
  • single-phase short circuit
  1. 考虑空载线路发生单相短路接地时,将在故障点产生潜供电流不利于重合闸,故应该在可控电抗器中性点加装小电抗进行限制。

    Consider racing circuit happened single-phase short circuit fault , will be in grounded potential power flow produce unfavorable point , so should be in reclosing controlled reactor limit on adding small neutral circuit reactance .

  2. 35kV环网电缆单相短路故障分析

    Analysis of A Single-phase Short-circuit Fault of Ring Network 35 kV Cables

  3. 通过FTU对采集量的计算和分析实现了单相短路和相间短路故障的判断以及故障定位、故障隔离及接地故障分析和检测等功能。

    It is implemented by the FTUs ' calculating and analyzing for the sampling parameters for the diagnosis of the single phase fault and the phase to phase fault , the fault location , the fault isolation and the analysis and measurement of ground fault .

  4. 单相短路试验的三相试验变压器供电

    Power Supply of Three-Phase Testing Transformer for Single-Phase Short-Circuit Test

  5. 单相短路电流计算在工程设计中的应用

    Application of Single-phase Short-circuit Current Calculation in Engineering Design

  6. 三相感应电动机单相短路故障的瞬态过程仿真

    Simulation of Operating Process of Three-phase Induction Motor Under Faults Condition of One-phase Short-circuit

  7. 按单相短路保护灵敏度确定低压配电距离

    Determination of Low Voltage Line Distribution Distance by means of Single Phase Short-circuit Protection Sensitivity

  8. 文中还提出了低压系统中只用正序阻抗表达的单相短路电流的简化计算公式。

    In the paper , the reduced single phase short-circuit current equation expressing as positive sequence impi dance only is showed .

  9. 随着城市供电网络容量的增大和电缆线路的广泛应用,系统单相短路电容电流越来越大。

    With the increasing urban power capacity and the wide use of cable , single-phase short-circuit capacitive current is going higher than ever before .

  10. 以A相作为参考相,分三相相间短路、两相相间短路、两相相间短路接地及单相短路接地等4种情况建立变结构支路短路电流复合序网法的数学模型。

    With phase A as reference , its mathematics model is constructed for the three-phase short-circuit , two-phase short-circuit , two-phase grounding , single-phase grounding respectively .

  11. 结合工程实例,介绍了民用建筑设计中三相短路电流和单相短路电流的实用计算方法。

    Connecting with the project example , this paper introduces the applied calculation method about three-phase short-circuit current and single-phase short-circuit current in the civil buildings designs .

  12. 仿真结果表明所建立的负荷模型在单相短路、两相短路和三相短路条件下均具有良好的稳定性和准确性。

    The simulation results suggest that the proposed load model be quite stable and accurate under the single-phase short faulty , two-phase short faulty and three-phase short faulty .

  13. 本文以一台三相五柱式电力变压器为例,对该变压器发生单相短路时的漏磁场、短路电动力和绕组短路强度等问题进行计算和分析。

    The leakage magnetic field , winding short-circuit force and strength are calculated and analyzed using the finite element method during the single-phase short-circuit in transformer such as three phase five limb transformer in the thesis .

  14. 电网发生小接地电流单相短路的机会很多,约占总故障的70%~80%,所以电网的单相接地故障的处理就显得很重要。

    The chance of single-phase short-circuit to earth fault in the power system is about 70 % ~ 80 % . So it is very important to deal with the single phase to earth fault in the power system .

  15. 用安匝平衡关系分析了星形绕组单相短路接地故障,导出了普通纵差保护和零差保护的差动电流。

    The single phase grounding fault of transformer 's star winding is analyzed with the ampere turns balance . The differential currents for the longitudinal differential protection and the restricted earth protection are derived in term of ampere turns .

  16. 接地故障是一种单相短路现象,它可通过三个起因起火,危险性很大。介绍了接地故障导致火灾的具体原因及其防范措施。

    Earthing fault is a kind of phenomenon of single phase short circuit , it may cause fire via three reasons with great danger , Introduction was made to the actual reasons for earthing fault which caused fire and its preventive measures .

  17. 针对低压供电系统中常见的中性线断线及单相短路(或接地)故障问题分析了故障对电气设备及人身造成的危害,并论述了对故障的防范及保护措施。

    In view of neutral wire fault and one phase short circuit ( or earthing ) of low voltage power supply system , the authors analyze the faults which harm electrical equipments and human being and expound how the faults are prevented and protected .

  18. 单相变压器短路参数的简易测量方法

    A Simple Measuring Method For The Short ─ Circuit Parameters Of Simgle ─ phase Transformer

  19. 单相定向短路继电器

    Single-phase directional short circuit relay

  20. 关于380V单相接地短路电流计算的探讨

    Discussion on the calculation of 380V grounded single phase short - circuit current

  21. 有些人误认为,后备阻抗保护对发电机定子绕组和变压器各侧绕组的相间、匝间短路、YN侧的单相接地短路有很高的灵敏度。

    It is misunderstood that the backup impedance protection is high-ly sensitive to the inter-phase fault , inter-turn fault and single phase-to-ground fault at star winding of the windings of generator and transformer .

  22. YN绕组单相接地短路时,相间差动保护的两侧电流可能同相,呈现外部短路的相位特征,因此灵敏度降低。

    When the single-phase grounding fault occurs in the Y N winding of transformer , the phases of bilateral currents of longitudinal differential protection may be same , which is the phase characteristic of the external short-circuit .

  23. 对220kV有效接地系统部分中性点不接地的变压器,采用经小电抗器接地的方式,既限制了单相接地短路电流,又大大降低了过电压水平,提高了运行的安全可靠性。

    For 220 kV transformers with isolated neutral within the active grounding system , the low reactance grounding may limit single-phase grounding current and greatly reduce over-voltage level , thus promote transformer 's reliable operation .

  24. 分析了其判据和动作特性,通过数字仿真证明了此新判据在500kV、300km单回输电线路末端单相接地短路能承受300Ω以上的过渡电阻。

    The criterion and its operating character were analyzed in detail . Digital simulation proves that this new criterion can tolerate over 300 ohms fault resistance for single phase to ground fault at the end of 500 kV 300 km transmission line .

  25. 单相接地短路时故障量经变压器的传递

    Transfer of Fault Through Transformer in Single-phase Short Circuit Protection

  26. 三相变压器用单相电源进行短路试验时试验电流的计算方法

    Calculation Method of Test Current in Three-Phase Transformer Short-Circuit Test by Single-Phase Power

  27. 提高变压器差动保护单相接地短路灵敏度的探讨

    Discussion on how to improve the sensitivity of transformer differential protection during single-phase ground fault

  28. 江苏电网限制单相接地短路电流措施的研究

    Research of the Limit Measures of the Single Phase Short Circuit Current in Jiangsu Network

  29. 基于人工单相接地短路试验的电力系统计算用模型参数校核方法研究

    Research on Verification of Man-Made Single-Phase Earth Fault Based Model Parameters Utilized in Power System Calculation

  30. 配电变压器低压侧单相接地短路故障的过电流保护

    Protection of Over Electric Current of Single-phase Ground Connection in Low Pressure Side of Transformer in Power Distribution