
chǎng jǐng
  • scene;take;conditions;circumstances;spectacle;mise en scene
场景 [chǎng jǐng]
  • (1) [scene;spectacle]∶电影、戏剧中的场面

  • (2) [conditions;circumstances]∶情景

  • 显然,刚才的场景他都看到了

场景[chǎng jǐng]
  1. 摄影师用摄像机为后代记录下了这个场景。

    A photographer recorded the scene on video for posterity

  2. 这是一派天伦之乐的场景。

    It was a scene of such domestic bliss .

  3. 昨天晚上,警方演出了再现事故经过的场景。

    Last night police staged a reconstruction of the incident .

  4. 这部电影使人们回忆起战争的可怕场景。

    The film evokes chilling reminders of the war .

  5. 为了更加逼真,舞台上铺满了沙子作为沙漠的场景。

    To add verisimilitude , the stage is covered with sand for the desert scenes .

  6. 他的最新影片只不过是老一套——异国的场景、追车场面,以及最后的一场枪战。

    His latest movie is just more of the same ─ exotic locations , car chases and a final shoot-out .

  7. 他那些快节奏的小说里充满了怪诞的场景和荒唐的行为。

    His fast-paced novels are full of bizarre situations and madcap antics .

  8. 我发现这个园丁——家里一个服侍多年的仆人,愁眉苦脸地审视着这个场景。

    I found the gardener , a family retainer , morosely surveying the scene .

  9. 他们欣赏着耶稣降生的场景造型。

    They admired the tableau of the Nativity .

  10. 克尔夫人受惊过度,不堪再参与自己所受折磨的场景重现。

    Mrs Kerr was too upset to take part in a reconstruction of her ordeal .

  11. 在这一场景中浓浓的黑烟滚滚升起。

    Thick black smoke billowed over the scene

  12. 该场景具有丰富的象征意义,任何解释都可能破坏其效果。

    The scene is so rich in symbolism that any explanation risks spoiling the effect .

  13. 他让带子快进,跳过爆炸场景。

    He fast-forwarded the tape past the explosion

  14. 观众想要多一些音乐,少一些表演,所以我们删掉了一些场景。

    The audience wants more music and less drama , so we 've cut some scenes .

  15. 他在雷克斯逐步陷入绝望和劫持者与他家人一起的场景之间相交切。

    He intercuts scenes of Rex getting more and more desperate with scenes of the abductor with his family .

  16. 想象一个熟悉的场景。

    Think about this familiar scene .

  17. 读到故事结尾,我的脑海里一直浮现着最后的大团圆场景,直到想象中的我和我丢失的狗一起奔跑起来。

    At the end of the story , my mind continued the final scene of reunion , on and on , until my own lost dog and I were , in my mind , running together .

  18. 站长甚至让火车延时发车,虽然这样让乘客抱怨连连,但莫奈能完成他的场景绘画了。

    The station master even kept trains from leaving on time so Monet could compete a scene even though passengers complained .

  19. 如果你有幸看到大桥两臂高举在空中,你将永远不会忘记这幅场景。

    If you are lucky enough to see the bridge with its two arms open high in the air , you will never forget it .

  20. 这一切都值得吗?莫奈那副火车场景的绘画令他的事业走向成功,而火车站站长的站台也因此声名远扬,直至今日。

    Was it all worthwhile ? Monet 's train scenes turned his career into a success and for the station master , made his train station famous until even now .

  21. 这艘拖船又小又黑,还冒出许多烟来,但十分坚固,因为它还拖着一艘大得多的船。这幅画展现了一个真实的场景。

    The tugboat is small and dark and it 's making a lot of smoke , but it 's very strong , because it 's pulling the much bigger ship The painting shows a real event .

  22. 场景1(背景是示巴女王宫殿中的一个房间。女王坐在房间一端的一把椅子上。萨拉站在椅子的一侧。阿姆兰正在向女王展示一些丝绸。)

    Scene 1 ( The setting is a room in the palace of the Queen of Sheba . The Queen sits at one end of the room on a chair . Zahrah stands on one side of the chair . Amram is showing some silks to the Queen .)

  23. 具体情况不同,“替身”的说法也不同,危险或复杂场景的替身叫做stuntdouble(特技替身)。

    The term is most commonly used in the context of head-to-toe ( or nearly ) shots involving nudity . More specific terms are often used in special cases ; a stunt adjustments .

  24. LONDON1908Medal伦敦奥运会奖牌奖牌正面描绘的是两位女性为一名年轻的奥运冠军佩戴月桂花环的场景。正中下方刻有“1908年伦敦奥运会”字样。

    On the obverse , two female figures placing a laurel crown on the head of a young victorious athlete , with , in the bottom half , the inscription " OLYMPIC GAMES LONDON 1908 " .

  25. 3D和AR等现代电子技术的运用让虚拟场景和真实舞台结合,配上演员们俏皮的舞蹈动作以及一些国宝的展示,让整个节目得以精彩呈现。

    Modern digital technology such as 3D and AR are used to produce a combination of virtual scene with real stage , along with nifty dance moves of actresses and demonstration of national treasures , have all made the show impressive .

  26. 这幕场景后来逐渐演化为象征胜利的普通象形文字

    This symbol later evolved into a common hieroglyphic symbolizing victory .

  27. 这是对场景没有想象力的一个描述。

    It was a prosaic description of the scene .

  28. 一些动作场景中,特技演员代替主演。

    The stuntman will double for the main actor during the action scenes .

  29. 以上描述的这些场景你觉得熟悉吗?

    Does any of this sound familiar to you ?

  30. 与其说他作了一个前后连贯的分析,倒不如说他描绘了一系列出色的场景

    He developed less a coherent analysis than a series of brilliant tableaux .