
  • 网络spinning top;Whipping a Top;whipping top
  1. 每完成一次,绳子就抬高一些,难度升级。抽陀螺Top

    As each level is completed , the rope is moved higher , making the patterns more difficult to complete .

  2. 他很会抽陀螺。

    He can spin a top very well .

  3. 那个男孩子在抽陀螺。

    The boy was spinning his top .

  4. 这些男孩子正在抽陀螺。

    These boys are whipping tops .

  5. 在他赁人家的车的时候,他从早到晚,由东到西,由南到北,像被人家抽着转的陀螺;

    In the days when he rented a rickshaw , he was like a top sent spinning north , south , east and west from dawn to dusk , at the beck and call of others .