
  • 网络Lorsch;rosh;Steve Roush;Michael Roche;Daniel Roche
  1. “每到这个时候,政治讨论往往就会异常热烈起来,”明尼阿波利斯的沟通培训公司RoshiniPerformanceGroup的主管以及《有话好好说!》(CommunicateThat!)一书的作者罗什尼•拉基库玛表示。

    " Political talk does seem unusually heated this time around , " says roshini Rajkumar , head of Minneapolis-based communications coaching firm roshini performance group and author of a book called communicate that !

  2. 我希望我姨夫对罗什渥兹先生能继续喜欢下去。

    I hope my uncle may continue to like Mr. Rushworth .

  3. 多瑙河博斯-大毛罗什堤坝的环境影响

    Environmental Effects of the Dam System on the Danube at Bos-Nagymaros

  4. 也许在1955年这位女士有“皮罗什基”(饼),她的篮子里。

    Probably in1955 this lady had " piroshki "( patties ) in her basket .

  5. 罗什渥兹没费多大周折就离婚了。一场婚姻就此结束。

    Mr Rushworth had no difficulty in procuring a divorce and so ended a marriage .

  6. 但在批评家中的唯一一人,他的朋友赫尔曼?拉罗什则看出他的潜力。

    But alone among the critics , his friend Herman Laroche had seen his potential .

  7. 加罗什·地狱咆哮:你要拒绝吗?杜隆坦的儿子是个懦夫?

    Garrosh Hellscream says : So you refuse ? Is the son of Durotan a coward ?

  8. 仔细地倾听和恰到好处地回答,是我们所能达到的谈话艺术的最高境界。罗什富科。

    To listen closely and reply well is the highest perfection we are able attain in the art of conversation .

  9. 加罗什·地狱咆哮:那个,酋长?你还有什么话说?还是考虑下让我去诺森德吧?

    Garrosh Hellscream says : Well , Warchief ? What say you now ? Will you send me to Northrend ?

  10. 诺利斯太太这一天在高高兴兴地帮忙,为给罗什渥兹夫妇祝酒额外多喝了两杯。

    Mrs. Norris was most happy to assist in the duties of the day and drank a health to Mr. and Mrs. Rushworth in a supernumerary glass or two .

  11. 因此,慧远与罗什的讨论对于中国佛教涅盘佛性说、判教理论、禅修论等理论的发展影响深远。

    As the conclusion , the discussion between Huiyuan and Kuma ^ raji ^ va had its vital importance on the development of the Nirvana buddha-nature theory , teaching classification theory , cultivation theory of Chinese Buddhism .