
  1. 公共汽车停靠在路边上,让一些乘客上车。

    The bus pulled over and picked up some passengers .

  2. 突然,他看到路边上的一家银行。

    Suddenly he saw a bank on the side on the road .

  3. Woman:就在路边上

    Woman : Just that place on the high street .

  4. 路边上有一个个雪堆。

    The road was edged with snow drifts .

  5. 他的铁匠铺离家有70码远,紧靠路边上的一个普通商店。

    His shop was seventy yards down the road , next beyond the general store .

  6. 在加利福尼亚中心一条运河旁的路边上出现了一只海狮。

    A sea lion was spotted this week along a rural roadside in central California .

  7. 乘客们一起动手,总算把汽车推到了路边上。

    Between them the passengers managed to push the bus to the side of the road .

  8. 是在与开向沼地的栅门同一路边上吗?

    ' Were they on the same side of the path as the moor gate ? '

  9. 在北京的路边上有一个中国农民一边整理着晒干了的玉米一边剥着玉米皮。

    A Chinese farmer sweeps up dried cobs and stripped corn on a roadside outside Beijing .

  10. 我家附近的路边上有一块田地,田里有两匹马。

    Just up the road from my home is a field , with two horses in it .

  11. 我知道马里波恩路边上有家不错的炸鱼店老板总给我超大份

    I know a fantastic fish shop just off the Marylebone Road , the owner always gives me extra portions .

  12. 我们开车走啊走啊,最后在路边上看到了一块牌子,上面写着:笨蛋,此路不通。

    We tramped miles and miles and then saw at the roadside a board , which read : Idiot , no thoroughfare .

  13. 最重要的是,我们一定要知道是什么让我们的医院较路边上的其他公共设施具备竞争优势的。

    Most of all we should convent and understand what gives our hospital the competitive advantage of other facility up the road .

  14. 对稻田周围田埂和路边上能寄生褐飞虱的卵寄生蜂群落的动态进行了初步的研究。

    The community dynamics of egg parasitoids that could parasitize the brown planthopper in non rice habitats such as bunds and roadside vegetation were studied .

  15. 网上曝光的照片里有被剥皮后的狗、挂在肉钩上着的狗、还有路边上成堆的狗尸体。

    Pictures posted online show flayed dogs , dogs hanging from meat hooks , and piles of dog corpses on the side of the road .

  16. 因为我到得稍微有点早,就把车子停靠在了母亲单位对面的路边上,等候母亲。

    I got there a little early so I parked the car by the curb , across the street from where she worked , and waited for her .

  17. 在新疆通往喀什贸易中心的北丝绸之路边上,散落着的吐鲁番小镇出产最美味的维吾尔美食。

    Lying on the northern Silk Road en route to the trading hub of Kashgar , the laidback town of Turpan has the best Uyghur food in Xinjiang .

  18. 在乡村的路边上,一个城里人看见一位农民正在把猪弄上树,并且把着猪让它一个一个地吃苹果。

    On a drive in the country , a city slicker noticed a farmer lifting a pig up to an apple tree and holding the pig there as it ate one apple after another .

  19. 当我在博洛尼亚读书时,曾从路边摊上淘到一本MilanoinBocca。因为觉得他会比我更用得着(我永远都不会用到它),我把这本书寄给了他。

    I had Milano in Bocca , picked up from a street vendor when I was a student in Bologna , and , thinking he would use it more than I did ( which was never ), I mailed it to him .

  20. 我和我朋友在路边摊上随便吃了点东西。

    I had a bite with my friend at a food stall .

  21. 和在高速公路路边屏幕上打出信息

    we could be flashing the messages up on freeways ,

  22. 一位孟加拉妇女在达卡将编制的花环摆在路边小摊上。

    A Bangladeshi woman gathers flower garlands on a roadside stall in Dhaka .

  23. 在一所被地震夷为平地的警察局前,路边人行道上摆满尸体。

    A line of bodies filled the sidewalk in front of a large police station that was leveled in the quake .

  24. 突然想起,昨天在路上骑自行车,突然发现这只美丽孔雀傲然站在路边栅栏上。当时我只有手机用来照相。

    It reminded me that yesterday I saw this peacock standing on a fence by the road on my road ride .

  25. 一辆轿式马车在桃树街迎面驶来,思嘉急切地站到路边石上瞧是否认识车上的人,因为皮蒂姑妈的住处离这里还有好几条街呢。

    Up Peachtree came a closed carriage and Scarlett went to the curb eagerly to see if she knew the occupant , for Aunt Pitty 's house was still several blocks away .

  26. 大多数在外面买的预加工食品都会被人们拿到路边小摊上或者是美食广场去让那里的师傅给煮熟了吃,比如去老巴刹或者牛顿食物中心,而不是真正的餐馆里。

    Most prepared food bought outside the home is eaten at hawker centres or food courts , examples of which include Lau Pa Sat and Newton Food Centre , rather than at actual restaurants .

  27. 午饭时分,在荣泰钢铁公司的大门外,来自这家新复产钢铁公司的工人们坐在塑料小凳上,吃着路边摊上卖的热气腾腾的面条,他们很高兴重新回到了工作岗位。

    Outside the gates of Rong Tai Steel , at lunchtime , workers from the newly reopened mills crouch on low plastic stools to gulp lunch from makeshift roadside street vendors selling steaming bowls of noodles , happy to have their jobs back .

  28. 我早就注意到了你的裂缝,我就是利用这一点,在你这侧的路边种上花籽。每天,我们从小溪回来时,你就给它们浇了水。

    That 's because I have always known about your flaw , and I took advantage of it . I planted flower seeds on your side of the path , and every day while we walk back from the stream , you 've watered them .

  29. 他摔倒时额头碰在了路边镶边石上。

    He hit his forehead against the kerb when he fell .

  30. 路边的标牌上写着:严禁停靠!

    The sign by the side of the road said no waiting .