油和青翠的四季葱使这道菜肴非常美味。

    Cream and green chives made for a pretty plateful .

  13. 使这道菜好吃的秘诀在于调味汁。

    The secret of this dish is in the sauce .

  14. 这张画使那道墙壁生色不少。

    This picture livens up that wall .

  15. 下列食物对肠道有益,能使消化道顺畅。

    These foods are good for your gut and will keep your digestive tract running smoothly .

  16. 回潮、含油控制适当,能减少加工过程中静电的产生,从而使各道生活好做,提高其可纺性。

    Proper control of moisture regain and percentage of oil can reduce static-electricity and improve the spinnability .

  17. 对主机曲轴红套滑移,并使二道主轴承严重损坏的机损事故进行了分析。

    An engine accident by slipping of shrink fit crankshaft which caused severe damage of two main bearings is analyzed .

  18. 试验结果表明:重磨削工艺将使沟道表面层形成残余拉应力,中等磨削和轻磨削形成残余压应力;

    The testing result shows heavy grinding process causes residual tensile stress in the surface layer of raceway ; medium and light grinding processes form residual compressive stress ;

  19. 超微预处理已经在中药材加工方面取得显著成效,诸多的研究结果表面超微粉碎可以增加中药材的有效成分的溶出,并使胃肠道吸收的有效成分增大。

    The results showed that the technology of ultrafine grinding can increase the dissolution of the active ingredients of Chinese herbal medicines and the gastrointestinal absorption of active ingredients .

  20. 通过实际算例,优化压下规程可使各道次的板型系数相等,表明板型达到最佳状态。

    It is showed from the actual examples that the plate shape can be the best with optimizing the press rules to make the shape ratio for every pass equaled .

  21. 其中,从毛条到粗纱各工序的纤维断裂百分率为1%~7%,全过程总和达27%,若能使各道断裂百分率小于2%,则显性损伤可减少近80%;

    Hereinto , fiber breaking percentage in each combining step from wool top to roving was 1 % ~ 7 % , thus the explicit damage could be reduced to about 80 % if the fiber breaking percentage of each step were lower than 2 % ;

  22. 全真道的创立者王重阳及全真七子等教团骨干对道教义理作了创造性发挥,大力宣传全真教,使全真道很快达到鼎盛时期。

    All really founder king Double Ninth Festival and all really seven sub-and so on taught the group the backbone to make the creative display to the religious doctrine principle , propagandized vigorously all really teaches , to cause all really saying that achieved the prosperous time very quickly .

  23. 通过多次实践,达到了预期的温度控制的效果,使焦炉火道温度分布更加合理化。

    Through repeated practice , satisfactory results are achieved , resulting in more reasonable coke oven temperature distribution .

  24. 只要你们开放心灵,明白这是空前从未有的发现,这不会使任何求道者或前人变得渺小。

    You have to open your mind and understand that though the discovery is unprecedented , it does not make any seeker or predecessor small .

  25. 降低了工人的劳动强度,提高生产率,使生产各道工序得以平衡,整体的生产效率提高。

    The tightening clamp reduces the labor intensity of workers , improves productivity , balances all procedures of production and boosts the overall production efficiency .

  26. 北朝统治者对宗教采取了较为宽容的政策,通过修建佛寺与道教宫观等措施支持宗教势力的发展,总体上使佛、道二教得以迅速发展。

    The government also adopted tolerant religion policies , such as building Buddhist temples and Daoist monasteries , which had promoted the development of the religion .

  27. 首先,它使刚入道的天文学大学生完全摸不着头脑,德国的德累斯顿技术大学的天文学家谢尔盖克隆奈尔说。

    For one thing , it left introductory astronomy students completely baffled , says Sergei klioner , an astronomer at the Technical University of Dresden in Germany .

  28. 另外系统四周不透水的墙体结构使整个廊道起着氧化塘的作用,并且沿坡降由好氧塘逐渐过渡到厌氧塘。

    In addition , the waterproof walls structure results in that the system acts as an oxidation pond , which changes from the aerobic pond to the anaerobic pond along with the gradient .

  29. 通过这几类模式可以有效地提高绿色廊道沿线的土地使用效率,集约利用城市土地。4.为了使绿色廊道规划具有可行性和可操作性,相应的提出建设导向和技术保障。

    We can improve the land use capability along the line of green corridor , intensifying the urban land use . 4 . In order to make green corridor planning feasible and workable , proposed construction guidance and technical support relevant .

  30. 面向雪道的宽幅高亮度LED室外显示屏,使滑雪者在雪道的任意一点都可以看到滚动播出的各种信息;

    High luminance LED screen facing the snow trails made skiers can see the news on every spots of trails .