
  • 网络surface gathered water
  1. 路面积水对行车安全构成隐患。

    Surface water made driving conditions hazardous .

  2. 在日本开车,路面积水喷溅到行人会被罚。

    In Japan , the driver will be fined if the water splashed to the pedestrians .

  3. 路面的积水对驾车者构成危险。

    The surface water made the road treacherous for drivers .

  4. 本文通过深度法提高车辆的识别精度,排除了将路面上的积水和交通标志判断为车辆的错误情况。

    The paper improves the precision of identifying vehicles by " depth-method ", and eliminates the error such as identifying the seeper and traffic-signs of the road with the vehicles .

  5. 路面上是积水,前后左右都是雨帘,许多骑自行车的人都下车躲到商店廊下去避雨。

    With the water covering the roadway and the curtain of rain all around , many pedestrians get off their bikes and come under shop 's corridors to take shelter from rain .

  6. 库区周围无污染源,符合环保要求,路面平整、不积水且无裸露的地面;

    There is no source of pollution around the storehouse , the requirements for environment protection are met , and road surface is flat , without logged water and exposed ground ;

  7. 例如:路面变得凹凸不平,积水,桥头跳车,甚至路面开裂、整个路面发生破坏等现象。因此,在软土路基上修建高速公路,是近年来许多学者研究的一个热点和难点。

    For example : pavement become jagged , causing water , the bridge jumped , and even the whole road damage . Therefore , it is a hot and difficult point to build highways on soft soil foundation for many scholars in recent years .