
  • 网络pumping test;pump test;pump water test
  1. 小口径井求K的抽水试验方法

    To find K from pumping test method in small diameter well

  2. 基于非稳定流抽水试验的BP神经网络确定含水层参数研究

    Determining Aquifer Parameters with BP Neural Network Based on Unsteady Flow Pumping Test

  3. 为说明BP神经网络求含水层参数的原理,本文以文献数据给出了基于非稳定流抽水试验的BP神经网络求承压含水层参数的过程。

    The procedures of determining confined aquifer parameters by BP neural network were introduced .

  4. 利用松花江河谷的承压水井抽水试验资料和洮儿河扇形地27个潜水抽水井及其观测孔的抽水试验资料,应用直线图解法分析计算,得到唯一的含水层参数T、K和R。

    The pumping test data from the confined wells in the Songhua River valley plain and 27 unconfined wells and observation wells in the Tao'er River fan are analyzed .

  5. 本文介绍了小口径井求K的抽水试验方法,适于岩土工程勘察.该方法通过实例证明施工方便,经济。

    This paper introduces the pumping test method in small diameter well to find permeability K , which is suitable for geotechnical investigation , Practical examples verify that this method is convenient and economical .

  6. 枯水期抽水试验延续9h,水位下降4.48m,出水量287.76m ̄3/d,开采是有保证的。

    In dry season , pumping test lasted 9 hours , the drawdown is only 4.48 m and the water yield is 287.76 m  ̄ 3 / d. It is sufficient for the continuous mining by 2 inch water pumper .

  7. 根据承压含水层抽水试验的泰斯(Theis)公式,运用优化理论,结合计算机技术,提出利用抽水试验数据确定承压含水层参数的全程曲线拟合法。

    Nevertheless , a new method , called Whole Curve-Matching Method ( WCMM ) , is presented for determining confined aquifer 's parameters by using optimum theory together with computer technology on the basis of Theis equation for the pumping test of confined aquifer hereinafter ;

  8. 关于用非稳定流抽水试验确定水文地质参数时出现偏离问题的研究

    Deviation of hydrogeological parameter determined by pumping test of unsteady flow

  9. 它采用固体火箭发动机作为气体发生器,以射流、振荡和气举等作用为洗井原理,通过洗井前后抽水试验实测数据对固体火箭洗井方法进行了评估。

    It uses the solid rocket engine as an air-making equipment .

  10. 用抽水试验确定水跃值的计算机方法

    Computer technique for the determination of hydraulic jump by pumping test

  11. 抽水试验确定承压含水层参数方法探讨

    Methods of determining parameters of a confined aquifer with pumping tests

  12. 不等流量双井非稳定流抽水试验参数的确定

    Determination of parameters for unequal-rate unsteady flow double-extraction well pumping test

  13. 深井抽水试验遇到的特殊现象及分析实例

    Particular Phenomena Occurred in Deep well Pumping Test and Their Analyses

  14. 用抽水试验资料确定水文地质参数的新方法

    New method of determination hydrogeological parameters with pumping test data

  15. 缅甸船厂抽水试验井壁坍塌原因分析及处理措施

    The reasons and measures of wells'collapse for Myanmar ship yard pumping test

  16. 地面沉降研究中的越流抽水试验

    Land settlement research : a pumping test for studying leakage

  17. 利用水文地质边界附近抽水试验资料判定边界透水性

    Decision of boundary permeability using pumping test data near the hydrogeological boundary

  18. 分析非稳定流抽水试验数据的改进直线解析法

    The Linear-Analytical Method of Estimating Aquifer Parameters from Unsteady Pumping Test Data

  19. 非承压和非稳定抽水试验资料的有限单元分析

    Finite element analysis of time-dependant pumping test data in an unconfined aquifer

  20. 非稳定流抽水试验参数计算的迭代算法及计算机模拟

    Iterative algorithm and imitation for Parameter calculation of non-equilibrium flow bumping test

  21. 通过抽水试验,确定了该区的水文地质参数;

    Through pumping tests , the hydrogeological parameters were confirmed .

  22. 基于抽水试验的地热储层水文地质特性研究

    Research on Hydrogeological Characteristics of Geothermal Reservoir Based on Water Pumping Experiment

  23. 基于抽水试验的渗流问题摄动随机反演方法

    Stochastic parameters identification with perturbation method for seepage problem in pump test

  24. 工程勘察小口径井抽水试验探讨

    Exploration on the Pumping Test in Small Diameter Well for Engineering Investigation

  25. 相关分析法在抽水试验数据分析中的应用

    Correlation analytical method used in pumping water test data analyzing

  26. 基于抽水试验的土体渗透性耦合响应模型研究

    Model study on coupling response of soil permeability based on pumping test

  27. 井损的消除方法及其在抽水试验中的作用

    Identification of well loss and its significance in pumping test

  28. 利用群孔抽水试验资料进行水位预测预报

    Utilizing the datum of group drilling pumping test to forecast the water level

  29. 抽水试验网优化设计研究

    Study of the optimum design of pumping test net

  30. 地铁工程勘察的抽水试验设计和施工技术

    Design and construction technique of pumping test in geotechnical engineering investigation of subway