
  • 网络substantially the same;substantially identical
  1. 结果在LN、CollⅣ、FN分布上,粘液型BAC与癌旁肺实质相同,为在基底膜水平呈完整连续单层窄线性染色;

    Results LN , Coll IV and FN in the basement membrane were stained as uninterrupted narrow line in the mucinous BAC and the pulmonary parenchyma adjacent to the carcinoma .

  2. 形式不同实质相同的两件事。

    Two things that differ formally but are alike materially .

  3. “资”与“课”名虽异而实质相同。

    Zi and Ke , though different in names , share the substance .

  4. “理据性”与“相对任意性”实质相同,并未超出索绪尔的理论范畴。

    " Motivation " is in essence the same as the " relative arbitrariness " . It does not go beyond the theoretical category of Saussure .

  5. 二者尽管分类的角度不同,但实质相同,二者相互渗透统一,共同构成党的执政基础。

    With the different classification but the same The studying of the ruling foundation of the CPC essence , the said two aspects are infiltrate into each other and unify with each other , and form the ruling foundation together .

  6. 分析了两种对朴素Bayes算法进行改进的方法,指出这两种方法的实质是相同的,采用改进的Bayes算法,降低误判的风险。

    This paper analyze two ways to improve the Bayes algorithms , and pointe out that the essentials of these two ways are same , so this paper adopt the improved Bayes algorithm to reduce the risk of false judgement .

  7. 用实质上相同的论证,我们可以证明下面关于鸽巢原理更一般的结论。

    Using essentially the same argument , we can prove the following more general statement of the pigeonhole principle .

  8. 在我们的示例中,界面的差异很大,但所代表的操作和业务流程则实质上相同。

    In our case , the interfaces varied widely , but the operations and business processes represented were substantially the same .

  9. 土地使用权标准和容积率标准实质上相同,二者均具备可行性。

    The former two standards are the substantially same , and they are both feasible . The standard of volume fraction is the evolution of the land tenure .

  10. 美国法及德国法以不同的概念体系,建构了实质上相同的保护机制,以法院造法的方式,完成改造人格权法性质及结构的工程。

    American law and German law the concept of different systems constructed substantially the same protection mechanism , the way the court made law , the nature and structure of the personality right to complete the transformation project .

  11. 两大政策的目标与实质基本相同,其宗旨均为向外侵略扩张,称雄于东北亚,因而在实施过程中给中国、朝鲜乃至整个亚洲带来深重灾难。

    The goal and substance of these two policies is same , that was to invade and expand toward outside and to build the giant power in the Northeast Asia , which brought deep and great disaster in China , Korea and the whole Asia .

  12. 用辩论的术语来说,逻各斯与圣父的实质是不相同的。

    In the technical language of the debate the " Logos " was not of the same substance as the Father .

  13. 本文对区域市场营销与企业市场营销进行了比较分析,指出二者在营销实质上是相同的,但在具体操作中既有联系又有区别。

    By comparatively analyzing the regional marketing and the enterprise marketing , this article points out that they are same in terms of substance , while there are both connections and differences in material operation . 3 .

  14. 预设的投射实质上是由相同语言形式在不同话语中体现不同信息而引起的;

    Presupposition projection problem is accounted for the fact that same language forms may play different roles in different utterances .

  15. 现代审级制度在实质上体现着相同的原理或相似的功能配置方式,即大体均为三审终审的金字塔型审判系统,且三级法院分别由初审法院、上诉法院、最高法院构成。

    The modern level system , in fact , demonstrates same principles or similar ways to configuring functions , i.e.it takes the form of pyramidal criminal justice system , and the three-level courts consist of court of first instance , court of appeal and the supreme court .