
  • 网络explosive power;explosive capacity
  1. 涡轮增压车一直宣布他们为爆炸威力的标准。

    Turbocharged cars have always been heralded for the explosive power they muster .

  2. 隐藏在这些情绪里的,是具有爆炸威力的力量。

    Inherent in these emotions is explosive power .

  3. FAE战斗部爆炸威力评价方法的分析

    Analysis of evaluation methods for blast power of FAE warhead

  4. 对长100m的管内甲烷和空气爆炸威力进行了预测,当气云长为10m时,最大压力发生在轴向55m处,可达323kPa。

    In addition , the power of methane / air cloud explosion in 100 m tube was forecasted , when the length of cloud was 10 m , the greatest pressure could reach 323 kPa at the point of 55 m from ignition .

  5. 纤维增强攻坚战斗部爆炸威力试验研究

    Experimental Research of Blast Power of Fiber Reinforced Anti-hard-target Warhead

  6. 低附带毁伤弹药爆炸威力的理论分析与试验研究

    Theory Analysis and Experiment Research on Blast Effect of Low Collateral Damage Ammunition

  7. 民用液化气泄漏爆炸威力的探析

    Exploration of the risk of LPG leakage and explosion

  8. 话外音:一次与一万件核子武器同时爆炸威力相当的撞击。

    Voice : An impact equivalent to ten thousand nuclear weapons detonating simultaneously .

  9. 属于或关于爆炸威力(粉碎性后果)。

    Of or relating to the power ( the shattering effect ) of an explosive .

  10. 爆炸威力最大的混合气体

    Maximum violent explosion of methane mixture

  11. 适当增加弹体密度可增强这种固态燃料混合物的爆炸威力。

    Explosion power of solid fuel mixture can be enhanced with a suitable increase of bomb density .

  12. 草在爆炸威力涉及过的地面上会消失。

    Grass can be stripped off the ground by explosions relative to the power of the explosive .

  13. 由于后续燃烧对冲击波的增强作用,使药剂具有较高的爆炸威力。

    The blast power of TBE was higher due to the enhancement of afterburning to shock wave .

  14. 它具有低的冲击感度和低的爆炸威力。别指望缓冲器会在低速碰撞时减缓冲击。

    It has low stock sensitivity and low brisance . Don 't count on the bumper to hold up during a low-speed collision .

  15. 上世纪60年代中期,约200磅核弹级铀材料在这里莫名失踪,如此大量的铀足以生产好几枚爆炸威力堪比广岛事件的核弹。

    In the mid-1960s , some 200 pounds of bomb-grade uranium enough possibly for several Hiroshima-sized bombs couldn 't be accounted for there .

  16. 由于低能导爆索药量少、药芯细、爆炸威力小,使用不当会造成传爆中断。

    Cable Rail System Due to little amount of explosive , fine core , low power and improper use of detonators , blasting may be interrupted .

  17. 深入研究因事故泄漏所引发的可燃气云爆炸威力及其相应的规律,是创立抑制和预防此类工业灾害技术的理论基础,具有重要的学术价值和社会经济价值。

    Investigation into its explosive power and corresponding regulations is the theoretical basis for explosion suppression and prevention technologies and is of important academic and economical value .

  18. 在现代海战中,随着反舰武器命中精度的提高和爆炸威力的增强,大型水面舰艇遭受反舰武器攻击的概率和破坏程度也随之增大。

    In modern naval battle , warship is more likely to be attacked and badly destroyed as anti-ship weapon is equipped with higher hitting precision and stronger exploding power .

  19. 星期一清晨时分发生的这次爆炸威力巨大,炸毁邻近的济奇村庄的每一扇窗户,该国主要的发电站受到广泛破坏,目前仍然停止运转。

    The force of the dawn explosions blew out virtually every window in the neighboring village of Zygi and extensively damaged the islands main power station , which remains offline .

  20. 详细阐释了中子弹的两个重要特性:强辐射与低爆炸威力,并与普通裂变弹作了对比。

    The two important characteristics of neutron bombs , i.e.enhanced radiation and low burst yield , are explained in detail , and a comparison with common fission bombs is given .

  21. 爆炸的威力非常大,整栋建筑都在摇晃。

    The whole building shook , with the force of each explosion .

  22. 壳体材料和壁厚对云爆战斗部爆炸波威力的影响

    Effect of Casing Material and Wall-thickness on Blast Power of CF Warhead

  23. 爆炸的威力甚至超过了奥本海默本人的预期

    The explosion is more massive than even Oppenheimer expects .

  24. 我低估了这次爆炸的威力。

    I underestimated the power of the explosion .

  25. 核试验出了差错,因为他们低估了爆炸的威力。

    A nuclear test went awry when they underestimated the power of the explosion .

  26. 爆炸的威力如此巨大以至于所有的窗户都被震碎了。

    Such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken .

  27. 散落在莫哈韦沙漠的残骸显示当时爆炸极具威力。

    And the wreckage in the Mojave Desert attests to the ferocity of the explosion .

  28. 爆炸的威力和大火,一起在他们身后起作用,把他们逼出了窗户。

    The force of explosion and the fire behind them forced them out of the windows .

  29. 你可以看到墙上的裂缝,不过爆炸的威力撞进了房子。

    You can see the cracks in the wall , but the impiosive effects went into the house .

  30. 爆炸的威力损坏了清真寺的屋顶,并振坏了周围建筑物的窗户。

    The explosives used were strong enough to damage the mosques dome , high above the prayer hall , and to shatter the windows of surrounding buildings .