
  1. 喉罩通气下乳癌手术应用肌松药的临床研究

    Clinical study of muscle relaxant about using the laryngeal mask airway in modified radical mastectomy

  2. 乳癌手术病人心理干预模型的构建及临床应用

    Construction of a Psychological Intervention Model of Surgical Patients of Breast Cancer and Its Clinical Application

  3. 聚明胶肽与6%贺斯200/0.5对乳癌手术病人血液流变学的影响

    Comparison of Polygeline and 6 % HES 200 / 0.5 to Hemorheology in Mammary Cancer Surgery Patiens

  4. 乳癌手术前后区域动脉化疗的临床应用及疗效观察

    The Application and Efficacy of Chemotherapy Via Regional Artery before and after Operation on Patients with Breast Cancer

  5. 采横断式相关性研究设计,以结构式问卷访谈北部某医学中心50名乳癌手术病人。

    A cross-sectional correlational study was conducted by interviewing 50 patients with structured questionnaire in a medical center in northern Taiwan .

  6. 目的探讨减少乳癌手术后皮下积液等并发症的方法。

    Objective To investigate the method of decreasing the complication of subcutaneous liquid collection after radical breast cancer ( BC ) operation .

  7. 目的为了促使乳癌手术后病人的康复,探讨理疗在肿瘤外科的治疗地位。

    Objective In order to accelerate the postoperative rehabilitation of patients undergoing mastectomy and evaluate the role of physiotherapy in oncologic surgery .

  8. 目的通过对支配胸肌神经及肋间臂神经的解剖学研究,设计一个合理的乳癌手术方式。

    Objective Through research of anatomy of nerves dominating pectoral muscle and intercostobrachial nerves , In design a reasonable mode of operation of curing mastocarcinoma .

  9. 目的探讨局部晚期乳癌的手术方式及治疗效果。

    Objective To investigate the operation methods and therapeutic effect on local advanced mastocarcinoma .

  10. 医师诊断她患有乳癌,手术后她虽然健康无碍,但还是经过了整个疾病疗程。

    Diagnosed with breast cancer , she endured the disease 's course , although she has remained well since completing surgery .

  11. 经典乳癌根治手术的改良乳腺癌改良根治术纵切口的改进

    The Improvement of the Classical Radical Operation of Mastocarcinoma The Improvement of Vertical Incision in the Radical Surgery for Breast Cancer

  12. 现在,一项新的研究显示,切除这么多的淋巴结没有好处。这个发现可能为乳癌外科手术带来重大改变。

    Now , a new study shows there is no advantage to taking out so many lymph nodes , and the finding could mean major changes in breast cancer surgery .

  13. 华冈青洲是生活于日本江户时代的著名医家,以研究麻药、完成世界首例乳癌切除手术而闻名。

    Renowned for his research on anaethetics and for his sucessful operation of excision on the worlds first case of breast cancer , Hanaoka Seish is an eminent Japanese physician living in the Edo period .

  14. 乳癌保乳手术患者的护理保乳手术治疗早期乳腺癌

    Nurse Care in the Breast - conserving Operation for Breast Cancer

  15. 乳癌保乳手术适应证的探讨136例早期乳腺癌保乳治疗的临床研究

    Clinical Exploration of the Indication of Breast-conserving Therapy in Breast Cancer Operation

  16. 两种不同麻醉方法对乳癌保乳手术血气分析影响的研究

    The Effect of Two Type of Anesthesia on Blood Gas Analysis in Breast Conserving Surgery

  17. 目的:探讨乳腺导管内视镜检出的0期乳癌施行保乳手术的效果。

    Purpose : To investigate the effect of breast-conserving operation for zero-stage breast cancer .

  18. 结论:保留乳腺治疗临床Ⅰ、Ⅱ期乳癌可作为同期乳癌根治性手术的替代术式。

    Conclusion : The breast conserving therapy is a reasonable alternative to radical mastectomy for patients with stage ⅰ,ⅱ breast carcinoma .