
  • 网络practical style
  1. 广告英语作为一种实用文体具有其独特的文体特点和显而易见的目的。

    As a practical style , advertising English has its unique stylistic characteristics and obvious aims .

  2. 商务英语已经逐渐发展成为了一个重要的实用文体,具备自己独特的语言风格。

    Business English has gradually developed into an important practical style , have their own unique style of language .

  3. ESP理论视角下的实用文体翻译教学

    The Teaching of Translation of Practical Writing from the Perspective of ESP

  4. 而化妆品属于一种实用文体,有很强的目的性和功能性。

    As a practical text , cosmetics have purposes and functions .

  5. 广告翻译是一种实用文体翻译。

    Advertisement translation is a kind of business style translation .

  6. 由于广告所具有的特殊功能,广告语言作为一种实用文体,在词汇,句法,修辞等方面都有独特的特点。

    Owing to its special functions , advertising language has its unique characteristics .

  7. 广告文体是一种具有很高商业价值的实用文体。

    The form of ad is a practical literary form which of high commerical value .

  8. 因此,可以说功能目的论对实用文体的翻译有直接的指导作用。

    Therefore , " Skopostheory " can be regarded as a direct guide for practical translation .

  9. 实用文体翻译过程中的语用分析

    Pragmatic Aspects in Translating Practical Writings

  10. 作为最常见的实用文体之一,新闻文体的翻译也一跃成为研究的热点。

    As the most common functional writing , the news translation has become the research hotspot .

  11. 公文是一种实用文体,公文语体具有自身独特的程式性特征。

    Official Document is a kind of practical writing , while its forms and formulas are distinctive .

  12. 论实用文体翻译特点

    On Pragmatic Text Translation

  13. 在文体教学中,中国重文学文体的教学而美国重实用文体的学习;

    In stylistic teaching , concentration is given on the literary style in China while practical style in America ;

  14. 美国总统就职演说影响广泛,意义重大,是一种独特而重要的实用文体。

    American presidential inaugural address ( shorted as PIA ) is a very important variety with worldwide influence and long-lasting significance .

  15. 英语新闻作为一种特殊实用文体,从版面编排、语言词汇、标题等方面,都有其独特的风格和特点。

    As a unique practical type of writing , English news has its own style and features in layout , vocabulary and titles .

  16. 然而,目前的研究多数都侧重于书面话语的研究,尤其是一些实用文体,如教科书,学术论文等等。政治类演说,兼有口语与书面语的特点,却一直鲜有涉及。

    However , most of the studies focused mostly on written discourses , especially on practical genres such as school texts and academic articles .

  17. 因为广告文体是一种具有极高商业价值的实用文体,它的最终目的和主要功能就是要使消费者接受它所宣传的商品或服务。

    Reason being , advertisement is of a very practical type of writing with high commercial value . Its ultimate purpose is to promote sales .

  18. 第三章和第四章分别讨论了运用会话含义理论的有关原则对实用文体进行翻译,包括合作原则和礼貌原则。

    Chapter 3 and chapter 4 are concerned with the pragmatic translation of PW via applying some principles in conversational implicature , including cooperation and politeness .

  19. 报刊英语是现代英语常用的实用文体之一,具有大众性、趣味性和精炼性的特点。

    As a practical style of modern English , The English for Newspapers and Magazines ( ENM ) is featured with popularity , enjoyment and refinement .

  20. 法律英语是英语的一个特殊语域,具有区别于文学语言和其他实用文体的显著特点。

    Legal English is a special register of English . It has the distinctive features which distinguish from the literary language , and other practical styles .

  21. 英语广播广告是一种有内涵的实用文体,其形式、语言、内容必须要引人注意,通俗易懂。

    English broadcasting advertising is a kind of applied style with connotation , its form , language and content must be attractive , interesting , memorable and persuasive .

  22. 在研究范畴上,木文则以人际功能为唯一选点,因为作为一种特殊的实用文体,广告语篇就是力图创造一个供需双方交流的人际平台。

    The only research category is interpersonal function because as a special practical style , the ad text aims at creating a communication platform for both parties of supply and demand .

  23. 高职高专英语阅读教学基本目标是:加强对应用文等实用文体阅读能力的培养,满足一线工作的业务人员实际的涉外交际需要。

    The basic objective of college English reading teaching is to enhance students ' reading abilities of understanding practical writings to meet their actual future needs of front-line operational work in their foreign-related communication .

  24. 准许简体中文成为正式公文将会使中文退化。公文是一种实用文体,公文语体具有自身独特的程式性特征。

    By allowing it to become the official writing , the Chinese language would be in regression . Official Document is a kind of practical writing , while its forms and formulas are distinctive .

  25. 在文体研究领域,就研究对象和研究范围的取向而言,有相当明显的重视文艺文体而轻视实用文体的偏差。

    In the studying field of style , concerning the choice of object and range , there obviously is a kind of partiality that giving priority to the literary style but looking down on the practical style .

  26. 实用文体与文学文体在文体特征、思维方式、社会功用、主旨内涵、写作主体与受体等方面既有差异性又有交融性,对此进行研究,可以揭示文体演变的一些规律。

    There are differences and similarities between applied literary form and literature literary form in their characteristics , the way of thinking , social function , main idea , the subject and object of writing , and so on .

  27. 之所以选用中文房地产广告作为研究对象,是因为前景化理论这样西方文体学理论较少用来分析中文广告这种实用文体。

    The reason why the author chooses Chinese real estate advertisements as the research object is that foregrounding theory is a classical Western stylistic theory , and it is less frequently used in the study of practical writings like Chinese adverting .

  28. 新闻英语适用于报刊、广播、电视、网络等形式的新闻报道,是现代英语中常见的实用文体之一,同时也是规范英语语言的标准之一。

    Journalistic English , which is applied to the news reports on journals , broadcast , TV and internet , is one of widely used styles in modern English and is one of the standards of regulating English language as well .

  29. 哀祭类文体是几种实用性文体的合称。

    The mourning style of writing is a collective designation of several sorts of practical style of writing .

  30. 由此,记体文终于完成了从刻石为主的实用性文体到文学性文体的转变。

    Thereby , narrative prose finally transformed from a practical style which was carved on stone to a literary style .