
  • 网络My changes
  1. 露西对于花在自己离婚变装上的65000英镑并不觉得惋惜,她说:“我的改变差不多完成了,但其实我不在意是不是有新的约会。我更开心,更自信了,爱情或早或晚,一定会降临我头上。”

    Lucy has no regrets about spending £ 65000 on her post-divorce makeover . ' My reinvention is pretty much over , and it doesn 't really matter to me if I meet someone or not . I am happier and more confident and , in time , the romance will come ' , according to her .

  2. 我的改变世界的方法是对人们身上的口袋征税。

    My idea to change the world is to tax the number of pockets people wear .

  3. 我的改变之一是明白了在许多人文领域里没有一定的对与不对,而主要是存在文化差异。

    One of the changes I underwent was coming to understand that in a lot of areas of the humanities , there aren 't set " rights " and " wrongs ", but instead a mass of cultural differences .

  4. 随后,我简单的改变了他计算机BIOS设置,把SD卡作为首先启动项;

    I simply changed his computer 's BIOS settings to boot to my SD card and installed Ubuntu over his entire drive .

  5. 身为一个父亲,这个角色让我的生活改变了很多。

    Being a father * has really has changed my life .

  6. 不用说,最后我的态度改变了,而且改变得很快。

    Needless to say , it did change , and quickly .

  7. 如果我目前的改变是真的。

    See if the changes I 'm feeling are for real .

  8. 这趟朝圣之旅所带给我的希望改变了我的一生。

    The pilgrimage changed my life by giving me hope .

  9. 在那一瞬间我的世界改变了,对自己的怀疑消失了。

    And at that moment my world changed and my self-doubt disappeared .

  10. 还记得珀西告诉我的重大改变吗

    Remember the big changes Percy was telling me about ?

  11. 总之,我的想法改变了。

    Anyway , I 've had a change of heart .

  12. 你没发现我的发型改变了吗?

    Didn 't you notice the change of my hairstyle ?

  13. 我的生活改变了,从此与帮助的。

    My life changed from then on with the help of it .

  14. 结果我唯一的改变就是换女友。

    The oniy thing I ever change is girifriends .

  15. 如果我的情况改变后我们能再讨论吗?

    Can we talk again if my circumstances change ?

  16. “那么他对我的看法改变了吗?”

    " His opinion of me is altered for the better , then ?"

  17. 我的世界改变了,但我一如既往。

    My world has changed but I have not .

  18. 很多年过去,我的感觉改变了。

    Over the years , my feelings have changed .

  19. 葬礼之后,我的生活改变了。

    After the funeral , my life changed .

  20. 我的所有改变都是很容易做到的。

    All my changes are easy to make .

  21. 我的行动改变了未来的一切。

    My actions change the future anymore .

  22. 他对我的态度改变了。

    His attitude toward me has changed .

  23. 毫无疑问的是,在瑞士生活四年使我的生活改变了许多。

    Without question , my four years in Switzerland changed my life in countless ways .

  24. 告诉我事物的改变。不要将我当成傻瓜。

    Tell me about how things changed . Don 't tell me I was an idiot .

  25. 也或者,面对周围依然善良的人群,我的心境改变了。

    Also , or , in the face is still good people around , my mood changed .

  26. 我的生活改变了。

    My life has changed .

  27. 我提议的改变,都是条约内的,因为它们与现行的机构和程序互有关联。

    The changes I propose are all within the treaty because they interact with existing institutions and processes .

  28. 要是我的想法改变,那麽我想这个我们生活的世界看上去会美好。

    If I change my thought first , then I think this world that we live in will look charming .

  29. 要发自内心地坚信:我们家族的历史将在我的手中改变。我将为我们的家族史书写最辉煌的一页!

    I will change my family 's future . I will write the most splendid chapter in my family 's history .

  30. 通常是我的想象力改变了,我会想到不同的情景或有了不同的写作手法。

    Usually my imagination has moved on , and I can think of different contexts or a different way to do it .