
  • 网络Payment consideration;give value
  1. 同时发现资产重组类型、交易支付对价方式是资产重组事件使ST公司股价出现不同表现的主要影响因素。

    It also reveals that the ways of asset restructuring and the means of payment are the main factors leading to different performance of corporations ' stock price .

  2. 其差异的主要原因在于股权分置中的支付对价及并购的整合成本。

    The main reasons are the payment of consideration in equity division and acquisitions integration costs .

  3. 股份回购是指上市公司通过支付对价部分买入其发行在外的股份的一种公司理财行为。

    Stock repurchase means that the listed corporation buys back its shares by paying to the shareholders , which works as corporation financing .

  4. 收购企业支付对价的形式包括股权支付、非股权支付或两者的组合。

    The consideration of the acquirer may be paid in the form of share-based payments , non-share-based payments or a combination of the two .

  5. 我国证券市场重新引进权证产品,是一项成功的金融工具创新,它很好的解决了股权分置改革中的支付对价问题。

    China securities market to introduce authority card products , is a successful financial tool innovation , it is very good solve equity to pay the price in the reform of the problem .

  6. 解决股权分置问题,让非流通股变成可以流通的股份,必然存在非流通股股东为换得流通权而向流通股股东支付对价的问题。

    To solve the stock right splitting problems of turning non-floating stock into floating stock , it would happen that non-floating stock holders pay consideration to floating stock holders for gaining circulation right .

  7. 对于非流通股股东而言,对其支付对价或补偿应该作为股权投资的投资成本,对于采用权益法核算的非流通股股东应该重新确定股权投资差额;

    What 's more , to shareholders of nonnegotiable shares , the consideration or compensation they pay to shareholders of negotiable shares should be taken as the cost of long-term equity investment on stocks .

  8. 通过建立博弈模型我们认为,解决股权分置的基本思路应是通过各方博弈,由非流通股股东向流通股股东支付对价来获取流通权。

    The paper discusses the basic ideas about solving the problem of shareholding splitting through constructing a game model , i. e. through games circulating right is achieved by non-tradable share holders paying consideration to tradable share holders .

  9. 在博弈论和利润最大化推导过程中,发现股权并购博弈是围绕支付对价展开的,且对市场超额报酬的预期是支付对价的函数。

    In the deducing process of game theory and profit optimizing , the author discovers that the game of equity mergers revolves around paying prices and the expectation for super-normal market performance is the function of paying prices .

  10. 首先提出非流通股向流通股支付对价的定量分析模型,进而根据零和假设推出送股方案定量分析模型并指出了影响送股率的因素。

    In this thesis , the quantitative analysis mode of the comparative value that non-circulation shareholder should pay for the circulation shareholder is put forward , then a stock-paid method mode based on the zero-sum hypothesis is set up .

  11. 然而,在整体上市过程中,也存在着集团公司改革的不到位、资产部分上市、资产支付对价不合理等损害企业价值和中小股东利益的情况。

    However also has the group company to reform does not arrive , property part going on the market , the property payment to the price unreasonable and so on the harm enterprise values and the young shareholder benefit situation .

  12. 你会盘算如果公司上市的话该对其股票支付何种对价?

    What would you pay for the stock of this company if it were public ?

  13. 从本质上来讲,国民为获得公共服务,将自身的一部分财产权利让渡给国家所支付的对价就是税收。

    In essence , tax means that citizens transfer part of their property rights to the state for the exchange of public service .

  14. 通过支付合理对价、建立风险防范机制、深化产权改革可以提高各方缔约积极性,化解市场风险。

    To compensate the negotiable stock owner and build the risk control mechanism and deepen property right reform can reduce the risk of stock market in China .

  15. 2005年我国开始实施股权分置改革,非流通股股东通过向流通股股东支付一定对价的方式取得了流通权,从此以后我国股市进入全流通时代。

    In 2005 , China began to carry out share-splitting reform , non-tradable shares can be traded in stock market after paying the price to the tradable shareholders , than our market goes into circulation age .

  16. 无偿无权处分行为所产生的法律后果在我国立法不予承认善意取得,有偿的无权处分产生善意取得之法律后果,以支付合理对价为要件。

    Free right to dispose of the legal consequences arising out of acts not recognized in our legislation made in good faith , paid no right to dispose of the legal consequences arising Goodwill to pay for the reasonable price of elements .

  17. 买家不会获得任何保证,一般会被迫支付现金,对价不得延期。

    The buyer receives no warranties and is generally obliged to pay in cash , with no deferred element to the consideration .

  18. 为协调流通股股东和非流通股股东两者的利益,非流通股股东必须支付一定的对价,作为取得流通权的成本。

    Non-floating stock holders must pay certain consideration as the cost of getting circulation right in order to coordinate with the benefit between the two sides .

  19. 如果要让上述计划发挥效用,财政部需要支付较高的对价,至少不能让金融机构资产情况恶化。

    For the program to work , Treasury needs to pay enough that the institutions are able to record a price that doesn 't exacerbate their woes .

  20. 海上保险是对船舶,运费或货物拥有利益的一方针对海上风险支付约定的对价,另一方保证对在一定期间或航程中某些或全部风险负责赔偿的合同。

    Marine insurance is a contract whereby , for a consideration stipulated to be paid by one interested in a ship , freight , or cargo subject to marine risks , another undertakes to indemnify him against some or all of there risks during a certain period or voyage .

  21. 因为在德国、瑞士等具有类似于不动产善意取得制度的国家中都没有要求合理对价,实际上我们不仅要求存在合理对价还要求支付了合理对价。

    In Germany , Switzerland and some other countries , where similar immovables acquisition in good faith systems exist , the law does not require for a reasonable price , but in China , the law calls for not only a reasonable price but a paid off reasonable price .

  22. 商业银行并购贷款是指商业银行为企业并购交易提供的用于支付并购交易现金对价的贷款资金。

    The M & A loans of Commercial bank is the cash that commercial bank provides for the payment of mergers and acquisitions .