
  • 网络our farm
  1. 我们的农场为市场提供水果和蔬菜。

    Our farm supplies the market with fruits and vegetables .

  2. 软的夏天风吹马戏团音乐在~之上到我们的农场。

    A soft summer wind blew the circus music over to our farm .

  3. 我已经有十五年没有走过我们的农场了。

    I hadn 't walked across our old farm in fifteen years .

  4. 我们的农场离镇上很远。

    Our farm was way out beyond the town .

  5. 我会想到办法保护我们的农场

    I will find a way to save this farm

  6. 我们的农场位于意大利西西里。

    Our farm is situated in Piazza armerina , in provinceof enna , sicily .

  7. 他要买下我们的农场!

    He 's going to buy our farm !

  8. 我们的农场上种植豆角。

    We grow beans on our farm .

  9. 一天晚上,农场主们聚集在我们的农场商量大计。

    One night , the farmers gathered at our farm to discuss what to do .

  10. 我们的农场收成好。

    Our farm gives good crops .

  11. 这是我们的农场。

    The baby lions are cute .

  12. 他们的农场和我们的农场相毗连。

    Their farm abuts upon ours .

  13. 沙发,那你觉得让外国人买光我们的农场就可以么?

    Shiuhung , so what about foreigners buying up all our farms ? That 's ok then ?

  14. 我所要讲的就是:那天下雨了,我们的农场得救了,就像一个小男孩救了另一条生命一样。

    All I can say is that the rain that came that day saved our farm , just like the actions of one little boy saved another .

  15. 我愿意做老大,我们家的农场就该归我。

    As the oldest son , I will get the family farm as a birthright .

  16. 我们去我爷爷的农场吧。

    Let 's go to my grandpa 's farm .

  17. 有我们的小花园和农场我们几乎可以完全自给。

    With our little garden and the farm we are almost entirely self-sufficient .

  18. 我们在黑谷的农场荒废了。

    Our farm at Black Cove is abandoned .

  19. 我们昨天参观的那个农场位于北京郊区。

    The farm ( which ) we visited yesterday is located in the suburb of Beijing .

  20. 我们提供全面的从农场到餐桌的卫生方案,为您的产品质量和保质期作出保障。

    We will improve the quality and shelf life of your products and provide comprehensive cleaning solutions from farms to tables .

  21. 正如我们的车拉到农场,开始为期三个月的计划陷入困境的男孩,我们通过了牛仔,他的马。

    As our van pulled up to the ranch to start a three-month program for troubled boys , we passed a cowboy on his horse .

  22. 杰克老是念叨‘埃尼斯?德?玛尔’,还说‘我总有一天会把他带来,我们一起打理爹的农场’。

    Jack used a say , 'Ennis del Mar , 'he used a say , 'I 'm goin a bring him up here one a these days and we 'll lick this damn ranch into shape .

  23. 我们将留住我们心爱的老农场!

    And we 'll keep our dear old Green Gables !

  24. 我们要把你转到我们的一个农场去。

    I think I got you transferred to one of our farms .

  25. 我们家在Miramar,我们还有个漂亮的农场,我在那里度过了许多快乐的童年时光,他最近这么跟我说。

    We had our home in Miramar , and a nice farm where I spent many happy days of my childhood , he told me recently .

  26. 那样的话,农民就没有利润了,那么我们如何确保我们能够维持我们的粮食生产和农场?

    Because then that farmer isn 't profitable , and then how do we make sure that we can sustain our food production and the farm ?

  27. 从那时起,他们的广告词也变得非常独特:我们酿造的每一滴啤酒都来自我们自己的农场。

    From that point , they settled on a unique concept : Everything in their beer would be made or grown on their farm .

  28. 我们提供种生姜,姜种材或腌腌姜.我们自己的农场和工厂提供的所有产品。

    We offer kinds of ginger , semifinished ginger is kind of salted or pickled ginger as well . We own farm and factory to offer all the products .

  29. “吉尔伯特和我决定成为朋友。哦,玛丽拉,我想我们都会有幸福的生活!我们的工作会很辛苦,但我们会很快乐。我们将留住我们心爱的老农场!还有什么比这更好呢!”

    Gilbert and I 've decided to be friends . Oh Marilla , I think life is going to be good for all of us ! We 'll have to work hard , but we 'll be happy . And we 'll keep our dear old Green Gables ! What could be better than that ! '