
  • 网络Christian humanism
  1. 弥尔顿《失乐园》中的基督教人文主义

    Christian Humanism in Milton 's Paradise Lost

  2. 如此人学内涵是诗人历经社会动荡、饱尝人间冷暖后对社会与人深刻反思的结果,渗透了诗人博大的思想(基督教人文主义)和高深的睿智。

    Such deep and rich connotations result from the poet 's thought about human being and society through his experience in social upheavals and hardships of life , his Christian humanism and sparkling wit .

  3. 基督教人文主义这一概念主要是由道格拉斯·布什提出,意在提供一种方式,处理基督教和人文主义融合性问题,而这种方式是弥尔顿和他的先辈们所津津乐道的。

    Christian humanism mainly proposed by Douglas Bush , tries to offer a tidy way of dealing with the problem , a synthesis of Christian and humanistic concerns , which Milton and his predecessors were able to enjoy .

  4. 最终,哈姆莱特在基督教与人文主义的对话中,选择了人文主义乐天知命的精神,从而获得了最终的安宁。

    But at last , in the conversion of Christianity Idea and Humanism , Hamlet chooses the optimistic and hopeful spirit from humanism .

  5. 论基督教与世俗人文主义的思维模式

    On the Thinking Modes of Christianity and Secular Humanism