
  • 网络knowledge modeling
  1. 集成信息CAD系统中的知识建模与数据映射分析

    Knowledge Modeling and Data Mapping for Integrated Information CAD System

  2. 产品设计的知识建模是基于知识的CAD系统核心问题之一。

    Knowledge modeling of product design is one of the essential issues in knowledge based CAD system .

  3. 基于Ontology的电子政务流程知识建模与集成管理

    Ontology-Based e-Government Process Knowledge Modeling and Integration Management

  4. 针对Web环境对领域知识建模的需求,作者提出了适合于Web环境的领域本体建模方法DKOW。

    The primary contributions of this thesis include : With respect to the requirements of domain knowledge modeling on the Web , the author puts forwards a new method for domain ontology modeling , named Domain Knowledge Ontology for Web ( DKOW ) .

  5. 根据本文研究成果构建的漏焊监测和焊缝成形质量检测专家系统在焊接生产实际中的应用,进一步证明了基于RS知识建模方法的有效性和适用性。

    According to research result in this dissertation , expert systems of monitoring for lack of weld and prediction for weld seam quality were constructed , and were applied in practice . Validity and applicability of the knowledge modeling based on rough set was proved in farther .

  6. 是一种很有用的知识建模方法。

    It is a kind of great use method in expertise modeling .

  7. 基于本体的船舶传动装置设计知识建模研究

    Design Knowledge Modeling of the Shipping Transmission Based on Ontology

  8. 面向坦克装甲车辆创新与快速设计的知识建模方法研究

    A Knowledge Modeling Approach of Innovation and Rapid Design for Armored Vehicle

  9. 面向植物群落生长模拟的知识建模研究

    Study of Knowledge Modeling for Plant Community Growth Simulation

  10. 基于工作流的知识建模研究

    Research of knowledge management modeling technology based on workflow

  11. 基于本体论的ITS领域知识建模

    Domain Modeling in ITS System Based on Ontology

  12. 基于时空模糊本体的交通领域知识建模

    Transportation Knowledge Modeling Based on Spatio-temporal Fuzzy Ontology

  13. 棉纺工艺专家系统知识建模及实现

    The Modeling and Realization of Knowledge of Cotton Textile Crafts and Arts Expert System

  14. 虚拟组织中的多角度动态知识建模方法高压直流输电的采样数据动态建模

    Multi-perspective Modeling of Knowledge Dynamics in Virtual Organizations SAMPLING-DATA APPROACH FOR HVDC DYNAMIC MODELING

  15. 制造企业产品知识建模研究

    Study of manufacturing enterprise product knowledge modeling

  16. 面向冲压产品设计的知识建模技术

    Stamping product design-oriented knowledge model-ing technology

  17. 基于模型的知识建模语言

    Model-Based Knowledge Modeling Languages

  18. 知识建模技术是知识工程领域继专家系统之后,知识库系统研究的一个重要研究内容。

    Knowledge modeling is an important research content of knowledge-based systems , following expert systems in knowledge engineering domain .

  19. 通过在飞机钣金工艺领域制造知识建模中的应用说明了该方法的有效性。

    The knowledge modeling method and its effectiveness were exemplified in manufacturing knowledge of aircraft sheet metal forming process domain .

  20. 心映图、主题图和概念图是当前比较流行的可视化知识建模方法。

    Mind map , topic map and concept map are the three most popular ways to carry out visualized knowledge modeling .

  21. 提出了协同产品创新中基于本体理论的客户知识建模方法。分析了客户知识建模的需求,并定义了客户知识建模中的概念。

    Thirdly , method for customer knowledge modeling based on ontology theory is proposed in CPI with definition and requirements analysis .

  22. 介绍了网页可达性原理、一种知识建模方法以及知识模型与网页知识之间的映射机制;

    Web page arrival principles , a knowledge modeling method , and a mapping mechanism between the model and pages were introduced .

  23. 基于本体的故障维修案例知识建模和语义检索方法研究化学试剂数据库设计和检索过程中针对别名的解决方案

    Research on Modeling and Semantic Retrieval of Fault Maintenance Case Knowledge Based on Ontology Special data retrieval solution for alternative name of chemical database

  24. 以知识建模、协同创新、仿真分析、虚拟优化、系统评估、群组决策为内涵的技术体系。

    The technical system taking the knowledge modeling , collaborative creation , simulation analysis , virtual optimization , system evaluation , group decision as connotation .

  25. 详细阐述了模块化产品的知识建模过程,分析了知识的来源、知识的分类,知识的表达方式和面向对象的模块化产品知识模型。

    Expound the knowledge modeling process of modularization products , analysis the source , classification , expression of knowledge and object oriented modularization product knowledge model .

  26. 本文系统描述了基于粗糙集的知识建模流程,从原始数据的处理到最终模型的建立。

    This thesis discusses the systematic steps of the knowledge modeling method based on rough set theory , from raw data processing to the resulted model .

  27. 接着,论述了基于本体的教育领域学科知识建模的理论基础,主要涉及知识组织理论,学习科学理论。

    Then , it dissertates the theoretical basis of educational subject knowledge modeling based on ontology , mainly referring to knowledge organization theory and learning science theory .

  28. 从智能教学系统的知识建模方法入手,用本体建模提供共享概念模型,促进知识库术语描述和实体属性的规范化,建立概念语义空间,提供知识共享和语义互操作;

    This promotes the standardization of entities property and glossary express in KB . Simultaneity , it can offer knowledge share and semantic mutual-operation by establishing a space of semantic concept .

  29. 对智能设计知识建模方法、知识使用方法进行研究,使系统能够在设计信息不完整、不确定的情况下展开设计过程,是本文的主要工作。

    Study on the methods of knowledge model establishing and knowledge processing and on the designing for system under conditions of partial and uncertain design information consist of the main part of this work .

  30. 提出高度模板化的全屏幕知识建模、自动变换、序化维护和牵连推理等算法和技术,实现了知识系统的大型化和高实时性,并在大型实时知识系统应用中取得成功。

    This paper introduces such techniques as highly modularized full-screen knowledge modeling , automatic transformation of knowledge , ordinal maintenance of rule and chain-like inference , achieves the large-scale and real-time of knowledge base .