
  • 网络norm budget
  1. 地方定额预算软件系统的设计与开发

    Design and development of Local Ration Budget Software System

  2. 工程量清单计价的基本内容与定额预算计价的比较

    Comparison of basic contents of bill of quantities ( BOQ ) price with quota budget price

  3. 详细叙述定额预算法、成本测算法、市场价格比较法的内容构成、算法和操作步骤。

    It details the contents , measures and operation procedures for quota budget method , cost measuring method and market price comparison method .

  4. 建筑工程定额与预算教学方法探讨

    Discussion on teaching method of architectural engineering quota and budge

  5. 关于《建筑工程定额与预算》教学内容的改革探讨

    Discussion on Reform of Teaching Content in Construction Engineering Quota and Budget

  6. 生产定额,预算约束等等可以限制变量的变化范围。

    Production quotas , budget constraints , etc. might restrict the variation of the variables .

  7. 在实行工程量清单规范后通过对《建筑工程定额与预算》课程进行了改革和探索。培养适应社会市场需求的人才,是当前专业和课程建设所面临的一个主要课题。

    The probe and reform on the course of Architecture quota and Budget suggested in the article is also a research item in the construction of the course and the specialty .

  8. 基于Delphi的工程定额及概预算管理系统的实现

    Implementation of Project Build Norm and Budgetary Estimate Management System Based on Delphi

  9. 劳动定额在工程预算管理中的重要作用

    Key role of labour ratings in engineering budget management

  10. 现行水利工程定额中人工预算单价的缺陷及改进建议

    Drawbacks of Labor Budget Unit Price and Improvement Suggestions in Present Water Conservancy Project Quota

  11. 作为财务控制基础的财务控制方法体系,是实现财务控制目标的基础和保障,具体而言,应由制度控制、定额控制、预算控制、目标控制、责任控制和内部牵制等方法组成。

    Method system of financial control as the base of financial control is the base and indemnify to bring out the objective of financial control .

  12. 系统介绍了建筑工程定额原理与概预算课程建设的过程。

    The essay systematically introduces the process of the curriculum construction .

  13. 阐述了实行单井概预算招标承包必须完善标准定额,加强概预算管理;

    The principles such as carrying out individual-well budget inviting tender contract must perfect standard quota and strengthen budget management ;

  14. 建筑装饰品,根据国家预算定额结合湖南省预算定额调整,本地市矿产计算。

    Building decoration , according to the national budget norm combining hunan budget ration adjustment , the local municipal mineral calculation .

  15. 本系统主要实现了材料管理、项目管理、定额管理、造价预算管理、报表管理、系统管理等模块,为实现建筑工程项目造价管理实现信息化奠定基础。

    This system is mainly to achieve material management , project management , quota management , cost and budget management , report management , system management module , and lay the foundation for the realization of the cost management of construction projects based on information technology .

  16. 阐述了上海市市政工程排水管道工程组合预算定额的编制方法、组合定额含量的计算、组合定额中项目套用预算定额的规定以及该组合预算定额在实际工程中的应用。

    Its compilation method , calculation , the rule of project budget norm of Shanghai municipal engineering drainage pipe combined budget norm and the application of the norm have been expounded in this paper .