
  • 网络STIR;Stir frying;Quick-fry
  1. 尤其是炒蟹粉(stir-friedcrabmeat),俨然是餐饮艺术的杰作:它由土豆泥、胡萝卜以及蛋清加入姜丝爆炒而成,色香味俱浓。

    The crabmeat in particular is a wonder of culinary artifice : a rich tumble of mashed potato , carrot and egg white with ginger .

  2. 市场实则位于运河边的一块空地上,我俩点了蒸鱼,爆炒辣面、沙爹串、炒时蔬、以及一大堆美味佳肴,虽说最终我未点自制冰淇淋时,Tao仍显得颇为失望。

    The market is actually on land beside the canal and we order steamed fish , stir-fried spicy noodles , satay sticks , vegetables from the wok and a pile of other delicious dishes , although Tao still looks disappointed when I decline the home-made ice cream at the end .

  3. 结束这种爆炒,将把大部分散户投机者赶走:券商里昂证券(CLSA)的数据显示,首次公开发行的股票中,大约有一半(或者说散户申购到的70%)在上市第一天就被抛出。

    An end to such ramping will chase out most retail punters : roughly half of all IPO shares , or 70 per cent of those allotted to retail , are sold on day one , according to brokers CLSA .

  4. 高送转题材股的爆炒是市场不成熟表现的一种。

    High delivery to the stock market is one of the Market anomalies .

  5. 镬内烧油至微温,加入蒜茸,爆炒至香味溢出。

    Heat oil in wok gently , add chopped garlic . Saute for a while .

  6. 比较爆炒、炖煮、微波三种烹调方法对蔬菜抗氧化活性及主要抗氧化成分的影响。

    Effect of different cooking methods on antioxidant capacity and contents of related antioxidants was studied . 3 .

  7. 将大土豆切丁,用熏肉熬出的油爆炒(若没有煎熏肉,可用其它油代替)。

    Cube one large potato and saut é in the bacon fat or just oil if not using bacon .

  8. 在徽菜菜单上,人们会发现油煎或爆炒的菜肴要比煮的菜肴少。

    Among the dishes on the hui cuisine menu , you will find fried or quick-fled dishes than those that are braised .

  9. 菜谱同上,先煎一些熏肉,用熏肉熬出的油爆炒土豆丁及洋葱粒。

    Follow the recipe above with first cooking the bacon , then saut é ing the diced potato and onions in the fat .

  10. 近来希腊媒体一直在爆炒希腊国内一位111岁的老妇,因为她很可能是全世界惟一能够见证现代奥运百年历史的人。

    There is an old lady at the age of111 , she maybe the only person who will witness the modern Olympic Games over a century .

  11. 中火,锅热后放入3勺植物油,然后放入切好的洋葱,爆炒一分钟。

    Heat a frying pan over a medium heat . Add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil . Then add the chopped onion , and fry for 1 minute .

  12. 例如做一个巨大的敞面蔬菜鸡蛋卷或者尝试做一道爆炒鸡丁并在最后两分钟拌入一些鸡蛋。

    Make a huge open-faced vegetable omelet , for example , or try a quick chicken stir-fry and fold in a few eggs during the last two minutes of cooking .

  13. 像羊杂汤、爆炒羊头肉、烤羊排、羊肉串等等,都是蒙古民间食谱中珍品之作。

    Yangza like soup , Bao Chao sheep 's head meat , lamb row , the string of mutton and so on are all non-diet in Mongolia for the treasures .