
  • 网络protection wire;protective wire;guard line;protective conductor;Guard Trace
  1. 带保护线的AT供电方式较其他供电方式在结构上更为复杂,故障率也比其他供电方式更高。

    AT power supply system with protection wire is more complex than other power supply systems in framework , so it has more faults than others .

  2. 为确保安全可靠,建议采用专用的PE保护线,其保护线的最小截面必须满足机械强度的要求。

    In order to guarantee safety and reliability , this paper suggests to use the PE protecting wire for special purpose . The minimum section of the protecting wire must meet the needs of the mechanical strength .

  3. 低压配电系统保护线截面的选择

    To Select Guard Wire Section of Secondary Distribution System

  4. 夏日的牧场在断背山上,位于森林管理部门划定的树木保护线以上。

    The summer range lay above the tree line on Forest Service land on Brokeback Mountain .

  5. 流域水环境管理保护线与控制线及其规划方法

    On connotation and planning method of protection line & control line for water environmental management under watershed scale

  6. 浅谈电气保护线在防接地故障电气火灾中的作用

    Discussion on the Important Function of Electrical Protective Wires in Preventing the Fire due to Ground Connection Malfunction

  7. 例如,在小电流和高电阻应用中,没有保护线电缆会产生漏泄电流,从而影响测量准确度。

    For example , in low current and high resistance applications , unguarded cabling can introduce leakage current that will degrade measurement accuracy .

  8. 为了最小化这样的漏泄通路引起的误差,请选择具有高隔离电阻的开关卡,并尽量采用保护线,包括测试夹具和电缆。

    To minimize errors due to such leakage paths , choose a switch card with high isolation resistance and use guarding wherever possible , including in the test fixturing and cabling .

  9. 结果表明,额定电压为600kV的MOA能有效保护进线开关,并且自身能正常工作;电晕使雷电波发生较大的衰减和变形,对开关触头间过电压幅值影响不大。

    The result of computation indicates that the switch in 750 kV transmission line can work normally under the protection of the MOA and the corona causes the great attenuation and distortion of lightning current and does little effect on overvoltage between the contacts .

  10. 电路板上地保护走线的阻抗数学模型和串扰控制

    The Control of Crosstalk and Impedance Math-model based on PCB 's Ground Track

  11. 并且保护海岸线还能够增加渔业资源,促进旅游业发展,

    And by protecting shorelines and giving us food to eat and supporting tourism ,

  12. 通过吸收海浪的能量,盐沼能保护海岸线。

    Salt marshes help to defend the coastline by absorbing the energy of the waves .

  13. 保护海岸线不受更频繁且破坏性更强的洪水侵袭的计划呢?

    What is the plan for protecting the coastlines from more frequent and costly flooding ?

  14. 它具有改变干旱和洪涝状况、稳定水源供给、净化水质、调节地下水水位和保护海岸线等功能。

    It can reduce flood and drought , offer clean water , regulate the ground water and protect the coastline .

  15. 美国官员也正紧锣密鼓地布置计划,为保护海岸线和野生动物,打算在开阔水域对漏油进行有计划的点燃处理。

    US officials are also planning a controlled burn of oil in open water in an effort to protect shoreline and wildlife .

  16. 针对传统多级中值滤波在所能保护的线特征方向上的不足,提出了一种基于方向的自适应多级中值滤波方法。

    An adaptive multistage median filtering based on direction was presented in terms of traditional method 's dis-advantage in directions of protected lines .

  17. 胶州湾滨海湿地在净化环境、维持生物多样性、减轻灾害、保护海岸线免受侵蚀等方面发挥着重要作用。

    The coastal wetland in Jiaozhou Bay plays an important role in purifying environment , maintenance of biodiversity , disaster mitigation , and in protecting coastlines erosion .

  18. 防护堤是海岸工程和海港工程中常见的工程设施,它在保护海岸线免于海浪侵袭和保护港池作业安全方面发挥了非常重要的作用。

    Protection embankment is a common facility in coastal engineering and sea-port engineering , it plays an important role in protecting coastline from the invasion of the wave and providing safety operation for harbor basin .

  19. 我们为了保护海岸线免受外国侵略,在国防上花越多的钱(大炮),我们为提高家庭生活标准花在生活消费品上的钱就越少(黄油)。

    The more we spend on national defense to protect our shores from foreign aggressors ( guns ), the less we can spend on consumer goods to raise our standard of living at home ( butter ) .

  20. 笔者提出多项改进措施,在接地、接零系统中采用大幅度降低保护零线阻抗和重复接地电阻值以及加强等电位措施,正确使用漏电开关及安全隔离变压器等方法。

    Several improvements are put forward in ground system , which could greatly reduce the impedance of the grounding conductor and duplicate grounding resistance , enhance the balanced voltage , and the correct usage of ground-fault circuit-interrupter and safe disconnecting transformer .

  21. CO2气体保护焊接生产线;

    C02 gas protection weld production line ;

  22. 应用高斯热源模型模拟了CO2气体保护超低线能量超窄间隙焊接条件的温度场,该温度场与实测温度场基本一致。

    The temperature field of CO 2 UNGW is simulated using heat source Gauss distribution model in the paper , in which the theoretical predictions are almost the same as the experimental results .

  23. 一座36m高的钢筋混凝土框架结构熄焦塔下有需要保护的铁路线。

    There is a railway necessary to be protected under a coke-quenching tower with 36-meter height and reinforced concrete frame structure .

  24. 我们保护海上运输线,使外国货物能销售在我们的市场上。

    We protect the sea lanes to enable foreign country dump their junks at our market .

  25. 斯克莱尔获准撤回他的出发阵地以便更好地保护主要补给线。

    Schrier received permission to fall back to his jump-off position so as to better protect the MSR .

  26. 奥巴马希望国会能够提出一项气候变化法案,打破当前僵局。他想让共和党人看到,他允许近海开采石油,但前提是保护好海岸线。

    Obama , who wants Congress to move a stalled climate change bill , has sought to reach out to Republicans by signalling he is open to allowing offshore drilling , providing coastlines are protected .

  27. 零序直流选线系统用于易燃易爆场所电网保护,选线系统电路参数应确保接地检测电流不超过其允许值。

    The zero sequence DC line selection system is used as the way of power network protection in the place which it is easy to cause inflammation and blast . The parameter of the line selection system circuit should assure the grounding detection current is not beyond its permitted value .

  28. 在设计了汽车车桥CO2气体保护焊焊接生产线硬件组成的基础上,通过对输入信号和输出信号分配和I/O地址的分配,编写合适的控制软件,使PLC控制系统能够稳定、正常工作。

    The article is based on designing the hardware compositions of carbon-dioxide arc welding of the rear axle of car the proper software which is made by allocating the input and output signal and I / O address makes the PLC control system work with stability and normal .

  29. 本文介绍了电荷注入器件(CID)的光谱特性,详细地讨论了低温状态下谱线定位和CID保护,分析谱线的选择,混合标准溶液制备以及定量分析的数据处理等问题。

    According to the spectral properties of the charge inject device ( CID ), something considerable problem have been discussed about correcting the pixel locations of quantitative lines and protecting CID in low temperature , selecting analysis lines , preparing mixed standards and the data processing for quantitative analysis .

  30. 是斥资数百万美元来保护千疮百孔的海岸线,还是任由英国大片的土地葬身“海口”。

    Spend millions on defending the battered coastline or abandon huge areas of Britain to the sea .