
  • 网络exploitable resources
  1. 拉萨城市地下水系统可开采资源评价

    Evaluation on the Exploitable Resources of Groundwater System in La-sa Urban Area

  2. 可开采资源的日渐枯竭是资源型城市面临的共同问题。

    Resources-intensive cities face the common problem that the exploitable resources are diminishing .

  3. 先解逆问题反演求参,再解正问题计算地下水开采资源量。

    Then the positive problem is solved to calculate groundwater resources .

  4. 运用模型确定地下水多年平均补给资源量和可开采资源评价;

    Groundwater resources and safe yield are evaluated using the model .

  5. 地下水位随机模拟及开采资源评价探讨

    Stochastic modeling of groundwater level and evaluation of groundwater developing resource

  6. 青藏线拉萨车站水源地地下水开采资源的评价研究

    Study on Developed Resources of Groundwater about Water Source In Lasa Railway Station

  7. 天然气钻探嵌入农田中,开采资源。

    Here , the gas drilling rights dwarf the farm that hosts them .

  8. 中国不仅仅是在开采资源;他们还在为未来投资。

    China is not just exploiting resources ; it is investing in its future .

  9. 它们的机会成本是未开采资源的价值,因此,它们具有长期眼光。

    Their opportunity cost is the value of unexploited resources , so they take a long view .

  10. 运用该模型,对各种条件下的地下水补给资源量、开采资源量进行了评价和开采潜力分析;

    Then the recharge resources , allowable withdrawal and potential capacity of groundwater are estimated by using the model .

  11. m~3/a,经济合理的可开采资源量为6.07×10~7m~3/a。

    Economical & reasonable the exploit resource is of 6 . 07 × 10 ~ 7m ~ 3 / a ;

  12. 西北内陆盆地平原地下水开采资源分区评价初探

    A preliminary discussion on the subregional evaluation of minable groundwater resource in the arid inland basin plain of northwest area

  13. 中国不单纯是开采资源,也在为当地建设两台功率为150兆瓦的发电机。

    Rather than just mine resources , China is building two 150MW power generators , which will supply the local grid .

  14. 这和上面的语境对比,这是说只要结果是对环境造成破坏的,科学家就会极力反对开采资源。

    As long as the results is serious to the environment , the scientists will be strongly opposed to opening up the resources .

  15. 这些地图将用来土著领导人和农田水利,联合开发管理计划,将包括保护区和可持续开采资源。

    The maps will be used by indigenous leaders and the conservancy to jointly develop management plans that will include areas for protection and sustainable resource extraction .

  16. 大采高开采资源回收率高,煤炭质量好,能实现高产高效,经济效益好。

    The greater mining height mining is higher in resource recovery rate , better in coal quality , high in output and efficiency and good economic benefit .

  17. 这三个问题恰恰与生态环境密不可分:索取要开采资源,生产要使用能源,废弃物还会污染环境。

    Actually the questions were closely related to ecological environment : resources were essential for any requirements , manufacture needed energy , and the waste would pollute the environment .

  18. 金属矿山数字化可以充分开采资源,高效进行矿山生产,降低工人劳动强度,提高矿山企业经济、社会效益。

    The digitalization of metal mines can help to fully exploit the resource , efficiently carry out the mine p duction , reduce the workers'labor strength and raise both the economical and social benefits .

  19. 本文通过计算分析,确定了泉域岩溶地下水的天然资源量和可开采资源量,为区域水资源的优化配置提供了科学依据。

    The article is based on calculation and analyses confirm the volume of natural and exploitable resources of Karstic groundwater around the spring area , which provided the scientific basis for optimized disposition of water resources .

  20. 近年来,鄂尔多斯市经济发展突飞猛进,但是这种飞速的发展过度依赖于开采资源,对鄂尔多斯的生态环境造成过大的压力,产生了许多社会环境问题。

    In recent years , the economic development of Erdos is rapidly , but the rapid development excessively dependent on mining resources , what has led to great pressures on ecological environment and many social and environmental problems .

  21. 初步建立热模型,对地热资源和地热可开采资源量及地热流体质量进行了评价;提出了地热资源的开发利用方向、保护措施及建议。

    It primarily establishes the geothermal model , which evaluating the geothermal resources , its exploitable volume and its quality , and puts forward the direction of exploitation and utilization , protection measures and recommendation for geothermal resources .

  22. 从地下水开采资源组成与地面沉降关系分析,含水层深度越深,其中的压密释水量所占的比例也越大,造成的地面沉降也越严重;

    Analyzing the relation between the stratum of groundwater and land subsidence , with the depth of aquifer bed increased , the proportion that the released water because of compressibility of strata possessed become bigger , and it cause land subsidence more serious .

  23. 本文在青藏铁路区域水文地质调查工作的基础上,以系统理论的基本原理为出发点,利用地下水系统数值模型的运行,来对拉萨城市地下水系统可开采资源进行评价,取得了比较理想的结果。

    Based on the regional hydrogeologic investigation of the Qin-Zang railway , taking the systematic theory as the basic principle , by means of the groundwater system numerical model to evaluating the exploitable resources of groundwater system in La-sa urban area and achieves better effect .

  24. 例如,中铝为了在秘鲁特罗莫克(toromocho)开采铜矿资源而迁走了当地居民,此举已引发了批评。

    Chinalco , for example , has stirred criticism by evicting locals to develop copper deposits in Toromocho , Peru .

  25. (六)国家规定不得开采矿产资源的其他地区。

    Other areas where mineral mining is prohibited by the State .

  26. 国有矿山企业是开采矿产资源的主体。

    The State-owned mining enterprises are the mainstay in mining mineral resources .

  27. 就是否开采这些资源这一观点上有一些争议。

    There is some controversy about the idea of drilling for these resources .

  28. 特厚煤层放顶煤开采的资源回收管理

    Resource Recovery and Management during Sublevel Caving Mining of Extra - thick Coal Seams

  29. 岛内除了高磷酸盐,能够开采的资源很少。

    The islands have few mineral deposits worth exploiting , except for high-grade phosphate .

  30. 非法开采引起资源破坏与浪费和无序盲目开发造成的环境问题;

    The illegal mining brings breakage and waste of resources , and disorderly development results in environmental problems ;