
  • 网络Christian church;christ church;Protestant Church
  1. 你家里有人去基督教堂?

    Somebody in your family went to Christ church ?

  2. 介绍了以新近落成的北京海淀新基督教堂为研究对象的分析研究。

    By recently was completed , Beijing Haidian Christ Church is the study object of this article .

  3. 基督教堂和犹太教堂也大量邀请伊玛目到教堂讲经。

    Churches and synagogues deluged imams with speaking requests .

  4. 山口教堂自1999年成立以来,迅速发展成为H市人数最多、影响最大的基督教堂。

    The Shankou church has rapidly developed and became the most influenced and biggest church in the H city since 1999 when it was established .

  5. 洛杉矶的西谷基督教堂(WestValleyChristianChurch)还计划本周晚些时候举行一个祈祷仪式。该教堂说,其原本计划接待江山中学的学生团体。

    A prayer service was also planned for later this week in Los Angeles at West Valley Christian Church , which said it had planned to host the Jiangshan student group .

  6. ISIS在埃及的两个基督教堂谋杀了至少45人,100多人受伤。

    ISIS murdered at least 45 people and injured over 100 others at two Christian churches in Egypt .

  7. 在科特迪瓦(IvoryCoast)的亚穆苏克罗市(Yamoussoukro),道路宽得可以降落大型喷气式客机,还有一个巨大的总统府和以罗马圣彼得大教堂为蓝本的长方形基督教堂。

    Yamoussoukro in Ivory Coast is a city with roads wide enough for jumbo jets to land on , a vast presidential palace and a basilica modelled on St Peter 's in Rome .

  8. 环境·功能·形式&深圳市基督教堂方案设计

    Environment · Function · Form & Shenzhen Christianity cathedral scheme design

  9. 你们知道在基督教堂中圣礼拜四是什么意思吗?

    Any of you know what Maundy Thursday means in Christian churches ?

  10. 摇摆的教堂&象山丹城基督教堂设计札记

    Oscillatory Church & Design Experience of Dancheng Church , Xiangshan

  11. 在基督教堂分享圣餐。

    Partake of the Eucharist , in a Christian church .

  12. 上海近代基督教堂研究(1843-1949)

    The Disquisition of the Neoteric Christian Church in Shanghai ( 1843-1949 );

  13. 马可基督教堂和总督府。

    Mark 's Basilica and the Doge 's Palace .

  14. 在这一区也有基督教堂。

    There are also Christian churches in the area .

  15. 全世界基督教堂都有的圣诞活动。

    There are special Christmas services in Christian churches all over the world .

  16. 世界各地的基督教堂会举办特殊仪式。

    Churches all over the world hold special services .

  17. 网架结构在基督教堂的应用

    The application of lattice truss in Christianism Church

  18. 基督教堂的平面图常常是十字架的相似物。

    The plan of a Christian Church is often a simulacrum of a cross .

  19. 从装饰简朴到建筑雕塑&1950年~1990年间欧洲基督教堂的建设

    From simplicity to building sculpture : Christian church construction in Europe between 1950 and 1990

  20. 传统的基督教堂都有精致的尖塔。

    Christian churches often have elaborate steeples .

  21. 它设计得像一座普通的罗马长方形基督教堂,有三条走廊和一个半圆形的后殿。

    It is designed like a generic Roman basilica , with three aisles and an apse .

  22. 和我订于本月10日星期四正午在基督教堂结婚。

    Dick and I are to be married at Christ church at noon on thursday , the tenth .

  23. 我们还看到在二世纪,基督教堂开始,模仿罗马的政治和社会结构。

    We 've also seen how Christian churches start , in the second century , imitating Roman political and social structures .

  24. 位于维斯康星洲南部的富兰克林市有一座基督教堂每周允许穆斯林在其中祈祷五日。

    The Faith Presbyterian Church in Franklin city in southern Wisconsin has allowed Muslims to perform prayers five days a week .

  25. 一种早期的基督教堂,它被设计成罗马长方形会堂的样式;它也指罗马天主教教堂或大教堂。

    An early Christian church designed like a Roman basilica ; or a Roman Catholic church or cathedral accorded certain privileges .

  26. 建筑的前厅,如早期的基督教堂,三面或四面有柱廊围绕。

    The forecourt of a building , such as an early Christian church , enclosed on three or four sides with porticoes .

  27. 在小市镇或农村地区,你大概只能见到基督教堂和犹太教堂。

    However , rather understandably , in smaller towns or farm areas , you will probably find only Christian churches and Jewish synagogues .

  28. 济南的基督教堂大多是国人自己建造的,这些建筑特征不很明显,但还是颇具欧式风情。

    Built by Chinese people , although most of them have no strong features of European architectures , they still possess European styles .

  29. 我们的汽车对天主教堂和佛寺都不屑一顾,却驶离大路,开进一个基督教堂的院子里。

    Disdaining both the Catholics and the Buddhists , our truck turned off the road and entered the compound of what had been a Protestant mission .

  30. 不像其他圣徒,教皇从来没有将他封为过圣徒,尽管绝大多数基督教堂都将他归为是“天堂的圣徒”。

    Unlike other saints , Patrick was never canonized by a Pope , although most Christian churches list him as a " Saint in Heaven . "