
  • 网络LOOS;Luscious;Theodsius
  1. 至少在理论上,德国央行行长的权力并不比浦路斯央行(bankofcyprus)行长或马耳他央行(bankofmalta)行长的权力更大。

    On paper , at least , the president of the Bundesbank is no more powerful than the governor of the Bank of Cyprus or the Bank of Malta .

  2. 希腊浦路斯银行需要大约23亿欧元的流动资金。

    Greek Cypriot banks need about 2.3 billion in fresh capital .

  3. 约瑟家打发人去窥探伯特利。那城起先名叫路斯。

    When they sent men to spy out Bethel ( formerly called Luz )

  4. 路斯的脸立刻现出愉快之色。

    Ruth 's face brightened up at once .

  5. 在赛浦路斯的三星级饭店住两周的现价是多少?

    What is the go price for two week in a three-star hotel in cyprus ?

  6. 求复数根的路斯法

    Route 's Method for Finding Complex Roots

  7. 二十四小时后,虚弱的乔尼在病房里躺着,贝布·路斯走了进来。

    Twenty-four hours later , as sickly Johnny Sylvester lay in his hospital room , Babe Ruth walked in .

  8. 雅各对约瑟说,全能的神曾在迦南地的路斯向我显现,赐福与我

    And Jacob said unto Joseph , God Almighty appeared unto me at Luz in the land of Canaan , and blessed me

  9. 他就给那地方起名叫伯特利(就是神殿的意思)。但那地方起先名叫路斯。

    And he called the name of that place Bethel : but the name of that city was called Luz at the first .

  10. 建筑师路斯(上)本文以美国鲁玛斯工程公司的统计资料为例介绍了施工工程劳力计算快速估算法。

    The quick calculation methods for labour plan of construction engineering are introduced in this article based on the statistic information of American Lummus Enginering Co.

  11. 那人往赫人之地去,筑了一座城,起名叫路斯。那城到如今还叫这名。

    He then went to the land of the Hittites , where he built a city and called it Luz , which is its name to this day .

  12. 听了乔尼的故事,他说会亲自问问贝布?路斯愿不愿意去看看医院里的这个孩子。

    When the owner heard the story of Johnny sylvester , he said he would personally ask Babe Ruth if he would visit the boy in the hospital .

  13. 于是雅各和一切与他同在的人到了迦南地的路斯,就是伯特利。

    So Jacob came to Luz , which is in the land of Canaan , that is , Bethel , he and all the people that were with him .

  14. 从那里往南接连到路斯,贴近路斯(路斯就是伯特利),又下到亚他绿亚达,靠近下伯和仑南边的山。

    From there it crossed to the south slope of Luz ( that is , Bethel ) and went down to Ataroth Addar on the hill south of Lower Beth Horon .

  15. 从去除装饰问题出发,本文分析了20世纪初维也纳建筑师阿道夫路斯复杂而深刻的建筑理论、建筑实践和文化批判思想。

    From the problem of removal of ornament , this article introduced the complicated and profound architectural theories , architectural practice and cultural critique of Adolf Loos-a great Austrian architect in the beginning of20th century .

  16. 其原因不只是因为赛浦路斯是国民议会投票决定,而非公民投票之外,更当然是因为赛浦路斯是新成员国,并且也没有意愿在欧盟整合事务上扮演重要的角色。

    The reason for that is not only that Cyprus approved the European Constitution by a vote in Parliament and not by referendum , but of course also that Cyprus is a new member state that does not want to play a major role in EU integration .