
  • 网络chlorfluazuron;thiamethoxam
  1. 前言:2,3-二氯-5-三氟甲基吡啶是合成农药杀虫剂定虫隆、除草剂吡氟氯禾灵和杀菌剂氟啶胺的关键中间体。

    Abstrat : 2,3-Dichloro-5-trifluoromethylpridine is a key intermediate of synthesis pesticides of insecticide chlorfluazuron , herbicide haloxyfop and bactericide fluazinam .

  2. 增效剂的比例不同,增效的幅度也不同,质量比为5∶1的混配增效作用比3∶1的更明显,增效倍数随小菜蛾对定虫隆抗性水平的提高而增加。

    It also provided that different proportion of synergist had different effect , the effect of 5 ∶ 1 was more significantly than that of 3 ∶ 1.The synergism effect was improved by higher resistant level of diamondback moth to chlorfluazuron .

  3. 小菜蛾对定虫隆(Chlorfluazuron)、Dipel和爱力螨克(Avermectin)敏感;

    The diamondback moth to Chlorfluazuron , Dipel and Avermectin ;

  4. 建立了测定甘蓝中定虫隆残留量的反相高效液相色谱方法。

    A high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) technique was developed for determining residue of chlorfluazuron insecticide in Chinese cabbage .