
  • 网络payment risk
  1. 中国信托业蕴涵的金融风险已经集中表现为支付风险。

    The outstanding financial risk for Chinese trust industry lies in payment risk .

  2. 非系统风险主要包括支付风险、资产风险和资产负债不匹配风险。

    Non-systematic risk mainly includes payment risk , asset risk and asset-liability non-compatible risk .

  3. 要实现这一点,可以将大多数主权债务转化为欧元债券;这样一来,各国将不得不发行自己的附带集体行动条款的债券,仅对超过《马斯特里赫特条约》(maastricht)标准的债务支付风险溢价。

    That could be accomplished by converting most sovereign debt into Eurobonds ; countries would then have to issue their own bonds with collective action clauses and pay the risk premium only on the amounts exceeding the Maastricht criteria .

  4. 如何避免财务管理中的资金支付风险

    How To Avoid Risk Of Payment Of Funds In Financial Management

  5. 文中就这些风险中存在的信息不对称及解决方法进行了探讨,提出了个人信用风险、提前支付风险和影响到第三方当事人的风险中信息不对称问题的解决思路。

    This paper discusses the message asymmetry in the risk and how to deal with it .

  6. 该规划将向银行提供贸易相关交易中支付风险的部分或全额担保。

    The program offers banks partial or full guarantees covering the payment risk in trade related transactions .

  7. 它为客户带来方便,给银行树立良好形象和创造利润的同时,也会引起极大的潜在支付风险。

    It is convenient for customers , and sets up a good image and makes profit for banks .

  8. 如何通过法律途径对电子支付风险进行防范成为普遍关心的问题。

    The issue of how to use the legal means to prevent the electronic payment risks has become a common concern among people .

  9. 首先对电子支付风险进行了分类,将其分为主体风险、金融风险、技术风险三大类,并对三类风险做了进一步细分。

    First , the electronic payment risks can be divided into the main risk , financial risk and technology risk , and the three types are further subdivided .

  10. 毋庸置疑,电子支付风险的有效监管需要多角度、全方位考虑,需要时间与经验的积累。

    Needless to say , the effective supervision of risks of electronic payment needs multi-angle and all-round consideration , as well as the accumulation of time and experience .

  11. 最高存储金额限制可以有效控制电子货币网上支付风险,但银行卡中的风险承担问题比较复杂。

    Maximum stored value is an efficient way to control risks of internet payment by electronic money , and electronic money involves many complicated private and public law issues .

  12. 其中并购前主要表现为定价风险,并购实施中表现为融资及支付风险,并购后主要是财务整合风险。

    And price risk mainly manifest before merger , financing and payment risks appear in the implement of M & A , risk of financial integration always appear later period .

  13. 流动性管理是协调安全性和盈利性,防范银行支付风险的重要手段,也是商业银行经营管理的核心和精髓。

    Liquidity management is not only the important means to coordinate safety and profitability and to keep the payment risk away , but also the core in the commercial bank management .

  14. 当然,还有很多方法可用以防范并管理提前支付风险,譬如,发放提前支付通行证等,这需要做更深一步的研究。

    Of course , there are many available methods to prevent and manage prepayment risk , for example , issue permits of prepayment , it will needs to do deeper research .

  15. 把跨国并购进程中的风险划分为:目标企业估价风险、融资风险、支付风险、汇率风险、整合风险和营运风险。

    The risks in the process of transnational M & A are classified : objective enterprise valuation risk , financing risk , payment risk , foreign exchange risk , integration risk and operating risk .

  16. 作为法律文件和武器的英语商贸合同,也将在规范国际经贸运作,促进国际经贸发展,防范国际支付风险,巩固国际经贸成果等方面,起到相当重要的作用。

    As a legal document and weapon , business contract will function greatly in standardizing the movement , enhancing the development , being on guard for payment risk and consolidating the achievements of international trade .

