
  • 网络low-voltage distribution system;low voltage distribution system
  1. TT制式低压配电系统SPD安装方式

    Installation of SPD in TT-Style Low-Voltage Distribution System

  2. 办公建筑低压配电系统谐波治理设计

    Design for Harmonic Control in Low-voltage Distribution System in Office Buildings

  3. 自动转换开关在低压配电系统中的应用关于{x/n}的分布

    Application of Automatic Transfer Switch in Low-Voltage Power Distribution System

  4. 关于(TN)低压配电系统中重复接地问题的分析

    About Iterative Earthing in ( TN ) Low-Voltage Distribution System

  5. 浪涌保护器(SPD)在低压配电系统中的应用

    The application of Surge protective device in low voltage distribution system

  6. 基于ModBus协议实现低压配电系统监控

    Design of Low - voltage Distribution System Monitoring and Control Based on ModBus Protocol

  7. 低压配电系统PCC计算机监测与控制系统的电气设计

    Electrical design of PCC computer monitoring and control system of low voltage distribution system

  8. 介绍了一套基于PROFIBUS现场总线的智能化低压配电系统。

    This article gave an introduction of the hardware and software of LV intelligent distribution system based on PROFIBUS .

  9. 介绍了LON局域操作网络技术,设计了基于LON技术的智能低压配电系统。

    This article gave a detail introduction of LON technology and designed an LV intelligent distribution system .

  10. 对低压配电系统中的无功补偿电容器,采用过零固态继电器(SolidStateRelay,SSR)来动态投切。

    The paper introduces a way of using zero-cross Solid State Relay ( SSR ) to switch the reactive compen-sation capacitors in the low voltage distribution system .

  11. 谈TN-C低压配电系统的中性线

    About the Neuter Line of TN-C Decompression Switchboard System

  12. 经试验运行,与一般的低压配电系统相比较,LON技术的智能低压配电系统具有灵活、功能强大、高可靠性等特点。

    Based on LON technology , the LV intelligent distribution system is more convenient , more advanced and more efficient compared with usual LV distribution system .

  13. 在400V低压配电系统中随着非线性负载的比例逐渐加大,其负载性质发生深刻变化。

    With non-linear load proportion increasing gradually in low voltage power distribution system , its load property changes a lot .

  14. 本文介绍了380V低压配电系统中性点的接地方式,分析了接地与不接地系统特性。

    The way of neutral grounding in 380V LV distribution system was introduced and the characteristics of grounded and non grounded systems were analyzed .

  15. 对国际电工委员会(IEC)规定的几种常见低压配电系统接地型式进行了分析计算,指出了各系统存在的不安全因素,并提出了工程应用中应采取的相应措施。

    General earthing forms of low voltage electric systems stipulated by IEC are analyzed and calculated , unsafe factors in these systems are presented , and some corresponding measures that should be taken in engineering applications are suggested .

  16. 在6~35kV的中低压配电系统中,单相断线加接地的复杂故障情况时有发生。

    The complex line breaking and grounding fault is one type of fault that may frequently occur in the 6 ~ 35kV distribution system .

  17. 并就等电位联结与漏电保护器在我国低压配电系统接地故障保护的应用中普遍存在的问题,根据IEC及发达国家标准,给出行之有效的解决方法。

    To counter the ordinary problems of the application of equipotential coupling and leakage protector in grounding trouble protection of our national low voltage distribution system , the effective measures are suggested on the basis of the standards of IEC and the developed countries .

  18. 对低压配电系统的故障状态进行了分析,论述了低压配电系统接地方式适用的范围,指出剩余电流动作保护器(RCD)适用的接地方式,以及RCD参数的选择。

    It carries out analysis on the break-down state of low-voltage power distribution system , discusses the adaptable ranges for grounding method of low-voltage power distribution system , points out adaptable residual current device ( RCD ) grounding methods and the selection of RCD data .

  19. 智能低压配电系统中电能质量监测器的设计

    Design of Power Quality Monitor of Intelligent Low Voltage Distribution System

  20. 有效地解决了目前低压配电系统中的过补偿、欠补偿和投切振荡等问题。

    The system can solve effectively the problems of over-and under-compensation .

  21. 智能低压配电系统国内外发展概况

    The Trend of LV Intelligent Distribution System at Home and Abroad

  22. 低压配电系统浪涌保护器及雷电浪涌防护

    Surge Protector and Lightning Surge Protective Device for LV Distribution System

  23. 低压配电系统中浪涌保护器配合机理

    The Coordination Mechanism of Cascaded SPDs in Low Voltage Distribution Systems

  24. 谈低压配电系统中的保护接地和保护接零

    Protective grounding and zero circuit connecting protection in low-voltage distribution system

  25. 改革油田低压配电系统制式的新设想

    A New Imagination on Reforming Low Voltage Distribution System in Oilfield

  26. 低压配电系统智能无功补偿控制器设计

    Design of Intelligent Reactive Compensating Controller for Low Voltage Distribution System

  27. 低压配电系统中的静止无功发生器设计

    Design of Static Var Generator in the Low Voltage Distribution System

  28. 低压配电系统的接地方式及接地故障的保护

    Ground of Low - voltage Distribution System and Protection to Ground Fault

  29. 浅论民用建筑低压配电系统接地保护

    Earthing Protection of Low Pressure Switch System of Civil Buildings

  30. 低压配电系统微机逻辑闭锁保护的原理与设计

    Principle Design of Digital Logic Blocking Protection for Low Voltage Distribution System