
  • 网络basic telecommunications
  1. 经营基础电信业务必须国有控股;

    Enterprises that operate basic telecommunications business shall be state-controlled .

  2. 但是,电信增值业务相对于其他基础电信业务有其特殊性,在项目管理的过程中会产生出相应的管理风险。

    However , when compared to other basic telecommunications services , telecom value-added services have their own characteristics and risks .

  3. 电信网络的运营业务分为两大部分,即基础电信业务和增值业务。

    The operation service of telecommunication network consists of two major parts , namely foundation telecommunication service and value-added service .

  4. 江苏联通作为经营基础电信业务的运营公司,固定资产在公司资产中占比达73%。

    As a corporation which is operating the basic telecom business , fixed assets occupy seventy-three percent of the corporation assets in the Jiangsu Unicom company .

  5. 由于受市场准入的限制,该公司一直只能在电力系统内部经营基础电信业务和增值电信业务。

    Because of the restriction on entering market , this company has to manage basic telecommunication service and telecommunication service of appreciations inside power system only .

  6. 中国联通的成立在我国基础电信业务领域引入竞争,对我国电信业的改革和发展起到了积极的促进作用。

    The birth of China Unicom brought competition into China 's telecom market and has been instrumental to the reform and development of the country 's telecom industry .

  7. 分析得出,国内电信市场的竞争还远远不充分,基础电信业务还表现出高度的垄断特性,竞争规则缺乏、政策法规的系统性、连贯性、透明性不强。

    From this analysis , it can be shown that competition in the telecom market is far from sufficient , the basic telecommunication service is highly monopolized , the market lacks competition rules , and the regulation policies and legislation system need to be more systematic , transparent and consistent .

  8. 国内电信市场经过多次的改革重组,市场格局发生了巨大的变化,逐步形成了六家基础电信企业分业务竞争的局面。

    Domestic telecommunication market has consisted by six fundamental operators compete in different services after several reforms .

  9. 并在此基础上结合电信业务特点,进行了工单异常情况下应用集成的设计和实现。

    On this basis , an application integration in the case of abnormal w / o is then designed and implemented according to characteristics of the telecommunication service .

  10. 根据问题,结合目前三网融合的大趋势以及三家基础电信企业全业务经营的电信市场格局,提出了完善电信服务质量监管的建议。

    According to the problem , combined with the major trend of the current triple play , and all three basic telecom business enterprise telecom market structure , by improving the quality of telecommunications services regulation proposals .

  11. 劣加性和范围经济出现改变人们对自然垄断的看法,除了基础设施和基础业务其他的电信业务都可以引入竞争才能更好的发展。

    However the Sub additivity and the Economies of Scope changes the traditional attitude to natural monopoly , all but infrastructure and Basic Service can develop great provided competition is introduced .