
zhǔ yào máo dùn
  • principal contradiction
主要矛盾[zhǔ yào máo dùn]
  1. 抓住了这个主要矛盾,一切问题就迎刃而解了。

    Once this principal contradiction is grasped , all problems can be readily solved .

  2. 当代中国社会主要矛盾的转换及对策

    The Principal Contradiction of the Present Chinese Society and Countermeasures

  3. 这本书仅仅触及而没有深刻揭示封建社会的主要矛盾。

    The book merely touches on the main contradiction of feudal society , it does not go into it deeply .

  4. 阐述了飞机着陆控制中存在的主要矛盾和问题,说明了采用鲁棒控制方法的必要性和可行性,设计了鲁棒稳定的H∞状态反馈控制器。

    The main problems of airplane landing control and solving methods are discussed in this paper . H-infinity robust control for airplane landing is studied .

  5. 分析了CVM与现有的分布式对象结构的主要矛盾,针对这一矛盾,提出了面向CVM的分布式支撑环境的主要技术内涵。

    The main inconsistency between CVM and distributed object technology is analyzed , based on which , the main technical content of CVM oriented distributed supporting environment is proposed .

  6. 本文阐述了制约因素论(TOC)从实践到理论的产生背景、它的系统思维内容及其不断生疑质疑释疑盘旋上升的总体特色和三大具体特色:注重问题意识和抓住主要矛盾进行系统调控;

    This paper investigates the evolving background of TOC from practice to theory , its thinking process ( TP ), the general characteristics and three distinguishing features : focusing on core problems and / or constraints ;

  7. 本论文首先分析了现代企业经营管理模式与外部环境之间的主要矛盾以及现今知识经济时代的主要特征,描述了与BPR(业务流程再造)理论相关的思想和观点,论述了BPR的内涵及其起源。

    First , this paper analyses the main conflict between management mode of modern corporation and environment , and the main characteristic of knowledge economy , describes some thoughts and views that related to BPR , discusses the implication and its origin .

  8. 在外界压力与系统内部间的相互作用下,当前秦岭地区TSESs面临的主要矛盾为:旅游发展加速与环境承载力不足之间的矛盾,区域系统内部发展不平衡间的矛盾。

    The pressure makes the Qinling mountain region TSESs the current main contradictions : the contradiction between tourism development and environmental bearing capacity , regional system internal unbalanced development pattern . That two contradictory together results in the fragility of the ecosystem .

  9. 建国后我国社会主要矛盾的四次转变

    Four Transitions of China ′ s Social Contradictions since the Liberation

  10. 应对高等教育大众化进程的两对主要矛盾

    Two Main Contradictions in the Process of Popularization of Higher Education

  11. 对近代中国社会主要矛盾的再认识

    A new Understanding of the Principal Social Contradiction in Modern China

  12. 正确处理航海类毕业生就业工作中的几个主要矛盾

    Solutions to the Problems in the Employment of Maritime Graduates

  13. 中国经济发展的主要矛盾及宏观经济政策取向

    The Main Contradictions in China 's Economic Development and the Macro-economic Policy

  14. 论准确把握国内主要矛盾的基本经验

    On the Basic Experience in Grasping the Domestic Main Contradictions

  15. 这时就要全力找出它的主要矛盾。

    Then we must devote every effort to finding its principal contradition .

  16. 我国医学文献资源建设的主要矛盾及其对策

    Main contradictions of medical literature resource development in China and their countermeasures

  17. 初级阶段的主要矛盾与腐败现象分析

    Analysis on Principal Contradiction and Corruption of the Primary Stage

  18. 要区分主要矛盾和次要矛盾。

    A distinction should be made between the primary and secondary contradictions .

  19. 这也许是英国政治的主要矛盾之处。

    This is perhaps the central paradox of British politics .

  20. 因此,没有抓住成本分析的主要矛盾。

    Therefore , the cost analysis did not grasp the principal contradiction .

  21. 浅谈烧伤治疗中的主要矛盾

    A Brief Talk on the Principal Contradiction in Burn Treatment

  22. 石油供应安全是我国能源安全的主要矛盾;

    Ensuring oil supply is the key problem in our energy supply security ;

  23. 贵州省人口问题主要矛盾分析

    Analysis of the Main Population Problem of Guizhou Province

  24. 因此,在训练中应当抓住提高速度这一主要矛盾,为运动员攀登世界技术高峰奠定坚实的基础。

    Therefore , it is the key to enhance the speed in training .

  25. 论甘肃大开发进程中的主要矛盾及其对策思路

    On The Main Contradiction And Countermeasures In The Progress Of Gansu 's Development

  26. 城市房屋拆迁的主要矛盾及其解决途径

    The main contradiction of urban house breaking and removing and its resolving methods

  27. 煤炭经济的主要矛盾及对策思考

    Thinking of Main Contradiction and Countermeasure of Coal Economy

  28. 论中国文化安全问题的主要矛盾

    The Main Contradiction of Culture Security Issues In China

  29. 大庆西部外围油田地面工程主要矛盾及对策

    The Main Contradiction and Countermeasures of the Surface Engineering of West Daqing Peripheral Oilfield

  30. 认清中国社会的主要矛盾

    Identifying the major conflict of the Chinese society