
  • 【电力】failure to operate
  1. TV二次回路多点接地造成保护拒动的实例分析

    Instance Analysis fo the Miss Operation of the Protection Device Caused By Multiple Earth in the TV Secondary Circuit

  2. SN(10)-10Ⅲ型断路器拒动分闸的原因及改进

    Cause of SN_ ( 10 ) - 10 ⅲ Circuit Breakers Refusing Opening and It 's Modification

  3. 国内某电厂的定子接地保护拒动起因于不正确的PT接线。

    Failure to operation of stator winding grounding fault occurred in a domestic power plant resulted from false PT secondary connection .

  4. PV的接入会改变配电网的网络结构和潮流分布,导致保护可能出现拒动或误动等情况。

    PV will change network structure and power flow distribution . This may easily result in tripping missing or mal operation of traditional protection .

  5. 关于RCD的误动作和拒动

    False Action and Non-action about RCD

  6. 110kV变电所备自投供电线路拒动的原因分析

    Analysis on the rejecting cause of 110 kV substation spare power supply line

  7. 昭东电站110kV主变后备保护拒动原因分析

    Analysis of a maloperation of transformer 's backup protection in 110 kV Zhaodong station

  8. 330kV安南双回线主保护拒动问题分析

    The Analysis for the Inactivity of 330 kV An-Nan Double-circuit Line

  9. 哈三电厂600MW发电机100%定子接地保护拒动分析

    Analysis on Operation Rejection of 100 % Stator Ground Protection for 600 MW Generator of Harbin No.3 Power Plant

  10. 当馈线远方终端(FTU)拒动或通讯中断时,变电站馈出线的保护可作为远后备。

    When feeder terminal unit ( FTU ) fails to act or communicate is interrupted , the feeder protection in the substation can backup .

  11. 一台550kV断路器拒动的分析与处理

    Analysis and Treatment of Resist-operation on a 550 kV Circuit Breaker

  12. 仿真结果表明:FCL的投入会使线路零序电流保护灵敏性降低甚至产生拒动。

    Simulation results show that , the insert of FCL will reduce the sensitivity of zero-sequence current protection even make the protection fail to operate .

  13. 按K(Zzd-Xc)整定保护范围时,故障分量距离元件可用于快速切除近端故障,对于远区故障,拒动、误动均有可能。

    The fault component distance relay can be used to trip close fault rapidly when its protection range is set with K ( Zzd-Xc ) . however . In the case of remote fault .

  14. 指出分布电容在短路暂态过程中引起的振荡高频分量,可以导致快速母差保护拒动,其影响在保护设计时应引起重视。RCS-915型母差保护装置的保护方案考虑了线路分布电容的影响。

    The high frequency component caused by distributed capacitance in transient process , may result in maloperation of busbar differential protections , which should be taken seriously in designing of RCS-915 differential protection .

  15. 某220kV线路故障,线路保护正确动作,但开关拒动,引起失灵保护动作、母线保护误动,最后造成两个220kV变电站全站失去电压。

    During a fault occurred in a 220 kV line , the line protections acted correctly , but the breaker miss tripped . It caused breaker failure protection acted and bus protection maloperation , and the voltage of two 220 kV substation all lost .

  16. 断路器拒动后应采取的措施及其改进建议

    Measures have to take after CB refused to switch and Improve-advice

  17. 3~SO2风机电控部分拒动故障分析

    Analysis on trouble of electrical control drive for No.3 so_2 fan

  18. 开关拒动对于系统的危害是巨大的,同样对保护二次回路的危害也是不容小视的。

    Switch 's failure does harm to system and the secondary circuit .

  19. 旁路母线微机保护重合闸拒动原因分析一例

    Analysis of Miss Operation of Microcomputer Reclosing on By-pass Bus

  20. 11型线路微机零序保护拒动分析

    Refusal-to-move Analysis for Zero Sequence Protection of Model 11 Microcomputer

  21. 本文详细地分析了该保护装置在发电机定子接地故障中拒动的原因。

    This paper analyses detailedly the cause of operation rejection of protective device .

  22. 防止锅炉汽包水位保护拒动和误动的措施

    Prevent Method of Boiler Drum Water Level Guard Operation no and Operation Error

  23. 解决变电站遥控拒动试验分析

    Tests and analysis for resolving telecontrol failures in substations

  24. 一起安稳装置拒动原因分析及反事故措施

    The reason analysis on missing operation of safety stability device and anti-accident measures

  25. 此外,该专家系统还可分析断路器和继电器的误动和拒动情况。

    Also , the expert system can identify the misinformation from relays or breakers .

  26. 一起线路故障纵联方向保护拒动的分析及改进方案

    Analysis and improving schemes of direction pilot protection rejecting movement in a line fault

  27. 接地故障零序方向元件拒动保护改进方案

    Improvement on Zero Sequence Current Protection When Directional Element Fails to Operate During Earth Faults

  28. 单相接地保护装置拒动和误动的原因分析

    Causation and Analysis of the Refuse and by Accident to Singe-phase Protection Equipment for Earthing

  29. 故障分量正序方向元件消除拒动措施分析

    Analysis of Measures to Eliminate Trip Rejection of Positive Directional Relays Based on Fault Components

  30. 达系统设定保护动作值,而保护拒动时。

    Protective devices are immovable when the protection value set by the system is reached ;