
  • 网络Rejection letter;letter of refusal
  1. 我收到拒绝信了

    I got my rejection letter .

  2. 她把拒绝信发到网上,引发了讨论热潮和史密斯学院的学生抗议。

    She posted the rejection letter online , catalyzing a storm on the Internet and student rallies at Smith .

  3. 背景声是一个年轻女孩正在读芭蕾舞学校的拒绝信。

    In the background , a young girl reads a rejectionletter from a ballet school .

  4. 我所有的希望都被他一封拒绝信粉碎了。

    All my hopes were destroyed by his letter of refusal .

  5. 我给了她一封拒绝信。

    I sent her a letter of denial .

  6. 目前我们收到五份参加该会议的确认信和两份拒绝信。

    We 're had five confirmations for the conference and two refusals so far .

  7. 在拒绝信中,她总是写:我们无法提供你入学机会。

    She never rejected applicants ; her letters stated that we are unable to offer you admission .

  8. 金从一位拒绝信中得到的建议是将他的原文删除10%,随后的数十年他都一直遵守这个建议。

    King got the advice to cut down his texts by10 percent from an old rejection-letter and has followed this advice for decades .

  9. 刚收到那可怕的拒绝信时你会觉得糟透了,但是最终你会耸耸肩,继续前进。

    Getting that dreaded rejection letter stinks at first , but eventually you become able to just shrug it off and go on to the next one 。 9 .

  10. 但是,你也会收到一些学校的拒绝信,你也知道,暗示你最好去了解一下当地的社区学院,诸如此类的话。

    But , yeah , you do get those that , you know , suggest that maybe you 're better off checking out your local junior college or something like that .

  11. 只要一收到求职拒绝信,他就感到很强烈痛苦,不是因为担心未来,而是旧伤还没有治愈。

    Whenever he gets a rejection letter , he feels much pain , not because of being worried about his future , but because of his old wound that hasn 't yet healed .

  12. 本论文中研究对象的选择基于以下假设:就业函中的拒绝信通常为正式信函,因此与收信人有关的社会因素不会明显影响到信函中礼貌的运用。

    It was selected based upon the assumption that letters rejecting requests for employment are usually ' form letters ', and thus social factors concerning the addressee do not significantly influence the politeness employed in the letter .

  13. 该公司表示,以前会耗费大量时间发送拒绝信,但新系统在应聘者的过滤方面提供了更多帮助,确保公司无论应聘者成功与否都能尽快给与答复。

    Previously a large amount of time would be taken sending rejection letters , it says , but the new system helps filter candidates a lot more and ensures the company can get back to both successful and unsuccessful candidates as quickly as possible .

  14. 该州官员要求联邦救助,以帮助民众以及受火灾影响的临近城镇,但是联邦紧急事务管理署的管理者克雷格·弗盖特在拒绝信中表示,这场火灾并不是严重到该州当地政府和志愿机构无力解决的程度。

    State officials requested federal aid for the people and nearby town affected by the fire , but in a letter rejecting the request , FEMA administrator Craig Fugate said that the fire was not of such severity and magnitude as to beyond the capability of state and local governments and volunteer agencies to handle .

  15. 约翰拒绝猜测信的内容。

    John refused to speculate about the content of the letter .

  16. 代表授予/拒绝受信者的权利的位标志

    Bit flags representing rights granted / denied to the trustee

  17. 她拒绝透露信的内容。

    She refused to reveal the contents of the letter .

  18. 他收到两封拒绝的信,但是他毫不气馁,再次尝试。

    He had two letters of refusal but , nothing daunted , he tried again .

  19. 但当你拒绝那封信的时候我才很确定的明白。

    But I knew for sure when you rejected the enveiope .

  20. 成员,以指示是否允许或拒绝对受信者的权限。

    Member to indicate whether to allow or deny rights to the trustee .

  21. 今年我已经够幸运的了,收到了大拒绝的回复信。

    This year I have been particularly fortunate in receiving an unusually large number of rejection letters .

  22. Loubser拒绝透露微信在非洲拥有多少用户,但他承认竞争已愈演愈烈。

    Mr Loubser declined to say how many users it had in Africa , but he acknowledged that competition was intensifying .

  23. 位于东京的索尼拒绝就这封信置评。

    Sony in Tokyo declined to comment on the letter .

  24. 无疑,伊拉克拒绝接受布什的信似乎是事先就谋划好了的。

    Certainly the rejection of bush 's letter appeared to have been premeditated .

  25. 苹果公司发言人拒绝发表超出库克信中言论的评论。

    An Apple spokeswoman declined to comment beyond the remarks in Mr. Cook 's letter .

  26. 北京美国驻华大使馆的一名发言人拒绝就这封信发表评论。

    A spokesman for the US embassy in Beijing declined to comment on the letter .

  27. 我把这篇演讲的草稿给她过目,她强烈反对我使用“拒绝”这个词,她从来不拒绝任何申请者。在拒绝信中,她总是写:“我们无法给你提供入学机会。”我不知道这两种说法有何差别。

    When I showed her a draft of this speech , she objected strongly to my use of the word " rejected . " She never rejected applicants ; her letters stated that " We are unable to offer an admission . " I have difficulty understanding the difference .

  28. 我把这篇演讲的草稿给她过目,她强烈反对我使用“拒绝”这个词,她从来不拒绝任何申请者。在拒绝信中,她总是写:“我们无法提供你入学机会。”我分不清两者到底有何差别。

    When I showed her a draft of this speech , she objected strongly to my use of the word " rejected . " She never rejected applicants ; her letters stated that " we are unable to offer you admission . " I have difficulty understanding the difference .

  29. 这些被拒绝的年轻人可不缺好伙伴。包括诺贝尔奖获得者、亿万富翁慈善家、大学校长、研究机构的学者、畅销书作家及商业、媒体和艺术界的领袖在内的许多人均曾收到大学或研究生院的拒绝信。

    Teenagers who face rejection will be joining good company , including Nobel laureates , billionaire philanthropists , university presidents , constitutional scholars , best-selling authors and other leaders of business , media and the arts who once received college or graduate-school rejection letters of their own .