
  1. 城市危险化学品事故统计分析与对策爆炸危险环境建筑物防雷设计的探讨

    An Approach into the Designing against Lightning in Explosive and Dangerous Environment

  2. 化工企业爆炸危险环境电气设计若干问题探讨

    Discussion of some problems in electrical design on explosion-hazardous environment in chemical works

  3. 装置的爆炸危险环境设计

    Design on Explosive Gas Environment of a Plant

  4. 浅析爆炸危险环境中电气设备的安装

    Installation of Explosion Protected Equipments in Hazardous Areas

  5. 爆炸危险环境的防雷设计

    Lightening protection design in hidden explosion environment

  6. 针对当前爆炸危险环境建筑物的防雷措施存在的漏洞,探讨了合理可行的安全措施和解决对策。

    This article aimed at the flaws of lightning protection of con-structions which exist explosive environment , and the reasonable and practicable countermeasures have been discussed .

  7. 以实例指出当前石化企业爆炸危险环境存在的较为普遍的问题和隐患,并从设计、施工和生产上提出了防范措施。

    The problem and potential danger existing in explosion risk environment in petrochemical plants are pointed out from actual example . Preventive measures are presented at the angle of design , construction and production .

  8. 进一步加强监管力度、采取有效措施、从各相关环节把住安全关,对确保防爆起重机及防爆电梯在爆炸危险环境中的使用安全,有着重要的意义。

    It is significant to further strengthen surveillance and management and take effective measures to all of the links related to safety , in order to ensure the safe application of Ex lifter and Ex elevator used in explosive hazardous location .

  9. 结合相关雷电知识,对爆炸危险环境建筑物的防雷设计,如接闪器、引下线、接地装置、特殊建筑物等防雷装置及设施的设计进行详细的探讨。

    With reference to the knowledge of thundering and lightning ,, this paper analyzed in detail the designing against lightning protection device and facility in explosive and dangerous environment , such as arrestor , earth lead , earthing device , special building , etc.

  10. 无毒无爆炸危险的环境湿巾可适用于镜头和照相机身的清洁,无擦拭痕迹和残留物。

    Safe atmosphere The pre-moistened cloths can be applied for both lenses and camera bodies and are non-smearing and residue free .

  11. 仪器不应用在具有爆炸危险的环境内。爆炸性粉尘混合物危险场所:11区。

    Do not operate the balance in a hazardous area / location For the dangerous sites with explosive dust mixture : 11 division .

  12. 在遵守相关的规则的情况下,带有感应警报接点的接点压力表可以用于有爆炸危险的环境。

    Contact pressure gauges with inductive alarm contacts can be used in potentially explosive atmospheres , provided that the appropriate regulations are complied with .

  13. 因此研究适用于爆炸和火灾危险环境中的探测手段势在必行。

    It is imperative to research sensor applied in the explosion and fire hazard atmospheres .

  14. 以爆炸和火灾危险环境电力装置设计规范为依据,并结合当前设计中存在的问题,提出了在2区危险环境推广采用无火花型防爆电动机的建议。

    Basing on " Design criteria of power plant in explosion and fire hazardous environment " and combining with some problems found in current design , non - spark explosion proof motor in class II hazardous environment is recommended to be used .

  15. 光纤光栅传感器可以工作在强电磁场、高温有腐蚀性的以及有爆炸危险性的恶劣环境中,因而比其它传感器有更广阔的应用范围。

    Fiber Bragg Grating sensors can work in the area of strong electromagnetic field , high temperature , corruptive and explosive bad conditions , therefore have more applications than other sensors .