
  1. 基于互联网的3D复杂场景渲染算法研究

    Research of algorithms of complex web-based 3D scene rendering

  2. 雾化渲染技术是3D实时图形渲染技术重要分支之一,也是高级3D场景渲染特效的支撑技术。

    Fog rendering technique is one of the very important branches of real-time graphics rendering technique and supportable technique of advanced 3D scene rendering special effect .

  3. 基于Vega的实时场景渲染技术研究

    Study on Real-time Control Technology of Scene in Vega

  4. 在场景渲染中,定义了场景描述文件,收集3D模型,提出模型预处理步骤和方法,参照全文检索原理,提出获取属性信息的属性匹配度算法,并在场景组织中提出路径规划的方法。

    In the phrase of rendering scene , this research defines the scene description file , collects 3D models , proposes the method of preprocessing models , the property matching algorithm according to the principle of full text retrieval , the algorithm of path planning in rendering scene .

  5. 第三部分给出了MRRS系统结构并详细分析了MRRS中文本渲染和场景渲染优化技术;

    Part III showed the system structure of MRRS and analyzed the techniques of text rendering and rendering optimization in details .

  6. 本论文研究的目的是设计和实现一个实验性的微型实时三维渲染系统MRRS(MiniReal-timeRenderingSystem),该系统实现的文本渲染和场景渲染优化技术,已成功应用于珠江新城数字城市项目之中。

    The purpose of the thesis is to design and implement a mini 3d rendering system named MRRS ( Mini Real-time Rendering System ) for experiment , the techniques of rendering optimization and text rendering in MRRS are applied in the digital city project of ZhuJiang new city successfully .

  7. 讨论了网络虚拟GIS中地物建模的相关问题,基于LOD思想,设计了一种多分辨率的建筑物表达方法。该方法能够在不影响显示效果的同时大大降低网络数据传输与场景渲染的压力。

    The issues related to ground object modeling in Web-oriented Virtual GIS are discussed . A multi-resolution approach of building expression on the basis of LOD is carried out , which can reduce the pressure of network data transmission and scene rendering without affecting display effects . 4 .

  8. VPES包含四个模块:场景渲染、虚拟实体模型、作用力模块以及碰撞检测与反应的处理模块。

    VPES consists of four basic functional components : the scene rendering module , the virtual entity constructing module , the force interaction module and the collision detection and response module .

  9. 在相机完成场景渲染之后被调用。

    OnPostRender is called after a camera finished rendering the scene .

  10. 现在我要为整个场景渲染出阴影。

    So now we want to render out out shadows for the whole sequence .

  11. 本文首先简要介绍了大规模场景渲染的问题和要求,以及用于加速大规模场景渲染的各种方法。

    In this paper the problems and requirements of rendering large scenes are presented first .

  12. 基于水墨艺术作品的三维场景渲染技术

    Chinese Ink-Wash Painting-based 3D Scene Rendering

  13. 分布式多交互虚拟场景渲染的协同控制

    Research about cooperative control of scene rendering for distributed virtual reality system with real-time synchronization multi-interaction

  14. 实验表明,在动态光照条件下,该方法在增强对象真实感的同时,能够获得较为理想的场景渲染实时性。

    The arithmetic performance is analyzed , and scene realistic and real-time rendering with dynamic light are obtained by successive experiments .

  15. 受飞行速度影响,此时要求地形场景渲染实时性高,但细节程度要求不高。

    Affected by the flight speed , it is required that the terrain rendering is real-time and the terrain details are less .

  16. 场景渲染效果的实时性较高,满足一定交互操作处理能力,图形绘制帧率高,而且真实感也很好。

    The simulation scene had a good real-time , a certain interaction capacity , a high rendering frame rate and good realistic .

  17. 舞台及其设备,是为戏曲、歌舞、演出等提供表演场所和现场场景渲染的综合性设施。

    Stage and its equipment are the kind of comprehensive facilities that offer scene and venues for opera , dance , performances .

  18. 遮挡裁剪和应用层次细节模型是两种有效的三维复杂场景渲染加速算法。

    Occlusion culling and LOD ( Level of Details ) both are effective techniques in accelerating the rendering process of 3D large scene .

  19. 重点讨论了三维引擎总体结构框架设计、引擎内部模型数据管理、三维场景渲染、随机地形生成的算法、弹道仿真等技术的应用。

    Special attention is given to the design of 3D engine , rendering of 3D scene , the algorithm of generating random fractal terrain , application of trajectory simulation .

  20. 为了解决该问题,本文将自然景观的模拟过程分步骤完成:植物建模、地形建模、植株分布和场景渲染。

    In this paper , an efficient interactive system is devised for solving this problem and the process of scenes synthesis is decomposed into steps : modeling the individual plants , modeling the terrain , specification the plants distribution , and rendering the landscape .

  21. 二是数据在内存的绘制阶段,在场景渲染之前,通过多边形简化、多分辨率模型等技术对内存中的地形数据进行合理的简化,来达到有效减少三角形绘制数目的目的。

    The other is that in the stage of data being rendered in memory , the rendering triangles ' number is reduced before scene being rendered , by the ways of reasonable simplification of the data in memory using the technology of polygon simplification and multi-resolution model .

  22. 在大型的3D网络游戏中,室外场景的渲染占据重要的地位。

    In the massively multiplayer online 3D game , the rendering for outdoor scene is very important .

  23. 以此为依据并结合模型的表面特征指导三维场景的渲染过程,完成从特定水墨作品到3D场景的艺术风格再现。

    The extracted feature information and surface feature of the 3D model are both used to guide the rendering process . By this way , the artistic style transferring from specific artwork to a 3D scene is accomplished successfully .

  24. 本文针对数字校园建设的需求,应用VC和OpenGL开发工具,设计和开发了一个室外场景实时渲染系统,并以北京师范大学珠海分校为例建立了系统原型。

    In this paper , we design and develop an outdoor scenery real-time rendering system by using VC and OpenGL . A prototype system is established via a case study of Zhuhai Campus of Beijing Normal University .

  25. 利用OSG进行场景的渲染,利用ODE进行碰撞检测,从模型中提取几何信息来建立ODE的碰撞几何体。

    The system used OSG for rending and ODE for collision detection , and build ODE collision geometry through the geometric information extracted from the geometry model .

  26. 本文结合GPU的特点,从室外场景地形渲染、室外场景物体管理和室外场景的光影仿真这三个方面来研究室外场景的渲染技术。

    In this paper , combined the characteristics of GPU , the main study was focused on the terrain rendering of outdoor scenes , the management of the outdoor scene objects and the simulation of light and shadow . 1 .

  27. 继而针对稀疏矩阵所代表的点滴流形状的流体,应用C++语言编写的Maya插件,对两相流流体进行实时仿真,最后对所建立的整个场景进行渲染并输出动画。

    Four , the Maya plug-in unit composed by C + + language is applied to stimulate the two phase flow in real-time in accordance with the fluid represented by the sparse matrix . Finally , the whole scene is embellished and the animation is output .

  28. 大规模场景实时渲染若干技术问题研究

    Study on Some Technical Problems in Real-time Rendering of Large-scale Scenes

  29. 三维地形场景实时渲染技术相关算法的研究与改进

    Research and Improvement of the Algorithms for Real-time Terrain Rendering

  30. 系统侧重于三维地形的表示和真实感场景的渲染。

    The system emphasizes on rendering of 3-D terrain and reality scene rendering .