
  • 网络highway property
  1. 基于GIS的路产视频管理系统研究

    Research of Highway Infrastructure Management System Based on GIS and Video

  2. 介绍一种路产管理系统中简单的GIS查询的实现。

    The realization of simple GIS searching in road property management system is introduced .

  3. 为了提高公路路况管理及路产管理的效率,开发了基于全球定位系统(GPS)的公路视频影像信息系统。

    In order to improve the efficiency of highway condition and asset management , a new highway video image information system based on GPS was developed .

  4. 本文针对数据库的构建、电子地图的配置、GoogleEarth的二次开发、路产路面信息的标注以及交互式查询等问题进行了研究。

    The thesis investigated the construction of database , E-map configuration , secondary development of Google Earth , label of road asset and pavement information and interactive query .

  5. 采用了Visualc++以及Access技术,实现了模块化的公路路产管理系统,阐明了系统各模块的功能及其相互关系。

    This paper introduces how to use the Visual C ~ ( + + ) and Access to develop a Road Property Management System besides , it expounds the functions and relations between all the modules .

  6. 该算法将采集到的GPS信息叠加到遥感影像上,实现了道路区域的提取、采用最小二乘拟合方法得到了车辆GPS轨迹的精准坐标,提高路产设施位置标注的精度。

    The GPS tracking was overlayed on the remote sensing images and realized the road extraction in this method . The exactitude vehicle GPS coordinate was acquired according to the road extraction with Least Squares method . This can improve the precision of the road assets label . 3 .

  7. 基于机器视觉技术的公路路产赔偿管理信息系统

    Management Information Systems of Highway Equipment Compensated Based Machine Vision Technology

  8. 路产影像管理系统里程校正方法研究及实现

    Research and Realization of Method of Mileage Calibration of Road Asset Image Management System

  9. 公路路产管理系统的设计与开发

    Design and development of road property management system

  10. 介绍机器视觉在公路路产赔偿管理中应用的关键技术。

    The main machine vision technologies that are applied for the management information system are introduced .

  11. 解决了网络环境下路产信息多用户访问的网络穿越与访问速度问题。

    The problem of NAT traversal and the speed of multi-user accessing in network environment was solved .

  12. 公路的持续健康发展,离不开公路路产的保护。

    The highway sustained and healthy development of the industry , is inseparable from the protection of the highway production .

  13. 研究与设计基于机器视觉技术的公路路产赔偿管理系统的系统方案和结构方案。

    The system and structure plans are studied and designed on management information system of highway equipment compensated based machine vision in the paper .

  14. 高速公路路政管理工作对于保障公路畅通、维护高速公路的路产路权有重要意义。

    The road affairs management on freeway has an important significance to guaranteeing the open highway and protecting the road properties and road rights .

  15. 因此,如何实现高速公路路产的信息化管理,成为国内外的研究热点。

    Therefore , how to realize the informational management no the maintenance of express way has been a hot research point at home and abroad .

  16. 路产巡视员:对路产造成的损坏,按规定您需要赔偿。这是记录,请您确认后签字。

    According to the rule , you have to pay for the damages . This is the investigation record . Please confirm and sign here .

  17. 辨析路产的法律属性和路产保护的行政主体,找出公路应急事件中路产保护的重点和难点。

    An Analysis of the the road property legal property and road property protection administrative body , identify the focus and difficulty of the highway emergency production protection .

  18. 实践证明:该算法可有效地控制图像帧的里程误差,该系统可有效用于公路路况管理和公路路产管理。

    Practice proves that the algorithm can efficiently control the mileage errors of video frame and this system can be effectively used in road condition and asset management .

  19. 从经济法学的视角分析公路应急事件中路产保护制度,可以从经济法学理论上构建出可行的路产保护方案。

    Analysis of the highway emergency protection from the perspective of the Economic Law from the economic and legal theory to build a viable the road property protection program .

  20. 本文通过具体损害公路路产的案例和情形,分析侵害公路路产行为的归责原则。

    Next , this article by a specific case and the case of damage to highway production , analysis of the principle of imputation against the production behavior of the highway .

  21. 本文着重分析了路产损害民事赔偿主体的认定、民事赔偿的原则以及对损害赔偿标准的界定及民事赔偿可行性研究。

    This article focuses on analysis of the road property damage identification of civil compensation body , the principles of civil compensation and damages standard to define and civil compensation feasibility study .

  22. 本文是在以数码相机为成像设备的条件下,在开发公路路产赔偿管理系统项目过程中,对三维重构中的理论和应用技术进行了深入的研究。

    In the dissertation , theory and application technique of 3D reconstruction are deep studied , based digital camera and in the developing process of management system of the paying for highway road-equipment .

  23. 伴随交通基础设施与交通运输业快速发展,超限运输越演越烈,对国家路产造成了严重的破坏,对行车安全构成了极大威胁,对整个道路运输市场也带来了极为不利影响。

    With the fast development of traffic foundation facilities and transportation industry , overload becomes worse , which destroyed the road seriously , threatened to the safety of travel and influenced the transportation market badly .

  24. 公路因自身所具有的开放性和公益性,容易受到破坏,在各类应急情况中,保护路产的完整性是公路产业可持续发展首要的任务。

    Highway due to the openness and public welfare itself has easily damaged , in all kinds of emergency situations to protect the integrity of the road assets is the the highway industry sustainable development first and foremost task .

  25. 高速公路广告资源,是因高速公路规划、建设后,在高速公路使用中所产生的延伸资源,体现高速公路路产在一定时空范围内产生的附属价值。

    Highway advertisement resources are extending resources . They were produced in the highway use , which comes after highway plan and construction . They manifest highway produces ' attached value which produces in certain space and time scope .

  26. 目前国内的公路路产管理中,公路沿线设施和路面状况都是由人工记录,各个管理部门独立构建和管理,数据采集和维护工作量大、效率非常低下。

    Current civil road management and information are independently collected and processed by different departments and road infrastructure and pavement conditions along the road are recorded by manual , so that data collection and maintenance becomes a very heavy and inefficient work .

  27. 对公路何以遭到如此严重破坏,本文运用经济利益驱动理论通过三种分析途径来进行论证,并得出公路路产损害从根本上说是由传统农业社会向现代经济社会过渡造成的这一结论。

    This conclusion is why the road was so severely damaged , In this paper , three analytical approaches to demonstrate the economic benefits theory , and come to the highway capacity damage fundamentally from a traditional agricultural society to modern economic and social transition caused .

  28. 281例剖宫产导尿后尿路感染与产程的关系

    A study of the connection between urinary tract infection following urethral catheterization and stages of labor in 281 cases of cesarean section