
  1. IT行业是一个知识密集型、技术密集型的行业,是发展最快的一个行业。

    IT is knowledge-intensive , Technology-intensive , and the fastest growing industry .

  2. 电视剧产业属于文化产业的一个组成部分,是一项集知识密集型与技术密集型为一体的高风险投资活动。

    As an element of the culture industry , TV plays industry is a high-risk investment which characteristic as integrating knowledge-intensive and technology-intensive .

  3. 建筑监理企业作为一种特殊的社会中介机构,它是一种知识密集型、技术密集型和人才密集型企业,它承担特殊的社会职能和责任。

    Construction supervision enterprise is a kind of special social intermediary organization , also a knowledge-intensive , technology-intensive and personnel-intensive enterprise and bears special social responsibilities and functions .

  4. 试论知识密集型企业的技术创新

    Tentatively on Technical Innovations in Knowledge-intensive Type Enterprises

  5. 发展知识技术密集型的技术产业,是提高综合国力的根本途径。

    It is the fundamental way to improve the overall national strength according to developing the knowledge & technology-intensive industries .

  6. 尤其对于知识密集型的信息技术公司而言,智力资本在其成长发展过程中的重要性更加凸显。

    Especially for information technology companies with intensive-knowledge , the importance of intellectual capital is more prominent in their process of growth and development .

  7. 标准竞争的一个显著的特点是赢者通吃,在知识密集型产业、技术密集型产业尤为明显。

    The standard competition is characterized by a significant " winner takes all " . This character is more apparent in the knowledge-intensive industries and technology-intensive industries .

  8. 作为知识密集型的高新技术产业,IT服务业自身的特点使得其在快速发展中面临着众多的风险和挑战,其中战略风险问题非常的突出。

    As a knowledge-intensive industry of high and new technology , the fast developing IT service industry is confronted with a lot of risks and challenge because of its own characteristics , especially the problem of strategic risk .

  9. 在知识经济时代,知识密集型的高技术企业作为知识创新的主体引领着技术进步的潮流,为社会创造着巨大的财富。

    In the era of knowledge economy , high-tech firms with the nature of knowledge-intensity play an active role in knowledge creation , technological development and fortune creation .

  10. 随着知识经济的到来,以知识密集型技术为基础的高新技术企业逐渐成为产业核心,成为推动社会经济可持续发展以及加强国家长期竞争力的助推器。

    With the advent of knowledge economy , high-tech enterprises based on knowledge-intensive technology gradually become the industrial core , for promoting sustainable socio-economic development and " boosters " of strengthening the national long-term competitiveness .

  11. 在知识经济前提下,企业和组织赖以生存和发展的环境发生了极大的改变,这些改变对企业尤其是知识密集型的高新技术企业的适应能力提出了新要求。

    Under the premise of knowledge economy , the environment on which enterprises and organizations rely for survival and development has greatly changed .