
dìnɡ xiànɡ fǎn shè
  • orienting reflex
  1. 然而,光泽材质的定向反射、非镜面性使得这项工作变得极具挑战性,尤其是在绘制相互反射效果(inter-reflection)的时候。

    However , the directional , but non-specular , reflections of glossy materials make such task challenging , especially when computing inter-reflections between glossy materials .

  2. 遥感中定向反射特性的使用和测定

    The use and measurement of directional reflectance characteristics in remote sensing

  3. 定向反射管束对辐照均匀性的影响

    The Effect of Directional Reflective Tube Bundles on Irradiance Uniformity

  4. 微正方形角锥棱镜定向反射特性

    Retro - Reflective Properties of a Micro-Square - Prism

  5. 定向反射初始化是犯罪心理测试前谈话的心理机制。

    Initialization of directional reaction is the psychological mechanism of conversation before test .

  6. 相对光谱定向反射比

    Relative spectral directional reflectance

  7. 对支付特别注意(双向反射)定向反射模型的影响森林的贡献。

    The contributions on modelling of the reflectance of forests paid special attention to directional effects ( BRDF ) .

  8. 结果显现指纹清晰,通过与定向反射、暗视场照相方法进行比较,偏振光照相效果明显好于其他光学方法。

    Result To compare with the directional reflection photography and darkfield photography , polarization photography is better than the other methods .

  9. 由于角反射器的定向反射特性,所以被广泛的应用到外场测试中,用来增加系统作用距离和提高精度。

    Retro-reflector is abroad applying in the field test , because of its detection reflection property . It can increase operation distance and precision of system .

  10. 以电磁波折射率具有周期性变化的层状结构来模拟空气中两个相距较远的相干声源干涉形成的中心区域,研究了结构对电磁波定向反射的特性。

    The modulation in the refractive index of electromagnetic waves due to interference of two coherent propagating acoustic waves in the atmosphere is modeled by a periodic layered structure .

  11. 运用定向反射照相法,能加强纹线与背景的亮度差异,消除背景颜色的干扰,取得较好的拍摄效果。

    Taking pictures by means of oriented reflecting method will strengthen the difference be-tween the lines and luminance of the background , dispel the interference of the background colors and make better result of shooting .

  12. 证明了其定向反射特性,并利用几何光学方法解决了全反射条件对入射孔径角的限制,以及单元有效反射面积对定向反射率的影响问题,同时也给出了阵列器件表面反射对定向反射率的影响。

    Its retro reflective properties are demonstrated . By using the method of geometrical optics , the limit of the total reflection to the incidence and the influence of the available reflective area on the retro reflectivity are studied .

  13. 在XeCl准分子激光器中,采用定向棱镜作为端反射镜与平面输出镜构成激光器共振腔,获得了平顶高斯激光束输出,并具有腔镜高抗失调能力,改善了激光束质量。

    A flattened Gaussian beam was obtained in the XeCl excimer lasers with a directional prism cavity , the beam quality was improved , and the ability of anti-disalignment of excimer lasers was increased .

  14. 为了便于比较,也给出了微三角形角锥棱镜阵列定向反射器的单元反射面积。

    For contrast , the properties of the micro-triangle-prism array is given as well .

  15. 天线的入射和反射信号通过定向耦合器分开,反射信号送入功率检测器将接收的散射功率信号变成电压信号,通过A/D采样送入上位机进行成像。

    The input and reflect signals from the antenna is divided by the coupler , and the reflect signal is change to voltage signal by power detector . This voltage signal is collected by A / D and send to computer to imaging .