
  • 网络low voltage power supply;LVPS;VCCL;Power unit
  1. 低压电源避雷器的应用

    Application of Lightning Arrester for Low Voltage Power Supply

  2. 低压电源电磁干扰及浪涌综合防护装置研究

    Research on Multiple Device on EMI and Surge of Low Voltage Power Supply

  3. 建筑物低压电源系统的SPD选择及应用

    The Selection and Application of SPD in Building Low Voltage Power Network

  4. 同一平衡保持电流可以通过采用不同的低压电源电压和PWM占空比实现;

    The same stable current for holding the solenoid valve closing can be achieved by different voltage of low power source and the duty cycle of pulse width modulation .

  5. 分析了低压电源浪涌保护器(SPD)与被保护设备的距离及不同类型负载和不同电缆长度对保护效果的影响,给出了SPD的有效保护距离。

    The influence of the distance between surge protection device ( SPD ) and protected equipment is analyzed in this paper .

  6. 采用高效的推挽式电路作为中低压电源的主电路,并以PWM控制电路、隔离式驱动电路、过流保护电路、MOSFET缓冲电路、软启动电路、稳压电路等作为辅助电路。

    The push-pull mode switch power supply is chosen as the main circuit of the other voltages with PWM control circuit , over-current protection circuit , insulated drive circuit , mosfet buffer circuit and so on .

  7. 多路不同站用低压电源问题探讨

    Discussion on problems of multiple auxiliary LV power supply

  8. 基于压电变压器的低压电源的设计

    Low Electrical Source Design with Piezoelectric Ceramic Transformer

  9. 广州地铁1号线列车辅助系统低压电源控制系统国产化

    Localization of Low-voltage Power Control System of Train Auxiliary System in Guangzhou Metro Line 1

  10. 同步发电机励磁电压人工触发闪电引发的低压电源系统过电压特征

    Characteristics of Induced Overvoltage Generated by Triggered Lightning in the Low Voltage Power Supply System

  11. 分析了步进电机的矩频特性,设计了一种驱动步进电机的高低压电源。

    The torque-frequency characteristic of stepper motor is analyzed , a type of high & low voltage driving power-supply is designed for stepper motor .

  12. 为了维护低压电源系统及信息系统的可靠运行,需要对用于电涌防护的压敏电阻进行及时有效的状态检测。

    In order to maintain operational reliability of low-voltage supply system and information system , it is very important to detect the varistor 's condition timely and effectively .

  13. 它由两组电源构成:维持电弧燃烧的大功率低压电源和执行再引弧的小功率高压电源。

    It consists of two sources : low voltage high power source which puts the arc maintenance into practice and high voltage low power source which carries out the arc reignition .

  14. 在低压电源控制方面,设计出驱动保护一体化控制器。并优化了供电装置的结构,实现了电除尘器高低压一体化控制。

    In low voltage power source controlling respect , it has designed the controller with driving integrated with protection and optimized the power supplying installation structure to realize ESP high-low voltage integrative control .

  15. 所有电气装置将采用低压电源,如果无法实现,其他安全装置必须用作过载保护和差动开关。

    All electrical devices will be fed from a low tension net , if this is not possible other safety devices must be used such as " overload cut out " and differential switches .

  16. 提出防止风力发电场输电线路、电气设备、中控楼低压电源、各台风电机就地控制电源及通信控制系统遭雷击损坏的2个对策。

    The countermeasures of protecting the transmission line , electrical equipment , low-voltage power supply in control room , the control power supply of wind turbine and communication control system are also presented in the paper .

  17. 雷击接闪时接地装置和钢筋电位骤升,引起参考地上高电位通过电子设备线路板,对低压电源线和电源接地中性点反击击穿,此现象常见而容易被忽视。

    A common phenomenon but overlooked easily is a rush rising potential of earthing conductor and steel structure stroked by lightning counter-attacks through LV wires and power earthing neutral by means of rising referenced potential acting on board of electronic equipment .

  18. 该驱动器采用高、低压电源自动切换供电技术和恒流斩波驱动方式,降低了步进电动机的低频振荡,提高了步进电动机的高频力矩。

    The driver adopted the technique of automatic power changing between high and low voltage and the driving mode of constant current cutting wave , so that the low - frequency vibration of the stepping motor was reduced and the high - frequency torque was increased .

  19. 文章介绍了一种CMOS双路输出低压差电源。

    A CMOS dual-output low-dropout voltage regulator has been developed .

  20. 基于低压差电源稳压器的CMOS过流保护电路设计

    Design of CMOS Current Limiting Circuit Based on Low Dropout Voltage Regulator

  21. 根据低压程控电源程控接口的特点,阐述了程控电源PC总线控制板卡的设计原理。

    According to the characteristics of program controlled interface in low voltage programmable power supply , the design principles of PC bus board in programmable power supply are described .

  22. 高电压小功率DC-DC电源变换装置,是一种利用低压直流电源产生高电压的电源装置。

    High voltage low power DC-DC converter is designed for converting low voltage DC current into high voltage one .

  23. 用于电机的VMOSFET低压驱动电源

    VMOSFET Low Voltage Drive Power Supply for Stepping Motor

  24. S7-200PLC在低压备用电源自动投入中的应用

    Application of S7-200 Used in Auto-Switching of Low-Voltage Power Auxiliary Supply

  25. 各低压脉冲电源输出端的固体开关均单独采用光纤光电耦合器和专用驱动模块控制,各光纤光电耦合器的输入端由同一PWM脉冲控制。

    Each solid switch in the output port of low-voltage pulse power supply is controlled by independent optical fiber photo electricity coupler and special drive module , and each output port in the optical fiber photo electricity coupler is controlled by the same PWM pulse .

  26. 该低压差电源可提供输出电流为1A的33V固定输出(压差为06V)和1A可调输出,并具有短路保护和过压保护等功能。

    The low voltage dropout regulator is capable of providing both a 3.3-V fixed-output and an adjustable output with 1 A current and 0.6 V dropout voltage . It also provides short-circuit and over-voltage protections .

  27. 片上低压降电源调节器的稳定性分析和频率补偿

    Stability Analysis and Frequency Compensation Technique for On-Chip LDO Voltage Regulator

  28. 低压备用电源开关二次回路缺陷分析

    Defects Analysis on Secondary Circuit for Low-voltage Backup Power Switch

  29. 智能低压双电源自投系统

    The Intelligent Low - voltage Dual Power Auto-switching-on System

  30. 一种双路输出低压差电源的研制

    A Dual-Output Low - Dropout Voltage Regulator