  17. 制度内赡养率持续走高,现收现付制的账务运行模式无法应对人口年龄结构老化带来的支付风险。

    The rate of support within the regime continues to get higher , and the accounting on the cash basis cannot cope with payment risks for the running mode brought by age structure of the aging side .

  18. 此外,基本医疗保险基金结余不足的统筹地区可以通过增加基本医疗保险的个人缴费水平来应对大病保险基金的支付风险。

    In addition , as a whole area of basic medical insurance fund balance is insufficient , it can increase the level of the basic medical insurance individual contributions to cope with serious illness insurance fund payment risk .

  19. 且该方法可以在全国范围内适用,具有较高的可行性和实用价值,相关管理者可以依据警度输出结果来辅助决策养老保险基金支付风险预警管理事宜。

    And this method can be applied in the nationwide , with high feasibility and practical values , the related management can make reference to the police the output to assist decision-making old-age insurance fund risk early warning management .

  20. 城市商业银行是我国新兴的地方性股份制商业银行,对其监管一直是中央银行的监管重点,而支付风险的防范又是地方中央银行监管的“重中之重”。

    The city commercial bank is the new type local stock bank to our country , and also is emphasis to central bank supervise , and payment risk is " the first point of first point " to supervisor .

  21. 第五章基于现代金融风险测量技术度量在线第三方支付风险,并运用极值理论进行建立相关风险评价模型。

    In the chapter 5 , the risk measurement of online third-party payment is applied on the modern financial risk control theories , and a relevant risk evaluation model is established based on the extreme value theory ( EVT ) .

  22. 最后,依次分析了目标企业价值评估风险、融资与支付风险、财务整合风险的表现形式、产生原因,并对存在这四类财务风险的判例进行分析,进而提出相应的财务风险控制方法。

    Finally , this paper separately analyzes the financial risks performance , cause of financial risks and control method of evaluation risk , financing risk , paying risk and financial integration risk , it also analyzes the test cases that exist these four kinds of financial risks .

  23. 改革的最好时机是21世纪第一个十年的中期左右,当时时间充裕。更困难的是取消几十年来在经济停滞、预算捉襟见肘时实施的种种法规和限制,削减财政支付风险重重。

    The best time to reform was when times were flush in the mid-2000s . It 's far more difficult to undo regulations and restrictions imposed over decades when economies are stalled and budgets are stretched to the limit , making a fiscal spending jolt highly risky .

  24. 第二章,深入分析潮涌现象、产业风险以及金融风险之间的传导机理,认为潮涌现象的发生会导致三大金融风险的增加,即信用风险、市场风险和对外支付风险。

    We profoundly analyze the transmission mechanism among the wave phenomenon , industrial risk and financial risk . According to the study , we conclude that wave phenomenon will lead to an increase in the three major financial risks : namely credit risk , market risk and payment risk .

  25. 本文在对支付系统风险进行归类和总结的基础上,研究了美国联邦储备银行大额支付系统Fedwire在30多年运行过程中的风险控制实践和经验,提出了加强我国支付系统风险管理的主要措施。

    Based on a summary of risks in payment system , this paper studies the experience of Fedwire in the risk management of payment system and puts forward some measures to strengthening risk management in payment system .

  26. 中央银行大额支付系统风险控制研究

    The Risk-Control Study about High-Value Payment System of the Central Bank

  27. 网上支付系统风险的定量分析与管理模式研究

    Quantitative Analysis and Management Mode Study on Risk of Online Payment System

  28. 加强我国现代化支付系统风险管理的思考

    Thought on the Risk Prevention and Control in CNAPS

  29. 在公司并购过程中协同效应的产生和溢价支付的风险关系密切。

    In acquisition , the synergy is closed related to the risk of payment premium .

  30. 本文在阐析支付系统风险基本特征的基础上,论证了支付系统风险对金融安全的潜在威胁;

    This paper analyses the characteristics of payment system risks and discusses its potential threats to financial security .