
  1. ITER计划和核聚变研究的未来

    ITER program and the future of nuclear fusion research

  2. 由于激光核聚变研究工作的需要,促进了高功率钕玻璃激光器系统的发展。

    Laser fusion research has promoted the development of high power lasers .

  3. 我国受控核聚变研究发展的里程碑

    A milestone of the nation 's controlled fusion research development

  4. 惯性约束核聚变研究的进展

    Progress of inertial confinement fusion ( ICF ) research

  5. 中国可控核聚变研究的启始与发展的外部条件

    The Exterior Terms for the Start and Development of Nuclear Fusion in China

  6. 用于核聚变研究的大功率激光系统的发展

    Development of high power laser system for fusion research

  7. 受控核聚变研究的进展和展望

    Progress and Prospect of Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research

  8. 对受控核聚变研究途径的再思考

    Analyzed the Methods of Nuclear Fusion Research

  9. 本文详尽论述了核聚变研究的必要性、可行性及广阔前景。

    The necessity , feasibility and the broad prospect are discussed in details in this paper .

  10. 团簇冲击核聚变研究现状

    Trends in Cluster Impact Fusion

  11. 在受控核聚变研究中,中性束注入已经成为加热等离子体的有效手段。

    In fusion research , the neutral beam injection has become an efficient method for heating plasma .

  12. 核聚变研究50年

    Fusion research in the world

  13. 对先进托卡马克理论和实验研究是当前受控核聚变研究的中心问题。

    Theoretical and experimental investigations on advanced Tokamak are the major concerns in present controlled fusion research .

  14. 在核聚变研究中,大功率强流中性束注入是主要的等离子体二级加热手段。

    High-power and high-current neutral beam injection is a major plasma auxiliary heating method in the field of nuclear fusion research .

  15. 随着惯性约束核聚变研究的发展,强激光驱动器能源系统的研究备受关注。

    Developing with the research on ICF , more and more attention is paid to the high power laser power conditioning system .

  16. 激光核聚变研究是人类解决未来能源危机及改善严重环境污染的一项重大举措。

    The research of Inertial Confinement Fusion ( ICF ) techniques is a powerful act to resolve the energy crisis and environment pollution .

  17. 接着,在70年代末到80年代,中国建造了自己的用于激光核聚变研究的激光器&神光装置。

    Between the late 1970s and the 1980s , China manufactured its own laser device Shen Guang ( magical light ) for research into laser-based nuclear fusion .

  18. 核聚变研究在解决当今能源短缺问题上具有十分重大的意义,中性束注入加热是核聚变中重要的辅助加热方式之一。

    It is very significant for the research of nucleus fusion in resolving energy sources shortage , and neutral beam injection ( NB1 ) heating is one of the important assistant heating methods in nucleus fusion .

  19. 激光核聚变研究需要保证高能激光束具有很好的光束空间特性,而激光系统波前畸变检测则是激光束空间参数诊断中的一个主要环节。

    The research of Inertial Confinement Fusion ( ICF ) needs to make the laser beam have a good spatial distribution . So the measurement of wavefront aberration plays a great important role in high power laser system .

  20. 为了满足惯性约束核聚变研究中对三倍频系统的要求,对影响三倍频转换效率和光束质量的物理因素进行深入研究是十分必要的。

    In order to satisfy the requirement of ICF to third harmonic converter , it is necessary to study on the physical factors affecting the conversion efficiency of third harmonic generation and the beam quality of tripling field .

  21. 勒那相信,在铍电极的帮助下,到明年中旬,他的实验室将克服一个长久以来一直困扰着核聚变研究的难题,让我们从核聚变反应堆中获得的能源超过我们投入的用于点燃反应堆的能源。

    Lerner is boldly confident that the beryllium would by the middle of next year enable his lab to overcome the problem that has vexed fusion projects forever : It would harness more energy out of its reactor than what goes into it .

  22. EAST托卡马克装置是一个全超导的大型核聚变实验研究装置,实验过程中,对超导磁体的失超保护是一项非常重要的内容。

    Quench-protection of superconducting magnets is very important in the EAST superconducting tokamak .

  23. 对我国磁约束核聚变的研究发展历程做了简要的回顾。

    Finally , the research and development course of magnetic confinement fusion in China are presented .

  24. 惯性约束核聚变的研究在能源及国防领域都有极其重要的意义。

    The research on Inertial Confinement Fusion is of great importance in the field of Energy and National Defense .

  25. 多束高功率激光驱动的惯性约束核聚变是研究解决这一全球性问题的可行方案之一。

    The inertial confined fusion driven by multi-beam of high power lasers is a feasible way to solve the global problem .

  26. 主要研究工作有:论述了激光核聚变系统研究中波前畸变检测的重要意义。

    Main research work and new ideas as below : The importance of qualifying the wavefront distortion in ICF system is recounted .

  27. 氢弹试验成功后,科学家的注意力转向可控核聚变的研究,有军事性质而处于绝密状态。

    After success of hydrogen bomb , scientists turned to face controlled nuclear fusion connected to military and be placed in the top-secret .

  28. 随着化石能源和铀的日益枯竭,受控核聚变的研究迫在眉睫。

    With the increasing depletion of fossil fuels and uranium , controlled nuclear fusion is the best choice for energy in the future .

  29. 常温核聚变现象实验研究

    The progress in experimental research of nuclear fusion at normal temperature

  30. 常温核聚变现象的研究和进展

    Research and Progress of Nuclear Fusion Phenomenon at Normal Temperature