
dìnɡ yì cí huì
  • defining vocabulary
  1. 它帮助用日常语言定义词汇,与技术实现无关。

    It helps define terms in every-day language , without regard to technical implementation .

  2. 除个别文意另有所指外,用于私人配售备忘录的已定义词汇在本申请表中有相同含义。

    Unless the context otherwise requires , defined terms used in the private placement memorandum shall have the same meaning in this application form .

  3. 因此,许多专业标准化团体或工业组织已采用XML及基于XML的模式语言来定义商业词汇和模型。

    As a result , domain-specific standards bodies and industry initiatives have started to adopt XML and XML-based schema languages to specify both their vocabularies and content models .

  4. 除了已定义的词汇(如,都柏林核心),我们也为朋友之友(Friend-of-a-Friend)和日历信息定义了词汇。

    In addition to the vocabularies we have already defined ( e.g.Dublin Core ), we have one for Friend-of-a-Friend and calendar information .

  5. 定义的词汇表变成了组件之间的契约。

    The vocabulary you define becomes the contract between the components .

  6. 然而,您可以在同义词词典中定义这些词汇,并将这个同义词词典应用到文本索引。

    However , you can define the terms in a synonym dictionary and apply the synonym dictionary to the text index .

  7. 更确切的说,它不是像本体那样严格定义的词汇,而是一种概念化,这种概念化是词汇表中的术语想要抽取出来的。

    Thus , translating the terms in an ontology from one language to another , for example from Czech to English , does not change the ontology conceptually .

  8. 标准化定义和词汇的用法是非常重要的,而且我们可以看到,即使是在日常生活中这也是有必要的,因为在不同的专业中,我们日常所用的词汇可能具有不同的意义。

    Standardizing the definition and usage of a word is important and we see this need even in our daily lives , as everyday words may take on different meaning in different professions .

  9. 您需要这个名称空间来使用OASIS定义的BPEL词汇表。

    You need this namespace in order to use the BPEL vocabulary defined by OASIS .

  10. W3C对其定义的每个词汇表都使用唯一前缀。

    The W3C uses a unique prefix for each vocabulary it defines .

  11. 定义词的词汇记录包含给新的定义的执行语义是包含在名称执行:节。

    Glossary entries for defining words include the execution semantics for the new definition in a name Execution : section .

  12. 示例:使用业务语言的业务规则、负责人、业务定义、审计词汇、词汇表、算法和沿袭

    Examples : business rules , stewardship , business definitions , auditing terminology , glossaries , algorithms , and lineage using business language

  13. 韩礼德和哈桑将其定义为通过词汇选择手段建立的衔接关系,由一定的粘着方式和纽带来实现(Halliday&Hasan,1976:275)。

    Halliday Hasan define it as the cohesive relationship achieved by the selection of vocabulary , which is realized by certain cohesive devices and cohesive ties ( Halliday Hasan , 1976:275 ) .

  14. 本章从认知语言学的角度阐明了名词配价定义,从词汇学的角度说明了名词配价性质是属于语义平面的问题。

    This chapter clarifies the definition of nouns valence from the perspective of cognitive linguistics , and illustrates that the properties of nouns valence belong to the horizontal feature of semantics from the perspective of Lexicology .

  15. 其中的窍门是定义一个XML词汇表(我称之为文本标记语言)来描述文本文档。

    The trick is to define a special XML vocabulary , which I 'll call the text-markup language , to describe text documents .

  16. W3CXMLSchema(WXS)是一种基于语法的XML模式语言,用于定义和限制XML词汇表。

    W3C XML Schema ( WXS ), a grammar-based XML schema language , is used to define and limit XML vocabularies .

  17. 现在XML已经成为定义大量标准和词汇的驱动力量,而正是这些标准和词汇使得我们的软件世界发生根本性变化。

    Nowadays , XML has become the driven strength to define a mass of criterions and glossary . Fundamental changes have happened by these criterions and glossary in software world .

  18. [OASIS委员会规范和ISO草案标准]是一种XML模式语言,即一种可用于定义和限制XML词汇表的语言。

    [ OASIS Committee Specification and ISO Draft Standard ] is an XML schema language , meaning it is a language that can be used to define and limit XML vocabularies .

  19. 定义新类型的词汇空间、值空间和词汇映射。

    Define the lexical space , value space , and lexical mapping of the new type .

  20. 关于本系列中所用的许多术语的定义,请参阅词汇表。

    For definitions of many of the terms used in this series , see the Glossary .

  21. 第二章首先定义了文化负载词汇:它是特定文化范围内的词汇,是民族文化在语言词汇中直接或间接的反映。

    Chapter two defines the culturally-loaded lexemes . They are direct or indirect reflection of national culture in the structure of lexemes .

  22. 这个视图向他展示他的公司如何使用公共术语和定义,以及公共词汇表如何在公司内传播。

    This view shows him how his company is using common terms and definitions , and how the common vocabulary is propagating through the company .

  23. 论文首先对一些与词汇相关的概念,如词汇的定义、词频、词汇知识等进行了界定。

    Some concepts related to vocabulary that may occur in later analysis are clarified , including the definition of vocabulary , frequency of vocabulary and vocabulary knowledge .

  24. 第二部分是利用词汇定义模式,对词汇的释义方式进行分析,归纳总结出在词典释义中同义词出现的模式,进而利用模式匹配方法获取同义词。

    The second method is pattern matching algorithm based on the patterns of dictionary definition , we form some extraction rules by hands , the system then automatic extract synonyms by pattern matching .

  25. 对所有条款都有定义或说明的词汇表,不一定按字母顺序排列。

    A vocabulary , not necessarily in alphabetical order , with definitions or explanations for all terms . For ALGOL , write one for statements , one for declarations and one for expressions .

  26. 为了提取出概念的不同定义中的主要词汇和重要信息,本文从概念的不同定义中通过合并同义词提取出主要的代表性单词,并利用知识图理论建立概念的词图。

    For extract-ing substantive information and words from the various definitions of one concept , this thesis extracts representative words by choosing synonyms and establishes word graph for concepts based on knowledge graph theory .

  27. 第二章阐述了文体分析的各方面,对文体分析下定义,并阐述词汇、句法、语篇各自的文体功能,阐释文体分析与翻译的关系。

    Second , the paper demonstrates basic understandings of stylistic analysis . The definition of stylistic analysis , specific stylistic function of word , syntax and discourse , and the relation between stylistic analysis and translation are elaborated .

  28. 它定义了一种XML语言,可用于定义新类型的词汇表示的正则表达式。

    It defines an XML language for defining regular expressions for the lexical representation of new types .