
wǒ de mǔ qīn
  • My Mother;Ma mère
  1. 我的母亲鼓励我们但从不强迫我们。

    My mother encouraged us , but was never pushy .

  2. 我的母亲会帮我做功课。

    My mother would help me with my schoolwork .

  3. 唯一算得上了解真相的人是我的母亲。

    The only one who 's anywhere close to the truth is my mother .

  4. 我的母亲是位了不起的女性。她几乎是一个人把我们4个孩子带大的。

    My mother was an amazing woman . She raised four of us kids virtually singlehandedly .

  5. 我的母亲在乡村过着无忧无虑的生活。

    My mother lives a carefree life in the country .

  6. 我的母亲因我行为粗野而处罚了我。

    My mother punished me for my rude actions .

  7. 她是一名英语老师,也是我的母亲。

    She was an English teacher . She was also my mother .

  8. 从这方面来说,我的母亲完全有资格当评论家。

    My mother was well covered on this count .

  9. 我的母亲说她会帮我写作,但首先我得自己动手。

    My mother said she would help me with my writing , but first I had to help myself .

  10. 我的母亲身高不足五英尺,平时说话很温柔。她很少生气,但一旦生气,就会变得十分可怕。

    My mother , who is just shy of five feet tall , is normally incredibly soft-spoken , but on the rare occasion when she got angry , she was terrifying .

  11. 到达医院时,我的母亲出来告诉我一辆车撞倒了我父亲,让他全身多处受伤。

    When I reached the hospital , my mother came out and told me a car hit my father and his injuries were extensive .

  12. 在访问北京师范大学第二附属中学后,彭女士带着Sasha、Malia、我的母亲和我去位于北京中心位置的故宫。

    After visiting the Beijing Normal School , Madame Peng took Sasha and Malia , my mother , and me to the Forbidden City , which is located right in the heart of Beijing .

  13. “哦,亲爱的,布鲁塞尔花边,Maud真是奢侈的无可救药”,我的母亲举着这衣服,忧郁地看着它,Jenna给我使了一个眼色。

    " Oh dear , Brussels lace & Maud is so terribly extravagant . " My mother looked at this dress in a sad way ; and , over the top of her head , Jenna gave me a wink .

  14. 我的母亲又迷上了一种新的健身运动。

    My mother is on a good - health kick again .

  15. 我的母亲跟中国妇女一样,很勤劳。

    Like many other Chinese women , my mother is diligent .

  16. 也许挂在他脖子上,我的母亲提醒着。

    Perhaps it 's round his neck , suggested my mother .

  17. 我的母亲有一双敏锐的、会语言的眼睛。

    My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak .

  18. 连同我的母亲,他们给了我整个世界。

    Together with my mother , they gave me the whole world .

  19. 我的母亲总是勤勤恳恳,任劳任怨。

    My mother works very hard , yet without complaining .

  20. 我的母亲拉着我的手,把我带到楼下。

    My mother takes me by the hand and leads me downstairs .

  21. 这位是我的母亲,她是一位歌手。

    This is my mother , She 's a singer .

  22. 征得校长的同意后,我的母亲负起了教授我们功课的责任。

    Our mother consulted the principal and took charge of our lessons .

  23. 真的吗?我的母亲也是一位播音员。

    Really ? My mother is an announcer , too .

  24. 这是我的母亲。她是一位司机。

    This is my mother . She 's a driver .

  25. 或者说,我的母亲可能会选上那个汽车推销商。

    Or my mother could have picked the car salesman .

  26. 献给我的母亲,她给了我对生活的爱;

    To my mother , who gave me a love of life .

  27. 这是我的母亲。它是一名歌手。

    This is my mother . She 's a singer .

  28. 这是我的母亲。她是一名职员。

    This is my mother . She 's a clerk .

  29. 但是我的母亲都会用她的爱来安慰我、帮助我。

    But my mother always comforted and helped me with her love .

  30. 然后她闭上眼睛,去天堂和我的母亲相会了。

    She then closed her eyes and joined my Mom in Heaven .