
  • 网络Basic area;primary area MI;fundamental domain;Basic Domain
  1. 非对称基本区域网格的BUFFON大针问题研究

    Buffon bigger needle problem on lattice with asymmetric fundamental cell

  2. 然而,几何概率中一些问题需要更多的工具,例如:在解决区域格的Buffon投针问题时,需要计算出包含在区域格的基本区域中的针的测度。

    Some problems in geometric probability require more tools other than intersection measures . For instance , solutions to the Buffon needle problem of lattices need to compute the measure of the needle that is contained in a fundamental region of the lattice .

  3. 人们生活的场域可分为哲学和政治两大基本区域。

    The social contexts in which human beings are living can be classified into two categories : political one and philosophical one .

  4. 这样,就使我军打退了蒋介石的进攻,保存了解放区的基本区域,并使自己转入了进攻。

    Thus we were able to beat back Chiang Kai-shek 's offensive , preserve the main territories of the Liberated Areas and go over to the offensive .

  5. 然后实现了交互式的区域生长算法,在对基本区域生长算法的特点进行分析后,提出了一种基于边缘强度的区域生长算法。

    Then the thesis implements the interactive segmentation algorithm by region growing . After analyzing the features of basic region growing algorithm , a new region growing method based on edge strength is proposed .

  6. 我们将看看RUP三个基本的区域:需求管理,迭代开发和测试。

    We will look at just three basic areas of RUP : requirements management , iterative development , and testing .

  7. 核仁的超微结构由纤维中心(FC)、致密纤维组分(DFC)和颗粒组分(GC)三种基本结构区域组成。

    The nucleolus is made up of three basic structure subcompartments : fibrillar centers ( FCs ), dense fibrillar components ( DFCs ), and granular components ( GCs ) .

  8. 县域,是中国分布最为广泛的基本行政区域单元。

    County district is the most extensive administrative unit in China .

  9. 互联电网商业化运行(一)&电能交易的几个基本问题区域间互供电交易下的输电能力及系统的优化运行


  10. 结果从满足五大编制原则角度讲:《标准》的编制基本符合区域的总体发展规划,与国民经济发展水平相适应;

    Results For fit with the establish principles , the standards basically accord with regional total developing planning and local economic developing level ;

  11. 作为我国的基本行政区域经济,县域经济是我国经济发展中相对独立运行的具有综合性和区域性的基本经济单元。

    As administrative regions of Chinese basic economy , county economy is a comprehensive and regional basic economic unit with relatively independent of the run in Chinese economic development .

  12. 规划指出,到2020年,全面提高义务教育阶段的普及水平,基本实现区域内均衡发展,确保适龄儿童、少年接受良好义务教育。

    Planning , 2020 , and comprehensively improve the level of the popularity of compulsory education , the basic realization of the balanced development of the region , to ensure that school-age children and adolescents receive a good compulsory education .

  13. 基本农田保护区域的环境污染及防治对策

    Environmental Pollution and Control Countermeasures of the Basic Farmland Conservation Area

  14. 醴陵陶瓷产业已基本形成了区域产业集群。

    Liling ceramics industry has formed the regional industry cluster effect .

  15. 其基本手段就是区域产业转移。

    One of the main approach in this strategy is regional industry migration .

  16. 我国基本建设投资区域分布的变化

    Regional changes of capital construction investment in China

  17. 基于区域经济学基本假定的区域竞争力形成机制解释

    The Explanation of the Formation of Regional Competence Ability Based on Basic Assumption of Regional Economics

  18. 在母质、气候条件基本一致的区域内,它主要表现为受人类活动的影响。

    In regions with the same parent material and climatic condition soil nutrient mainly affect by human activities .

  19. 张家口市及邻区地震地质基本特征及区域稳定性分析

    The Analysis of the Basic Seismogeological Characteristics and the Reginal Stability of Zhangjiakou City and the Area Nearby

  20. 矿产预测的基本理论&区域成矿学向矿产勘查延伸的理论体系

    The basic theory of ore prognosis : The theoretical system for the extension of regional metallogeny to ore exploration

  21. 南海北部陆缘地震带基本特征及区域稳定性初步分析

    The basic characteristics of seismic belts and preliminary analyses of regional stability in morth continental margin of South China Sea

  22. 该方法先通过方向场确定大致的运动方向,基本定位运动区域。

    The first step of the method was to roughly locate motional region according to the direction obtained from directional field .

  23. 第二章讨论图像和图形处理中的一个基本操作&区域填充,提出了一种改进的区域填充算法。

    Chapter 2 discusses a basic operation of image processing , i.e. region filling . A mended region filling algorithm is introduced .

  24. 唐至五代时期广西饮食文化发展的基本形态和区域个性

    On the Basic Forms and Regional Individuality of Guangxi Catering Cultural Development from the Tang Dynasty to the " Five Dynasties "

  25. 在实践研究中,县域是我国一个基本的行政区域,是国家方针政策的直接落实者。

    In practice , county is a basic unit of administrative region of our country , which fulfils policy of our country directly .

  26. 区域经济协同发展是在依据协同学的基本原理及区域分工理论、系统理论和大协调全息经济运行理论等经典理论基础上提出的一体化运作与共同发展的区域经济发展方式。

    Regional economic synergistic development is based on the classic theory , including the theory of regional division of labour , system theory and macro-coordination economics .

  27. 因此,尽管区域的发展总是不平衡的,但浙江发展的基本走向是区域的不平衡协调发展。

    Thus , despite the regional development is always uneven , but the basic trend of development in Zhejiang Province is the coordinated unbalanced development of regional development .

  28. 该触头设计提供了四个纵向磁通量密度分布(数值上)基本相同的区域,也就是说,给出了四个条件相同的触头区域。

    The contact design provides four areas with nearly the same axial magnetic flux density distribution ( by amount ), i.e. four areas with equal conditions are given .

  29. 本文就基本的两区域互联电力系统联络线偏差控制中的系统累积时间误差和联络线偶然交换功率积累问题进行了分析。

    The problems of system time error accumulations and inadvertent interchange in a basic two area interconnected system with net interchange tie-line bias control are analysed in this paper .

  30. 本文提出了矿山环境调查的基本原则就是区域展开、重点突破、吸取前人成果、结合高新技术;

    The basic principle of the mine environment survey is considered to be regional extension , breakthrough in local area , adopting previous achievements and combining with the advanced technologies .