
jù jué fù kuǎn
  • refuse to pay;dishonor by nonpayment
  1. 如果那样的话,我会拒绝付款。

    In that event , I 'll refuse to pay .

  2. 他们拒绝付款。

    They refuse to pay .

  3. GJL公司拒绝付款。

    GJL refused to pay .

  4. 他拒绝付款并不是没有理由的。

    He has refused to pay , not without reason .

  5. 在一个很明显的自杀案件中保险公司通常拒绝付款。

    In a clear case of suicide the Insurance Company withholds payment .

  6. 如果你拒绝付款,我就叫警察来。

    If you refused to pay , I will call in the police .

  7. 首先,圆明园两件文物的竞拍者拒绝付款,中方对此有何评论?

    Firstly , how do you comment on the auction winner refusing to pay ?

  8. 在得到否定的答复后,纽曼表示拒绝付款。

    Informed that it would not , Mr. Newman said he declined to pay .

  9. 现在的问题:如果蔡铭超拒绝付款结果又会如何?

    Now the question is : What will happen if Cai doesn 't pay ?

  10. 你的支票已被拒绝付款。

    Your cheque has been refused payment .

  11. 让学生掌握如何提出、说明和拒绝付款方式;

    Students should master the ways to enquire for , explain and refuse payment terms ;

  12. 你们以为拒绝付款就不欠债了吗?

    But do you imagine that in refusing to pay , you shall cease to owe ?

  13. 托收指示对发生拒绝付款或拒绝承兑时的有关拒绝证书应有具体的指示(或代之以其他法律手续)。

    The collection instruction should give specific instructions regarding protest ( or other legal process in lieu thereof ), in the event of non-payment or non-acceptance .

  14. 提示行应毫无延误地将拒绝付款及/或拒绝承兑的通知发送给向其发出托收指示的银行。

    The presenting Bank must send without delay advice of non-payment and / or advice of non-acceptance to the Bank from which it received the collection instruction .

  15. 如支票特别划线给超过一家银行,除非划线给其托收代理的银行,否则受票银行得拒绝付款。

    If more than one check in particular crossed to the bank , unless it crossed the bank to its collection agent , or the drawee bank had refused to pay .

  16. 如果担保人决定拒绝付款要求,则其必须立即通过电讯,如不可能,则以其他迅捷方式通知受益人。

    If the Guarantor decides to refuse a demand , he shall immediately give notice thereof to the Beneficiary by teletransmission , or , if that is not possible , by other expeditious .

  17. 如汇票在一合适的地点提示,经过合理之努力后仍未能找到被授权付款或拒绝付款的人,则无需再向付款人或承兑人提示。

    If money order at a suitable location for tips , after reasonable efforts so far could not find the authorized payment or refusal to pay the person , no further prompt payer or acceptor .

  18. 如信誉承兑人不兑现汇票,则须作该承兑人拒绝付款证书。法院的执达吏快要把人家告发我的拒绝付款状给我送来了。

    " When a bill is dishonoured by the acceptor for honour , it must be protested for non-payment by him . " Do you know that I should have had a bailiff and a protest after me ?

  19. 它则须于汇票所载之付款地点办理拒绝付款证书,而不必再向付款人作付款提示或要求付款。我今天不能付款给你。

    " it must be protested for non-payment at the place where it is expressed to be payable , and no further presentment for payment to , or demand on , the drawee is necessary . " I can 't pay you today .

  20. 论开证行拒绝信用证付款时的附随义务

    On the Attached Duty of Issuing Bank when Refusing Credit Payment

  21. 汇票过期后,或先前有拒绝承兑或拒绝付款而遭退票后。

    The bill expires , or earlier to refuse acceptance or refusal to pay a refund who were after .

  22. 政府或第三方支付者也有可能插手商定较低的价格,或是拒绝为部分药品付款,从而造成更多的定价压力。

    Government or third-party payer systems could step in to negotiate lower prices or refuse to pay for some medicines , applying additional pricing pressure .

  23. 凡已办理拒绝承兑证书之汇票,其后可办理拒绝付款证书。

    A bill which has been protested for non-acceptance may be subsequently protested for non-payment .

  24. 关键证人拒不出庭作证的原因与对策凡已办理拒绝承兑证书之汇票,其后可办理拒绝付款证书。

    The Reason and Countermeasure of Key Witness Refusing to Serve at Court ; A bill which has been protested for non-acceptance may be subsequently protested for non-payment .