
  • 网络infrastructure management;Facilities Management
  1. 基于WebGIS的城市基础设施管理信息系统

    City Infrastructure Management Information System Based on WEB GIS

  2. 基于GIS的校园基础设施管理系统建设

    Construction of Campus Infrastructure Management System Based on GIS

  3. SOA借用了网络管理和IT基础设施管理等其他信息技术领域的一些概念,比如策略、服务水平协议和服务质量。

    SOA borrows concepts such as Policy , Service Level Agreement and Quality of service from other aspects of Information Technology such as network management and managing IT infrastructure .

  4. GWT使用让人回想起EnterpriseJavaBeans(EJB)技术的多接口基础设施管理RPC,但是谢天谢地简单了很多。

    GWT manages RPCs with a multiple-interface infrastructure somewhat reminiscent of Enterprise JavaBeans ( EJB ) technology , but thankfully a lot simpler .

  5. SAE提供了一组轻量级虚拟承载环境,从而消除了SA构建人员的基础设施管理职责。

    The SAE provides a set of lightweight virtual hosting environments that remove SA builders'responsibility for the infrastructure management .

  6. 较大规模的基础设施管理(管理很多hypervisor以及更多VM)可以通过几种方式实行。

    Larger-scale infrastructure management ( managing many hypervisors and even more VMs ) can be accomplished in a number of ways .

  7. 将ISO9001∶2000质量管理标准正确地应用于基础设施管理,是船舶企业创造先进微观生产力的“绿色通道”。

    Applying ISO 9001 ∶ 2000 quality managing standard correctly in managing basic facilities means the Green Passage for shipping industies to create the advanced microcosmic productive forces .

  8. VMControl可以自动执行虚拟基础设施管理、提高工作负载弹性(高可用性)和减少虚拟服务器的部署时间。

    VMControl automates virtualized infrastructure management , improves workload resiliency ( high availability ) and reduces deployment time for new virtual servers .

  9. 面向服务的IT基础设施管理模式及其应用研究

    Service-Oriented Information Technology Infrastructure Management : Model Development and Empirical Study

  10. 基于成本收益分析的基础设施管理制度变迁

    A Study with C-B Analysis of Infrastructure Industry ' Institution Change

  11. 建立高效有力的资产管理和公共设施和基础设施管理。

    To effectively manage assets and public utilities and infrastructure .

  12. 应用程序设计中引入了有关由基础设施管理的安全与由应用程序管理的安全的决策。

    The application design introduces decisions to be made about infrastructure-versus application-managed security .

  13. 政府部门在城市基础设施管理中的主要职责和任务

    Role Played By Municipal Government In City Infrastructure Management

  14. 改善我国科普基础设施管理运行机制的几点政策建议

    Several Policy Advice about the Improvement of Operating Mechanism for Science Popularization Infrastructure

  15. 监视和基础设施管理都是集中进行的。

    Monitoring and infrastructure management is centralized .

  16. 四个方面是指产品/服务、客户界面、基础设施管理和财务。

    Four respects are products / services , customer interface , infrastructure and financial management .

  17. 运输和基础设施管理局

    Department of Transport and Infrastructure

  18. 本节讨论平台管理;稍后的一个章节会谈及较高级别的基础设施管理。

    This section discusses platform management ; a later section expands to infrastructure management at the higher level .

  19. 减少IT基础设施管理复杂性这个需求,仍是每位IT管理者工作日程上的重点。

    The need to reduce the complexity of IT infrastructure management remains a priority on every IT manager 's agenda .

  20. “纯粹”的独立模式实现在后来会掺入其他因素,以使核心基础设施管理代码能动态管理相应的对象实例。

    The " pure " singleton implementations were subsequently watered down to allow core infrastructure management code to dynamically manage the respective object instances .

  21. 这种考虑是基础设施管理中一个重要的变化基础设施开始适应于任务负载,而不是其他方法。

    This thinking marks an important change in infrastructure management-one in which infrastructures are beginning to adapt to workload , not the other way around .

  22. 该模式对新农村基础设施管理的启示是“以政府为主导,以农民为主体,明晰产权主体,分清管理责任”。

    The enlightenment is making the governments leading position and making the farmer main body , clearing the bodies of the property rights and responsibilities of management .

  23. 城市基础设施管理纷繁复杂,如何利用网路平台对基础设施项目进行管理,提高管理效力,是目前基础设施项目管理研究的热点问题之一。

    City infrastructure project management is very complex . How to use web platform to manage and improve the management efficiency is one of key problems in infrastructure project management .

  24. 这种管理最好在各层内完成,本地管理在服务器上完成,还有更高级别的基础设施管理,以便提供虚拟环境的全面管理。

    This management is best done in layers , considering local management at the server , as well as higher-level infrastructure management , providing the overall orchestration of the virtual environment .

  25. 但是新型的基础设施管理技术,比如自动配置和编排,都允许组织采用更加复杂的自动化技术,从而提高it设施的灵活性和响应能力。

    But new types of infrastructure management technologies , such as provisioning and orchestration , allow organizations to employ more sophisticated automation , increasing the flexibility and responsiveness of their it infrastructures .

  26. 为了适应自来水供水管网基础设施管理和辅助决策计算机化这一需要,南京市自来水总公司牵头研制开发了供水管网管理系统。

    To meet the needs of managing water supply network infrastructure and computerizing in aid decision in running water trade sustainable development , Nanjing Head Office of Running Water took the lead in and developed water supply network system in Nanjing .

  27. 另一个方面是GIS作为通信基础设施的管理、网络规划设计和运营决策的辅助手段在通信领域中的应用。

    The other application is that GIS is an assistant measure to manage telecommunication infrastructure , to plan and design network and to decide running .

  28. 基于RCM的铁路基础设施维修管理信息系统的设计

    RCM Based Design for Comprehensive Maintenance Management Information System of Railway Infrastructure

  29. 这些关键策略包括:基于桥接CA(认证中心)的PKI(公钥基础设施)管理方式、基于虚拟组织的认证策略、网络环境中委托授权的访问控制策略等。

    The security policies include the public key infrastructure ( PKI ) management model based on bridge certificate authority ( CA ), the authentication policy based on virtual organization and the access control policy such as delegation in grid environment .

  30. 在合适之处,edms应包含链接至科威特基础设施维护管理系统目录。

    The EDMS shall contain links , where appropriate , to the Kuwait infrastructure maintenance management system inventory .