
kāi huà
  • civilized;become civilized;thaw
开化 [kāi huà]
  • (1) [become civilized]∶从蒙昧状态进入文明

  • (2) [thaw] 〈方〉∶开始解冻

开化[kāi huà]
  1. 现代社会,因竞争不断开化与进步!

    Modern society , because compete ceaseless become civilized and progress !

  2. 罗马人开化了北欧许多部落。

    The Romans civilized many of the tribes of northern Europe .

  3. 而印第安人呢,则为那位著名作家有教养的、开化的见解而折服。

    The Indians , in turn , were charmed by the famous author 's cultured and civilised outlook

  4. 人类经数千年才文明开化。

    The civilization of mankind has taken thousands of years to develop .

  5. 该书描述了一个原始社会的开化过程。

    This book describes the march of the civilization of a primitive society .

  6. 学校教育将有助于使那里的野蛮部落逐步开化。

    Schools will help to civilize the wild tribes there .

  7. 最后,所有iswhatever参数使图像可以完全地、真正地、绝对地公开化。

    Finally , all the is_whatever parameters make the image really , truly , absolutely public .

  8. 浙江省开化县DOTS成本-效益评价

    Cost-benefit evaluation of DOTS in Kaihua County , Zhejiang Province

  9. 第一步,利用研究区的地形、植被、水文等图件资料,借助ARCGIS平台,对开化县域自然格局进行分析,从而实现生态功能区的初级划分;

    In the first step , in virtue of Arc GIS , we analyzed the natural structure of Kaihua county , making use of its maps of landform , vegetation , hydrology , so as to realize the primary plot of ecological function region .

  10. 本文通过多种生长函数的拟合和比较,选择了Richards生长函数作为开化不同立地指数等级下杉木人工林平均胸径、树高和材积生长过程的基本模型。

    By regressive result comparison , Richards function was selected as a basic model to fit the average individual growth process in DBH , length and volume of Chinese fir stands under different site index classes in Kaihua County .

  11. 论脱贫致富主体意识的开化

    On civilization of the subjective consciousness of getting rid of poverty

  12. 石灰土山地土地资源基层分类与生态经济开发&以浙江开化县塘坞乡为例白云山(英文)医巫闾山国家重点风景名胜

    Basic classification of land resources in limestone soil mountain and the

  13. 开化县外向型创汇林业的战略模式

    The New Model of Export - Oriented Forestry in Kaihua County

  14. 他们在那些原始部落中看到了未开化的生活。

    They saw life in the raw among those wild tribe .

  15. 这些部落的开化将需很长时间。

    The civilization of these tribes will take a long time .

  16. 这不大开化吧。我赞成开化。

    It 's not very progressive . I 'm for progress .

  17. 女人将会是最不可能为男人所开化的东西。

    Woman will be the last thing civilized by man .

  18. 高平市开化寺旅游景区客源市场分析与定位研究

    Study on the Tourist Market of Gaoping Kaihua Temple Tourist Scenic Zone

  19. 第一部分《古代岭南的开化》。

    The first section is The Civilization Of The Ancient Ling Nati .

  20. 浙江开化森林生态博览园生态旅游开发研究

    The Zhejiang Kaihua Forest Ecology Reads Extensively the Garden Eco-Tourism Development Research

  21. 人类经数千年才文明开化。

    The civilization of mankind has taken thousands of years .

  22. 音频比对系统在浙江开化中波台的应用

    Audio Comparison System in Medium-wave Station in Zhejiang Kaihua Application

  23. 不等一下我们不是没有开化的野蛮人

    No , wait . We are not mindless savages .

  24. 开化县优良乡土树种的选择

    The Selection of Good Indigenous Tree Species in Kaihua County

  25. 开化县荒山绿化经济效益评价

    Evaluation on Economic Effect of Afforesting Bare Mountain in Kaihua

  26. 浙江开化森林植被的区系特点及开发

    The Floristic Characteristics and Exploitation of Forest Vegetation in Kaihua , Zhejiang

  27. 罗马人着手开化古代的不列颠人。

    The Romans set out to civilize the ancient britons .

  28. 就算咱们把猩猩都开化了

    Supposing that the chimpanzees were to be civilized by us

  29. 那里原是一个未开化的地区。

    That used to be a wild and woolly district .

  30. 部落舞展示了一场五颜六色的半开化先民的奇观。

    The tribal dance was a spectacle of barbaric splendour .