- 名nuclear chromatin

SSCC low differentiation , cancer cells small , granular nuclear chromatin , cell shape is similar with the SCLC .
The RBC in the center of the field contains several Howell-Jolly bodies , or inclusions of nuclear chromatin remnants .
In this condition , they are sometimes referred to collectively as the chromatin of the nucleus .
Core processes of epigenetic inheritance include DNA methylation , histone modification , nucleosome remodeling , nuclear dynamics and chromatin interaction with non-coding RNAs .
The dispersing of sperm chromatin in egg nucleus takes about 4 hours ;
The apoptosis was characterized by chromatin concentration and margination , in half-moon , loop , and irregular shapes , and apoptotic body formation , and DNA ladder formation by gel electrophoresis .
The results showed that antineoplastic drug inhibited the proliferation of Hep-2 cells in a time and dose dependent manner in vitro .
The serum contained Chinese herbs has evident inhibitory function to the human stomach cancer cell SGC-7901 . after 24h culture , the inhibiting rate is 47 . 78 % .
PEG was used as a fusogen in our experiment . The fusion of mitotic CHO cells with bone marrow cells of mice were performed and the induction of premature chromosome condensation of interphase nucleus was observed .
The morphologic results showed that BHK-21 cells infected by VSV appeared peripheral condensation of chromatin , partition of cytoplasm and nucleus into membrane and so on .
With electron microscopy , great changes of cell apoptosis were observed , including microvilli disappearance or reduction , cell shrinkage , chromatin condensation or margination and the presence of " apoptosis bodies " .
After treatment with 1 ~ 10 μ g / ml tanshinone ⅱ A for 72 h , BEL 7402 cell apoptosis with nuclear chromatin concentration and fragmentation as well as cell shrinkage and the formation of apoptotic bodies were observed .
Morphology survey inverted microscope . survey The A-549 human lung cancer cells with EPA showed cellular volume small and round , nuclear chromatin condensation , loose between the cells and adherent ability decrease under invert microscope .
The animals of the experimental groups after four times acute repetitive hypoxia showed different extent changes as compare with control group . The main appearance was : the neuron tended to apoptosis , microfilaments and microtubules were obscure and chromatin in nucleus collected into different sized dumplings .
Study on interphase chromatin in some animal species by TEM
The Evaluation of the Sperm Chromatin Status from Spouses of Women with Spontaneous Abortion
Under the fluorescence microscopy , condensed chromatin stained by DAPI formed dotted chromatin .
The scatt-ering of the sperm chromatin in the polar nucleus takes about 1 hour .
The nucleus contained fine homogeneous dispersed chromatin and , mostly , a single nucleolus .
The Analysis of the Fusion of Cells and the Induction Premature Chromosome Condensation of Interphase Nucleus
Vascular smooth muscle cell : the chromatin was condensed and marginated and perinuclear space was dilated ;
Results : ① LM : the shape of the cells changed into round or oval shape .
Ultrastructural data of olfactory mucosa showed that the feature of apoptotic neurons was chromatin condensation and cell shrinkage .
A Study of Nuclear Self-assembly and the Chromation Fibre of the Assembled Nuclei in the Cell-free System of Xenopus Eggs
The results showed that this bacteria could induce apoptosis of tumor cells when injected into the peritoneum of tumor-bearing mouses .
Results The periphery of the tissue shrink of circumference , the deformation of cells , the body shorten , chromatin dens ;
Under transmission electron microscopy , apoptotic cells exhibited typical morphological changes , including irregular shape of nucleus , chromatin condensation , etc ;
The apoptotic cells mainly showed cytoplasmic membrane blebbing , chromatin condensation and fragmentation , and crescentic nuclear and membrane bound apoptotic bodies formation .
A series of changes occurred in morphology and structure , including chromatin condensation , development and fusion of mitochondria , acrosome formation and cytoplasmic diminution .
Results Characteristic morphologic changes of apoptotic cells were observed under transmission electron microscope with chromatin condensation and margination as well as formation of apoptotic bodies .