
  • 网络Extraction;steam extraction
  1. C6-3.43型汽轮机提高抽汽压力的改造

    Improvement for Increasing the Extraction Pressure of C6-3.43 Type Turbines

  2. 200MW汽轮机组五段抽汽温度异常变化的分析处理

    Analysis and treatment of abnormal variation for fifth stage extraction steam temperature concerning 200 MW steam turbine unit

  3. 中间再热抽汽式汽轮机DEH控制系统的响应特性研究

    Study on Dynamic Response Characteristics for Reheat Extraction Steam Turbine DEH Control System

  4. MEA溶液是可以再生利用的,再生的能量需要使用汽轮机的某段抽汽提供。

    MEA solution could be recycling , steam turbine extractions provide energy for its regeneration .

  5. NC型210MW汽轮机抽汽调节方式经济性比较

    Economical Comparison between Various Extraction Regulating Methods of 210 MW NC Type Steam Turbines

  6. 给出BK1006型汽轮发电机组供热抽汽调节蝶阀流量与阻力特性的计算数据、曲线图及结构设计方案。

    This Paper also gives data of calculation , charateristic curve and design program for BK-100-6 turbo-generator sets .

  7. 300MW汽轮机抽汽温度偏高的试验分析

    Testing and Analyzing of Higher Extraction Steam Temperature for 300 MW Turbine

  8. 引进型600MW中间再热抽汽凝汽式汽轮机的安装经验

    Experiences of Imported 600 MW Reheat Extraction Condensing Turbine Installation

  9. 300MW抽汽-凝汽式机组采用冷电联产的热经济性分析

    Analysis of thermal economic behavior for adopting COOL-ELETRICITY co-generation to 300 MW extraction condensing unit

  10. 根据每个机组M(ξj)表达式值的大小判别增、减某除氧器的抽汽量,使其抽汽源得到优化分配。

    The optimal distribution of bled steam source can be obtained by increasing or decreasing the bled steam of a certain deaerator according to the magnitude M (ξ _j ) expressed by each unit .

  11. 与抽汽发电相比,抽汽制冷经济效益是抽汽发电经济效益的两倍以上,δg不仅与抽汽压力、ηi有关,而且与溴化锂制冷机型式有关;

    It is also found that the economy benefit of extraction steam refrigerating is twice better than that of extraction steam regeneration , and δ g is not only related to extraction pressure and η I but also to refrigerating mode of LiBr refrigerator .

  12. 200MW抽汽供热机组甩负荷试验及分析

    Load Rejection Test and Analysis of 200 MW Heat - Supply Unit with Extraction Steam

  13. 125MW凝汽式机组抽汽供热的技术经济分析

    Technique-economic analyzing of 125 MW condensing turbine unit for heating

  14. 热电联产具有很好的节能效果,但在热电联产海水淡化系统中存在着抽汽压力和MED装置所需压力不匹配的情况。

    The combined heat and power system has obvious energy saving benefit , but there is a matching problem of the pump-out pressure with that of the MED equipment in it .

  15. 505E数字调速器在抽汽透平中的应用

    Application of 550E digital speed controller in extraction turbine

  16. BK-100-6型100兆瓦机组改为采暖抽汽机组的实践

    Practice in Retrofitting of 100 MW Condensing Turbine for Heating Extraction

  17. 根据需要必须提高C6-3.43型汽轮机的抽汽压力。

    According to requirements , the steam extraction pressure of a C6-3.43 type steam turbines had to be raised .

  18. 电厂采用EJA系列智能变送器检测锅炉给水流量、加热器水位、抽汽压力、凝汽器真空等;

    It talks about the application of EJA series transmitter in measurement of boiler feedwater flow , heater water level , extraction steam pressure , condenser vacuum etc.

  19. 对进口某型号600MW汽轮发电机组在进行试验时出现抽汽逆止阀关闭不到位现象进行分析,并提出了改进措施。

    An analysis of why the bleeding check valve of a600 MW steam turbine-generator set couldn 't readily shut during testing is being presented , together with means of improvement .

  20. 介绍鹤壁煤电公司200MW汽轮机组五段抽汽温度异常变化的分析和处理。

    The treatment for abnormal variation of the fifth stage extraction steam temperature concerning 200 MW steam turbine unit in Hebi Power Plant has been presented .

  21. 针对河北国华黄骅发电厂引进型600MW中间再热抽汽凝汽式汽轮机安装的特点,结合电力建设安装的特殊性,提出了有针对性的安装工艺和改进措施,确保了机组安装质量。

    Based on the characteristics of installation of the imported 600 MW reheat extraction condensing turbine in Guohua Huanghua Power Plant of Hebei , and the particularity of electric power construction , this paper presents relevant techniques and improvement measures to insure installation quality .

  22. 根据热水二段型溴化锂吸收式制冷机的性能参数和太原市城区集中供热系统的参数,计算分析了300MW抽汽-凝汽式机组采用冷电联产的热经济性。

    Based on characteristic parameters of the hot water two-section type lithium bromide absorbing refrigeration machine and the parameters of the central heating system in Taiyuan City proper , the thermal economic behavior of adopting cool-electricity cogeneration to 300 MW extraction condensing unit has been calculated and analysed .

  23. 根据襄樊电厂4台东汽300MW汽轮机抽汽温度偏高的试验情况,分析了抽汽温度偏花的原因,以4号汽轮机组为例计算了汽缸内部泄漏对机组经济性影响。

    According to the testing data of 4 turbine units in XiangFan Power Plant , this paper analy - ses the cause of higher extraction steam temperature and calculates the influence of cylinder inner leakage on the economy of No. 4 turbine unit which is taken as an example .

  24. 文中分别对轴封漏气、供热抽汽、小汽轮机用汽、再热减温水、高压门杆漏汽等的热经济性分析分项进行了叙述,并以300MW机组额定工况的数据进行了验算。

    Thermal economy analysis and the classification are given for the gland-packing leakage , extraction steam for heating , the steam for the auxiliary turbine , desuperheating water of reheater and the high pressure valve leakage . Based on a 300 MW unit , its economic load parameters are calculated .

  25. 青岛发电厂12号汽轮机非调整抽汽改造

    The Nonadjustable Extraction Rebuilding of No.12 Turbine in Qingdao Power Plant

  26. 抽汽式汽轮机调节系统设计方案的探讨

    An Exploratory Study on Various Designs of Extraction Turbine Control System

  27. 某热电厂抽汽凝汽式汽轮机组热力系统改造经济性分析

    Economic analysis of thermal system retrofit of a thermal power plant

  28. 调节抽汽汽轮机动力特性分析模型研究

    Research On Model Of Extraction Steam Regulation Turbines ' Dynamic Characteristics

  29. 凝汽式汽轮机改抽汽式后推力变化的研究与分析

    Research and Analysis to the Thrust Variation of Extraction Steam Reconstructive Turbine

  30. 汽轮机抽汽流道的流量分布和压损计算

    Flow Distribution and Pressure Loss Estimation for Steam Turbine Extractions