
  • 网络Road and Bridge Construction
  1. 在路桥建设中使用电子图技术的几点体会

    Several Experiences Of Using Electron Map In Road And Bridge Construction

  2. 目前湖南路桥建设集团在项目成本控制方面存在的最主要问题就是控制乏力,实施起来力不从心。

    At present , the most important problem in project cost control of Hunan Road and Bridge Construction Group is that the powerless control makes the implementation powerless .

  3. 建筑或路桥建设工程队在无意中损坏管道仍令人担忧。

    Inadvertent breaches by construction or road-building crews remains a concern .

  4. 路桥建设项目外部效应评价的指标体系设计

    The Design of Indexes System for Externalities Benefit of Road & Bridge Project

  5. 这笔钱用于路桥建设及校舍和教堂改善等工程。

    The money is earmarked for projects ranging from roads and bridges to improvements to schools and churches .

  6. 一些资金正在流向会让经济保持发展势头的路桥建设等大型项目。

    Some of it is going into roads and bridges and other big projects that will keep the economy humming .

  7. 路桥建设“套牢”的市场结构导致收费价格扭曲,现行监管体制、法规和监管政策目标难以实现。

    Fettered by highway and bridge construction , market charges for highways and bridges become unreasonable and the present supervising system , laws and policies fail to work .

  8. 同时希望通过本文对项目成本控制的研究,能为湖南路桥建设集团以及其他企业解决项目成本控制执行力差的问题提供帮助。

    At the same time , I hope that this research on project cost control can help Hunan Road and Bridge Construction Group and other companies to resolve problems of poor executive ability to control project cost .

  9. 结合黑龙江省路桥建设集团三公司实施项目法施工的实践,论述了国有路桥施工企业项目法施工的基本特点,分析了项目法施工中可能存在的问题,提出了解决的方法。

    Combining with the practice of Heilongjiang Road Bridge Building Group Third Company carring item method into execution , this paper discusses its characterastics , analyses some problems maybe exist in construction and gives us some solutions .

  10. 行标《水泥混凝土路面嵌缝密封材料》的制定,为采用统一的标准来检验水泥混凝土路面嵌缝密封材料的产品性能和生产质量,提高路桥建设的质量提供了可靠的保障。

    The standard of Joint Sealing Material of Cement Concrete Pavement , provides reliable assurance for applying uniform standard in examining the product performance and producing quality of the joint sealing material of cement concrete pavement , and improving the construction quality of highway and bridge .

  11. 在结合当前财务分析发展现状和其他企业财务分析的优点下,以路桥建设以前年度财务数据为例,结合一定的案例分析提出路桥建设财务分析方面改进的措施,提出解决方案。

    Under the advantage combining current financial analysis development present condition and other business enterprise financial analysis , with road bridge construction past year finance data for example , combine certain of case analysis put forward road bridge construction financial analysis , improvement of measure , put forward a solution .

  12. 浅谈路桥工程建设监理的控制方法

    Elementary introduction of the control method road and bridge engineering supervision

  13. 文摘:根据我国路桥工程建设项目的管理状况,阐述了通过优化项目决策、加强项目管理、强化项目内部监督机制等主要措施,实现项目效益最大化。

    Abstract : according to the current management situation of highway and bridge construction projects in our country discussion is made on how to realize the project maximum benefit and given the measures .

  14. 可见,加强路桥企业文化建设的意义重大。

    Can be seen to strengthen the road and bridge building of enterprise culture is of great significance .

  15. 架桥机是一种大型机械设备,它广泛地应用于路桥方面的建设工程。

    Bridge erecting machines , a large scale mechanical equipment , are extensively applied on construction projects of highway and bridge .

  16. 随着交通运输业的大规模发展以及路桥工程的大规模建设,桥梁用钢大大增加,质量优化更加重要。

    Recent years , with the huge development of transportation industry and large scale construction of bridge engineering , optimizing the quality of the bridge steel becomes more and more important .

  17. 上个世纪80年代,为缓解公路建设资金的不足,我国开始实行路、桥、隧道建设的贷款修路、收费还贷政策。

    Last century 80 's , in order to alleviate the shortage of the highway constructional funds , China started to practice " loan repair road , charges return loan " policy of the highway , bridge , the tunnel construction .